
Terms for subject Labor law containing | all forms
不同业内同行业的职工工会horizontal union
世界劳联合会世界劳联World Confederation of Labour
临时casual labourer
临时casual worker
临时extra workers
临时day laborer
临时casual labor
劳务分配labour distribution sheet
劳动hand labor
效率报告labour efficiency report
测定labour measurement
节约labour saving
人类程学human factors engineering
low wage
资实系贵工资low wages are dear wages
保留retained wages
保证资制guaranteed wage system
借用劳loaned labor
做散的人day men
停歇,故障,修理,装载,待发时间down time
津贴allowance for work stoppage
全国national union
全国劳关系局national labor relation board
八小时作制eight-hour working day
八级资制eight-grade wage system
公平fair wages
公开open union
公营企业计件奖励资制piece-work wage system in public enterprise
出国劳expatriate labour
division of labour
分步人labour in process
创全优程竞赛all -excellent project emulation
初级程技术教程pre-engineering technology
剩下未做完的arrear of work
加强劳安全与改进劳工卫生enforcement of labor safety and improvement of sanitation for labor
争议仲裁labour arbitration
争议调解labour conciliation
职业介绍所labour exchange
休息日美,九月的第一个星期一labour day
labour note
单位互换性interchangeable of unit of labour
合同labour contract
labour bureau
labour code
的替代displacement of labour
神圣divinity of labour
管理的协议labour management negotiation
联盟labour federation
行动同盟Alliance for Labor Action
补偿法案workmen's compensation laws
要素labour of factor
资料labour information
劳业劳farm labour system
劳动资率labor rate
劳动与资核算labour and wage accounting
劳动分division of labor
工资制wage system for contract work
半技semiskilled worker
半技semiskilled labourer
半熟练semiskilled labourer
协同team work
卖文hack work
双倍double time
双倍double time
合同contract worker
合理资标准法案Fair Labor Standard Act
种竞赛emulation among workers of the same type of work
名义nominal wages
保险employee insurance
升调promotion and transfering of employee
需求估计estimation of required personnel
需求估计estimation of required labor forces
四六作制four-shift work system with a 6-hour workday
四六作制4-shift work system with a 6-hour workday
国际劳办事处International Labour Office
国际劳组织International Labour Organization
在产人labour in process
基本basic wages
基本base wage
基本津贴等除外的,基薪base pay
奖励wage incentive
奖励资制wage incentive plan
奖励资比率incentive rate
female labor
female hands
factory girl
政策protection of women workers
女职female hands
实际actual working hours
实际资指数real wage index
容易的light work
小时wage per hour
小时hourly wage
岗位资制post wage system
业劳动者journeymen mechanics
业噪声控制industrial noise control
业机械手industrial robot
业生瑪学physiology of industry
联合国业训练科Industrial Training Section
labouring man
人工资等级制度system of wage brackets of workers
人等级labour grade
会代表walking delegate
会作为失业的原因unemployment union as a cause
处理劳资关系等的会巡视员walking delegate
会的工资政策union wage policy
会领袖labour leader
伤事故补偿法workmen's compensation laws
伤补偿保险workmen's compensation insurance
作业时间卡labourer ticket
作地work station
作才能的精神原动力psychomotor work capabilities
作抽查法work sampling
作施行和人体的不利条件work performance and handicapped persons
作日写实detailed record of work days
有效作时间production time
作时间记录卡片time sheet
作时间记录卡片time card
作机会之认知perception on job opportunity
作标准work standards
作细分job breakdown
作细分breaking-down the job
作考核job rating
作轮班working in shifts
作过程分析job analysis
役制labour service
时利用率man-hour utilization rate
时消耗分类classification of man-hour consumption
stevedore’s damage
程人体测量学engineering anthropometry
艺技能熟练工人technologically skilled manpower
expense of labour
资公式wage formula
资分wage points
资劳动者wage earner
资和薪水wage and salaries
资基金理论wage fund theory
资学说theory of wages
资工人wage labourer
资工时法wage and hour law
资形式wage form
资形式payroll form
资总额total sum of wages
资总额gross wages
资指数wage index number
劳资合同规定资按生活费用指数自动调整cost-of-living escalator
资改革wage reform
资改革reform of the wage system
资水平wage level
资水平的增长growth of wage level
资率差别rate differentials
资生活者wage earner
资的扣发通知wage garnishment
资等级scale of wages
资等级workers rates
资等级grade of wage
资等级制wage grading system
资等级表table of wage scales
资级别wage category
资自然增长natural wage increase
资表wage schedule
资表salary scale
资计划wage plan
working years
龄和工作年限seniority and length of service
常规conventional tool
干部资等级制度system of wage brackets of cadres
平均average wage
平均资率average labour rate
年功序列资制wage system based on seniority
开放open union
弹性作时间制度flexitime system
general labour union
意外施劳动力contingency construction workforce
劳动hand labor
扩大作种类job enlargement
技术性 需要技能的skilled work
种的工资率rate for the job
按月资计划monthly wage plan
提成资制system of having a portion of retained profits for wage increases
day laborer
casual worker
比率new hire rate
work paid by the day
day laborer
day-wage work
day labor
资率daily wage rate
日给daily pay
absent without leave
absence without leave
资率monthly wage rate
有执照车站搬运ticket porter
有组织的劳对时间研究的态度attitude of organized labor toward time study
标准资率standard rate of wages
标准人成本standard labor cost
根据时间研究的资制度wage systems based on time study
正式作人员regular employee
正式职regular staff
正式职regular employee
泰勒差别计件资制Taylor differential piece-rate system
流动施津贴mobile work allowance
浮动wage in sliding scale
浮动资制floating wage system
帽罩welder's helmet
面罩hand shield
.熟练old hand
制度employment system
申请职业application of job
目前的资率existing rate
直接direct labor hour
直接direct wage
直接人小时率direct labor hour rate
直接人工时direct labor time
直接无限计件资制direct and unlimited piece-rate wage system
移借人loaned labor
粉领指从业人员多半为妇女,如教员,售货员和文书等pink-collar worker
累进计件资制progressive piece-rate wage system
约定劳bound labour
经常性日day-to-day work
经验估estimation method of manhours by experience
维生wage for subsistence
workers and staff
伤亡事敌报告制度system of reporting accident resulting in injuries & deaths of workers & staff
分类classification of workers and staff
副食品价格补贴non-staple food price subsidy for workers and staff
劳动规则work rules for workers and staff
培训training of workers and staff
培训计划plan for training of workers and staff
大学college for workers and staff
奖惩rewards and penalties for workers and staff
守则regulations for workers and staff
工资升级wage increases for workers and staff
技术考核technical examination of workers and staff
招收与录用recruitment and employment of workers and staff
晋升promotion of workers and staff
死亡福利待遇employee’s death benefit
福利welfare for workers and staff
调配allocation of workers and staff
辞退和辞职dismissal and resignation of workers and staff
职业市场员"供给"job market personnel "supply"
联合劳joint labour
能力资制wage system based on ability
自然资说theory natural wages
hack work
计件piece worker
计件piece wage rate
计件wage by the piece
计件wages by the piece
计件piece wage
计件piece rate wages
计件资制piece-rate wage system
计件资形式form of piece-wages
计作资制piece wage rate
计日day-wage work
计日daily wage
计日资制day wage system
计时time rate wages
计时资制time wage system
计时资形式form of time-wages
work-point book-keeper
by the job
货币nominal wages
超定额计件资制system of piece-rate wage for above-quota output
超过原资标准半倍的加班工资time and a half
辅助auxiliary worker group
辅助auxiliary wages
退休职管理委员会committee on the management of retired workers and staff
野外作津贴field work allowance
间接计件资制indirect piece-rate wage system
附加extra wage
附加additional wage
集体计件资制collective piece-rate wage system
制度system of hired labor
合同contract of hire of labour and services
非会员outside laborer
非全时作制part-time job system
资为生的人wage earner
预备制度pre-employment trainee system
额外extra wage
额外递增资制extra wage system
黄色劳协议sweetheart agreement
增产鼓励incentive wage
鼓励资支出incentive wage payment