
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
中国国家数字图书馆National Digital Library Project of China
中国知识基础设施China National Knowledge Infrastructure
主要具书key reference title
二次文献加secondary document processing
共同撰写collaborative authoring tool
block carver
参考作统计reference statistics
参考具书reference tool
参考具书区reference stacks
参考具书区reference section
参考具书区reference shelves
参考具书区consultation shelves
参考具书目录reference list
参考具书藏书reference holdings
参考具源reference source
参考咨询reference work
参考系列具书reference serial
可视化visualization tool
后端加back-end processing
业绩表彰staff recognition
休息室staff lounge
名册staff directory
培训staff training
政策staff policy
文档staff documentation
查阅staff view
流失staff turnover
流失employee turnover
中国国家档案局国家重点档案抢救National Key Files Rescue Project
国际科大学图书馆协会International Association of Technological University Libraries
图书上架前的整理technical processing
图书上架前的整理physical processing
图书加book processing
图书馆作人员library staff
图书馆作人员library clerk
图书馆员library staff
图书馆员library clerk
图书馆员配备library staffing
图书馆学生library student assistant
图书馆建设程经费library construction expenditure
图书馆推广library outreach
图书馆推广library extension
图书馆日常daily operation
图像抓取image grabber
图像抓取image capture tool
外形加technical processing
外形加physical processing
学生student assistant
导读finding aid
业图书馆industrial library
作论文工作文稿working paper
具书书台reference book stand
具书架reference shelves
具书架reference section
具书架reference stacks
具书架consultation shelves
具书特藏reference collection
具书阅览室reference room
商信息business information
商图书馆commercial library
商图书馆business library
流失employee turnover
流失staff turnover
常用参考具书ready reference materials
常用参考具书ready reference book
常用参考具书ready reference tool
整体性integrated workflow
文化创新cultural innovation project
文献信息加information processing
文献目录检索bibliographic tool
新员培训new staff training
新员培训new staff orientation
查找finding aid
查目bibliographic tool
检索search tool
正在加in process
浏览browse tools
知识创新knowledge initiative project
科学程图书馆science and engineering library
突急加rush processing
线上online tools
编目加book processing
编目员桌面Cataloger's Desktop
美国标引作者学会American Society of Indexers
美国档案作者协会Society of American Archivists
规范authority work
资源迁移resource migration tool
重要具书key reference title