
Terms for subject Ceramics containing | all forms
从产量、技术创新、艺术加、审美多样性和全球影响力来说,中国的陶瓷传统是世界上历史最悠久、工艺最领先的In terms of the sheer production, technical innovation, artistic refinement, aesthetic diversity and global impact, the Chinese can claim the world's longest and foremost ceramic tradition
业陶瓷industrial ceramic
艺瓷art porcelain
厂主营赤土陶器、炻瓷和公园专用的水泥产品Our factory specializes in the line of terracotta, stoneware, and cement items for gardens
我们的镶嵌加范围:珍珠、钻石、翡翠、祖母绿、红宝石、蓝宝石、软玉、水晶等Our scope of inlay machining: pearl, diamond, jade, emerald, ruby, sapphire, nephrite, crystal and so on
木雕艺礼品最怕太阳暴晒,所以一定不能放在太阳直射的地方,否则时间久了可能会导致开裂。十六、玩具Woodcarving gifts are most afraid of sun exposure. You should not place them in direct sunlight; otherwise they may crack over time (Toys)