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传统的手艺技术不断革新Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved
半读part work
我们的纸灯笼厂历史悠久,认真负责,诚实可靠Our paper lantern factory has a long history. We are responsible and honest
民间folk craft
这个耶稣护身吊坠艺精湛,寓意吉祥The Jesus talismanic pendant is marked by its delicate craftsmanship and is considered auspicious
这件龙头雕像是手制作。这件艺术品没有粘结点,并且进行了高精细的抛光The dragon skull figurine is made by hand The artwork has no bonding and demands fine polishing
这里有一些做精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them
那些植物现在通过染色艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets