
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一线作人员front-line worker
上游upstream work
不发资的特别假期special leave without pay
不带家属作地点non-family duty station
业务operations service
个人作计划目标individual work plan objective
临时casual labour
临时秘书作协助temporary secretarial assistance
临时秘书处性作协助temporary secretarial assistance
交钥匙turnkey plus project
令人不尽满意的作表现unsatisfactory service
先行prerequisite activity
全组织职发展和培训计划corporate staff development and training programme
兼职part-time work
决策decision engineering
决策支持decision support tools
net remuneration
net salary
协作co-operation based on division of labour
办事员clerical post
办事员clerical job
办公室作计划office work plan
路线单route sheets
半日作人员part-time personnel
单位结果的作计划unit result work plan
单身职工资single rate salary
发全额资的特别假期special leave with full pay
业社会postindustrial society
后台行政和业务处理back-office administrative and processing activities
个人绩效staff performance
参与employee involvement
和管理层的关系staff-management relations
和管理层的关系management-staff relations
回国repatriation of employees
多方评分人multirater for staff members
帮助计划employee assistance programs
手册employee handbook
授权employee empowerment
的本地化localization of employees
租借employee leasing
类型employee categories
结构staffing structure
自我评价staff auto-evaluation
自我评价staff self-appraisal
行为规范employee code of conduct
转包employee subcontracting
受伤service-incurred injury
国家作组country task force
国家规划country planning mission
国际招聘作人员internationally-recruited staff
地区差价locality based pay
基准作说明benchmark job description
基本作周base workweek
基本资率basic salary rate
基本员core staff
基础业基金key industries fund
外籍作人员的配偶spouse of expatriate staff member
外籍作人员的配偶expatriate spouse
多方捐助者作组multidonor mission
多项初始multiple beginning activities
开物Tiangong kaiwue (exploitation of the works of nature)
安排多项程时的资源分配resource allocation of multi-project scheduling
概率曲线probability completion curve
完全丧失作能力total disablement
实地作组field mission
实地作组津贴field mission allowance
实地作者field worker
实得take-home pay
审计作绩效performance of audit work
作人员按日计算的承付款一般服务人员daily paid staff commitment General Service
对口作人员counterpart staff
对口作人员counterpart personnel
对应matching salaries
对筹备作的支助preparatory assistance
业国industrial countries
业用品或生产用品industrial or producer's goods
业销售值value shipment
service-incurred injury
伤补助compensation for injury
作业绩work performance
作业绩job performance
作业绩协定agreement for performance of work
作业绩协定performance contract
作之间的比较job-to-job comparison
作人员staff members
作人员借调secondment inter-agency
作人员借调secondment of staff member
作人员更替和填补延迟调整数adjustment for staff turnover and delays
作人员每日费用率daily rate staff expenditure
作人员表现评级ratings of the performance of staff
作会议working session
作保留job retention
作保证job security
作分担job sharing
作分类制度job classification system
作分类标准job classification standards
作分解job splitting
作匹配job matching
作区working space
作午餐working lunch
作及预算计划调整adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget
作合同管理management of works contract
作地点work station
作地点差价调整制度post adjustment system
作地点差价调整指数PA index
作地点差价调整指数post adjustment index
作地点差价调整数冻结post adjustment freeze
作地点差价调整数分类post adjustment classification
作地点差价调整数点数points of post adjustment
作地点差价调整数的加权平均数weighted average of post adjustment
作地点差价调整数的统一consolidation of post adjustment
作地点差价调整数类别post adjustment class
作地点差价调整表post adjustment tables
作地点生活条件报告post report
作地点类别classification of duty stations
作奖励performance award
作完成状况与工作计划比较comparison of work performed to work planned
作定义job design
作扩大化job enlargement
作机会job opportunities
作比较job matching
作消耗post attrition
作消耗job attrition
作环境work environment
作/生活政策work/life policy
作生活质量quality of working life
作的稳定性job security
作相一致job matched
作空间working space
作系族job family
作组task force
作组人员service with a mission
作组会议working groups session
作组合work package
作经验job experience
作结束后津贴end-of-service grant
作结束后津贴end-of-service allowance
作自然损耗post attrition
作自然损耗job attrition
作衡量研究work measurement survey
作衡量研究work measurement study
作衡量调查work measurement survey
作衡量调查work measurement study
作表现work performance
作表现job performance
作表现欠佳unsatisfactory service
作表现评价报告performance evaluation report
作规划work planning
作规划模块work planning module
作规划步骤work planning step
作规划组件work planning module
作计划business plan
作计划business proposal
作计划business project
作计划work plan
作计划协议work plan agreement
作计划和预算Programme of Work and Budget
作计划和预算概要Summary PWB
作计划和预算概要Summary Programme of Work and Budget
作计划和预算要点》Outline Programme of Work and Budget
作计划目标work plan objective
作计划目标评估work plan objective appraisal
Oracle作记录assignment record
作记录assignment record
作记录Oracle assignment record
Oracle作记录Oracle assignment record
作许可work permit
作设计job design
作评价报告service evaluation report
作评定staff evaluation
作语言working language
作说明post description
作说明job description
作调动旅行transfer travel
作轮换制度job rotation system
作量分析workload analysis
作量度量workload measurement
作量指标workload indicator
作量衡量workload measurement
作鉴定报告service evaluation report
厂家具和装修设备和装置factory furniture and fixtures
厂检查员factory inspector
时记录time recording
薪会计开支payroll accounting expenditures
资付款payroll payment
资付款通知advice of payroll payment
资会计payroll accounting
资动向wage drift
资基准basis of salary
资处理功能payroll functionality
资平等pay equity
资指数pay index
资指数salary index
资指数wage index
资指数调整wage index adjustment
资标准wage rate
资标准pay scale
资类别salary scale
资类别salary schedule
资类别pay scale
资袋pay package
资袋pay packet
资计算payroll calculation
资部门payroll unit
龄津贴length of service allowance
年战略和计划评价的示意性滚动作计划indicative rolling work plan of strategic and programme evaluation
应计accrued salary
建筑商依法享有的建筑程优先求偿权mechanic's lien
弹性作安排flexible working arrangement
弹性作时间flexible work schedule
弹性作时间flexible working hours
战略业务作务组strategic business unit
part-time work
执行operational activity
执行operational work
排废量少而合乎环境保护要求的low waste and environmentally sound technology
文书clerical post
文书clerical job
文书作者clerical worker
无赡养人职工资single rate salary
普查作组general survey mission
最低资律minimum wage laws
最晚作完成时间late activity finish time
最短时优先原则shortest operation priority
最短剩余时优先原则shortest remaining operation
最短当前优先原则shortest imminent operation
最高管理层top management salary
机械加尺寸machining dimension
标准作量单位standard workload units
模拟作记录表simulation worksheet
正常作区域面积normal work area
正常作周normal working week
永久丧失作能力permanent disablement
注重结果的规划results-based programming
滑动作时间sliding hours
滚动作计划rolling work plan
滚动作计划rolling plan of work
特别作任务special mission assignment
特殊职业资率special occupational rates
现场干预行动规划field intervention planning tool
生产作程序表route sheets
电子招标e-tendering tool
短期short-term service
磋商作草案consultative working draft
磋商作草案working draft for consultation
移动作站mobile workstation
移动作站mobile work station
差异idle activity variance
管理当局与职关系staff-management relations
管理当局与职关系management-staff relations
精加产品highly processed goods
系统S E system engineering
紧急critical activity
累计length of service
累计accrued service
累计的作期length of service
累计的作期accrued service
结束ending activity
统一作计划unified work programme
综合资指数composite salary index
缩短作时间计划缩写为CWScompressed work schedule
缩短作时间计划缩写为CWScompressed working schedule
staff member
staff members
与非职工资源的比例staff/non-staff ratio
与非职工资源的比例ratio of staff to non-staff resources
代表会议staff council
代表机构Staff Body
代表机构staff representative body
代表机构representative staff body
关系staff relations
发展计划staff development programme
商店帐户staff commissary account
商店特惠commissary privileges
培训training of staff
守则Staff Rules
审查staff review
手册章节缩写为MSmanual section
旅行staff travel
旅行travel of staff budget
条例Staff Regulations
福利staff welfare
管理计划staff management programme
编制staffing pattern
考核staff appraisal
考核staff evaluation
职衔titles of staff
薪给税staff assessment
薪给税收入staff assessment income
薪给税率staff assessment rate
薪给税的统一比例common staff assessment scale
补偿计划compensation plan for staff
补偿计划staff compensation plan
表现评估制度staff performance appraisal system
计划内费用staff planned cost
评选staff selection
调动staff transfer
调动transfer of staff members
调解程序conciliation procedure
调解程序staff conciliation procedure
调配deployment of staff
货币差异currency variance on staff cost
货币差异staff currency variance
费用差额staff-cost differential
费用的货币差异currency variance on staff cost
费用的货币差异staff currency variance
遵守规则staff compliance
需求staff requirements
职位和职的分类classification of posts and staff
职务资差额补贴post differential
职等内所需最低time-in-grade requirements
艰苦作地点hardship duty stations
范围界定作组scoping mission
会计承付款payroll accounting commitments
状况payroll status
dummy activity
量值式审计value-for-money audit
量值式审计VFM audit
量值式审计value for money audit
规划作组scoping mission
规范normative activity
规范normative work
计划内非职费用non-staff planned cost
计时hourly rate
计时奖励资制reward system on a time rate basis
计算机支持的协同computer-supported cooperative work
计算机辅助软件及系统程学computer aided software and system engineering
评定作人员职等grading of staff
试验instruments of inspection
试验instrument of inspection
调查和审查作组survey and review mission
作地点调整数negative post adjustment
超时作津贴service differential
软件程学software ergonomics
遵守作计划work plan compliance
部分作地点差价调整数partial post adjustment
部分丧失作能力partial disablement
部级计划管理具包departmental programme management tool kit
部门计划管理人员具箱Departmental Programme Managers’ Toolkit
需要使用电脑的screen-based activity
作日non-working day
非当地职non-local staff
非本国职non-local staff
非职旅行non-staff travel
非职费用non-staff human resources costs
非职费用non-staff costs
非职资源non-staff resources
预算编制budget formulation exercise