
Terms containing 工 程 承包商 | all forms | in specified order only
econ., construct.专业工程承包商联合委员会committee of associations of specialist engineering contractors
tech.中国对外承包工程商会China International Contractors Association
comp.name.中国江苏国际经济技术合作公司附录4中国国内主要对外工程承包商China Jiangsu International Economic Technical Cooperation Corporation
commer.交钥匙工程承包商turnkey contractor
tech.公共工程承包商public works contractor
tech.十木工程承包商联合会Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors (英国)
logist.国际工程承包商project contractor
logist.国际工程承包商international contractor
earth.sc.国际水下工程承包商公司International Underwater Contractors Inc.
oil, transp.国际管道工程承包商协会Pipe Line Contractors Association, International
dril.美国国际钻井承包商协会-石油工程师协会International Association of Drilling Contractors/Society of Petroleum Engineers
proj.manag.土 木工程承包商联合会the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
textile土木工程承包商civil engineering contractor
tech.土木工程承包商联合会The Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
econ.如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work
avia.子承包商工程审查subcontractor engineer review
eng.geol.香港工务工程专业承包商specialist contractors for public works
construct.工程和承包商的设备 的保险insurance for works and contractor’s equipment
econ.工程师可以合理地要求承包商准备一份施工计划The engineer may reasonably ask the contractor to prepare a program of work
econ.工程师将尽力维护业主的利益,使其不受承包商给工程造成的损失An engineer shall manage to guard the owner against loss or damage to the work of the contractor
commer.工程承包商engineering contractor
textile工程承包商project contractor
archit.工程承包商construction contractor
tech.工程承包商building contractor
tech.市政工程承包商public works contractor
tech.工程承包商general engineering contractor
space承包商工程技术服务con tractor engineering and technical service
avia.承包商工程技术服务contractor engineering and technical service
econ.承包商应将损坏或损毁的工程加以重建或修理The contractor shall reconstruct of repair damaged or destroyed work
econ.承包商必须负责设计、工程、采购、建造等等的工作The contractor must be responsible for the design, engineering, procurement n., construction and so on
econ.承包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing
econ.政府工程承包商government contractor
earth.sc.水下工程承包商协会Association of Underwater ContractorsUK
earth.sc.水资源工程承包商公司菲律宾Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation Philippines
construct.由一承包商完全包办的工程turnkey job
dril.美国石油工程师协会与国际钻井承包商协会Society of Petroleum Engineers/International Association of Drilling Contractors
oil, transp.美国管道工程承包商协会Pipeline Contractors5 Association
expl.给承包商提供该工程的详细资料The contactor is primed with detailed data about the project
econ.该公司将委托承包商建造此项目工程Contractors will be entrusted by the corporation with the building of the project