
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一体化核燃料处理和加close-coupled processing and fabrication
一体化产品与艺开发integrated product and process development
一般general engineering
业国集团Group of Seven Industrial Nations
三星航天业有限公司韩国Samsung Aerospace Industries Co., Ltd.
三次掩蔽隔离trimask process
三次掩蔽隔离three mask process
三维艺模拟程序tri-dimensional process simulator
三维互补金属氧化物半导体three-dimensional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process
三维人神经网络three-dimensional artificial neural network
三维抗蚀剂成像艺模拟程序-1three-dimensional resist imaging process simulator-1
三维抗蚀剂成像艺模拟程序three-dimensional resist imaging process simulator
三菱重业有限公司日本Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
三重扩散隔离triple diffused isolation process
下一代作站控制器next generation workstation machine controller
作点dead point
作的out of service
作的无线电通信设备radio and communications facilities inoperative
作的监视器monitor out of service
作路径屏蔽path not operational mask
电力网不对称负荷unbalanced state
不稳定作状态transient operating condition
不稳定况对流冷却transient convective cooling
不稳定运行unsteady operating conditions
不稳定运行transient operation
不能作的设备out-of-service equipment
不需氧加过程anaerobic process
艺无关的知识产权intellectual property process independent
专业具包professional toolkit
专家系统tool of expert system
专用艺工程application specific process engineering
专用人小型交换机private manual branch exchange
专用电子special electronic tool
专用设备零、部件special equipment parts and assemblies section
专用集成多室加设备application specific integrated quad
世界业与技术研究组织协会World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization
世界具包一种虚拟现实的软件开发工具world tool kit
东京应用化学业公司日本Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd.
东京电气化学业公司日本Tokyo Denki Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.
两栖作站coexistence workstation
两相流动two phase flow regime
严峻运行severe operating conditions
个人 Java 兼容性具包personal Java compatibility kit
个人主页personal homepage tools
个人会议作组Personal Conferencing Work Group
个人计算机专家系统personal computer expert system tools
中华人民共和国外围设备互连业计算机制造商集团PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group of People's Republic of China
中国程制图学学会China Engineering Graphics Society
中国程师协会Chinese Institute of Engineers
中国国家计算与联网设施又称中关村地区教育与科研示范网络national computing and networking facility of China
中国电子系统程公司China Electronics Systems Engineering Corp.
中国电影与电视程师协会China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
中国航天业总公司China Aerospace Corp.
中国铁路信息化基础设施China railway informatization infrastructure project
中央处理机作寄存器CPU work register
中央电子程研究所英国,印度Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
中子学与热水力学耦合的模型coupled neutronic thermohydraulic model
中子物理学-热水力学综合模型neutronic thermohydraulic model
中文之星开发具包Chinese star development kit
中等放射性作室intermediate level cave
中继线和用户线作站trunk and line workstation
中间显影焙烘intermediate development bake process
丰囊花生产UO2dry conversion process
串扰具包crosstalk tool kit
串行存储体系结构业协会Serial Storage Architecture Industry Association
临时odd jobs
临时作组interim working group
临界critical conditions
临界热流critical heat flux condition
企业配置具包enterprise configuration kit
企业重建enterprise re-engineering
伊利诺斯理学院美国Illinois Institute of Technology
伍斯特业学院美国Worcester Polytechnic Institute
伍斯特学院Worcester Polytechnic Institute
传感器技术作组Sensors Technology Working Group
传热heat-transfer behaviour
传送带作线belt work line
伦塞勒业学院美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
伦塞勒计算机集成电路艺工程一种二维 VLSI 工艺模型设计程序Rensselaer computer integrated circuit process engineering
伯克利智能加系统Berkeley intelligent processing system
估计计划延续时间estimated project duration time
分别偏压单一控制separate-bias single-control operation
分子束加molecular beam processing
分布程工作系统distribution engineering work system
分布式厂系统distributed factory system
分布式过程控制系统distributed process control system
分布式控制访问distributed control access facility
分时操作/虚拟远程通信接人法作区TSO/VTAM work area
分析、作图与制造艺用电气测量electrical measurement for analysis, graphing and engineering
分析网络用安全管理security administrator tool for analyzing networks
分析网络用系统管理system administrator tool for analyzing networks
分洪flood separation works
分组交换网络管理作站packet-switched network management workstation
分阶段执行项目计划phased project planning
分隔式作站compartment mode workstations
切削cutting tools
创意性软件creative software tools
初步程开发样机preliminary engineering development model
初选程地址tentative site
包壳cladding process
包开发具包package development kit
包括电制动的断续周期作制intermittent periodic duty-type with electric braking
包括电制动的连续周期作劇continuous operation duty-type with electric braking
包括负载-转速相应变化的连续周期作制continuous operation duty-type with related load/ speed changes
包括起动的断续周期作制intermittent periodic duty-type with starting
包绝缘的insulated tool
包覆绝缘insulated tool
包覆绝缘手工具insulated hand tool
化学业学会英国Society of Chemical Industry
化学业学会杂志英国Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
化学程优化系统chemical engineering optimization system
化学程学chemical engineering
化学程模拟系统chemical engineering simulation system
化学化反应堆chemonuclear reactor
化学后处理chemical reprocessing plant
化学增强聚焦离子束微细加chemically enhanced focused ion beam micromachining
化学射流加chemical jet machining
化学技术作组Chemical Technology Working Group
合同作分解图contract work breakdown structure
合同contract work
合同contract construction
合格certified process
合格授权网件程师certified Netware engineer
合格制造程师certified manufacturing engineer
合格科学家和程师qualified scientist and engineer
合金alloy technology
同步start stop synchronism
名义nominal condition
序生产线back end of the line (processes)
后处理reprocessing plant
向客户定制设备提供艺服务custom-built installation process offering
启动投运reset conditions
启动人操作装置enable manual unit
圆片连续加处理时间wafer lifetime
土方ancillary work
土方navvy works
混凝土在交变况下养护alternating curing
在切削具上焊接硬质合金carbide tip welding
在培程师engineer in training
在海水中作的电动机sea-water flooded electric motor
在试执行implementation under test
在这里,你可以买到任何你想要的具,从圆锯到带式砂磨机,且零售价可享受8-9折优惠You can get any tools you want here from circular saws to belt sanders at 10%-20 % off retail
地区业咨询委员会Regional Industry Advisory Commission
地表景观landscape engineering
地面系统技术作组Ground Systems Technology Working Group
堆芯热水力设计thermohydraulic core design
堆芯热设计core thermal design
fascine work
处理processing plant
处理机作区processor work area
备用作时间activity slack time
备用stand-by operation mode
复式作台dual benchboard
外加磁场切克劳斯基单晶生长magnetic-field-applied Czochralski process
外加磁场切克劳斯基单晶生长magnetic Czochralski process
外加磁场液封切克劳斯基单晶生长magnetic liquid encapsulated Czochralski process
外加磁场液封直拉magnetic liquid encapsulated Czochralski process
外加纵向磁场液封切克劳斯基单晶生长vertically magnetic liquid encapsulated Czochralski process
外围设备互连业计算机制造商集团美国PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
外围部件互连-业标准体系结构peripheral component interconnect-industry standard architecture
外围部件互连业计算机制造商集团Peripheral Component Interconnect Industrial Computer Manufacturer Group
外设开发具包peripheral development kit
作台访问multi desk access
作站控制单元multistation control unit
单元multiplex unit
处理机multiplexing processor
设备multiplexing equipment
调制multiplex modulation
通道multiplex channel
多个整流器并行作的回路multiple rectifier circuit
多任务业控制执行程序multitasking industrial control executive
多信multi-channel work
多功能自对准栅multifunctional self-aligned gate process
多媒体具包multimedia toolkit
多媒体个人计算机作组Multimedia Personal Computer Working Group
多媒体编辑软件authoring software tools
多室加设备multichamber process tool
多室加设备multi-chamber etch system
多层焊接block-welding technique
多弹头分导再人运载multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
多晶硅缓冲硅的局部氧化poly buffered local oxidation of silicon
多晶硅铝置换反应铝图形形成aluminum pattern formation process using the substitution reaction of aluminum for polysilicon
多用户微电子机械系统用以制造微电子机械系统器件的一种三层多晶硅表面微细加工工艺multiuser MEMS process
多用途处理polyvalent retreatment plant
多用途成套multipurpose tool set
多目标开发multipurpose project
多芯片程技术联盟Technical Alliance for Multichip Engineering
多路multi-channel work
多路复接网络管理作站multiplexed network management workstation
多重程联络勤务线路multiple engineering order-wire
多重交替焙烘显影multiple intermediate development bake process
大功率传输high-power transfer duty
大型人神经网络一种高速逻辑电路large artificial neural network
大学校际微电子中心业联盟计划比利时IMEC's Industrial Affiliation Program
大面积加large area processing
太阳能发电solar power engineering
失步out-of-step status
失衡out-of-balance conditions
封接界面局部氧化sealed interface local oxidation process
封装艺测试承载芯片package process test vehicle (chip)
射频互补金属氧化物半导体radio frequency complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process
小型外围设备部件互连快速开发具包compact peripheral component interconnect rapid development kit
少尘具箱particle reduction kit
尚未not yet operated
市话程管理局Local Engineering Control Office
帕纳索尼克厂自动化公司Panasonic Factory Automation Co.
帝国化学业有限公司英国Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
带电作业作单hot line order
带绝缘手套作法insulated gloves method
开关触点非作位置断开位置switch contacts on non-operative position
Java 开发具包Java development kit
Java 开发管理具包Java development management kit
开放式作平台open desktop
异常emergency conditions
异常abnormal conditon
张弛relaxation process
弧焊arc-welding operator
弱放射性作室low-level cell
性能建模作台performance modeling workbench
性能报告performance report tool
性能评估performance evaluation tool
意大利热委员会Comitato Termotecnico Italiano
意大利电委员会Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
成功的程经验good engineering practice
成套修理repair outfit
成层垢range work
战斗识别作组combat identification working group
持续艺改进continuous process improvement
指令作栈instruction work stack
指挥控制作站command and control workstation
指示器具包indicator kit
按"厂交货"条件出售sale "ex works"
按比例缩小晶体管与电阻scaled transistor and resistor process
按需进行计算机支持下的协同CSCW on demand
挖土navvy works
挤压tool crimping
挤压tool crimp
挪威国家理学院Norwegian Government Institute of Technology
最佳业生产质量best commercial quality
最佳作能力best operational capability
最佳optimal processing
最佳单处理机optimized simplex processor
最佳运行top operating conditions
最后作中继器识别identification of last operating repeater
最大件重量maximum workpiece weight
最大作压强maximum working tension
最大作应力maximum operating stress
最大作电压peak operating voltage
最大maximum operation condition
最大允许作压力maximum permissible working pressure
最小返minimum rework
最终初始作战能力final initial operational capability
最适宜设计支持almighty suitable design support tool
最长作时间maximum operating time
最长无故障作时间maximal time between faults
最高作电压maximum working tension
最高容许作温度maximum allowable operating temperature
有业绩的proven engineering
有线电信程师协会美国Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers
有线电视程师协会美国,现更名有线电信工程师协会Society of Cable Television Engineers
有限作寿命limited operating life
有限作能力limited operational capability
有限施授权书limited work authorization
carpenter's yard
joiner's glue
木制品wood-working industry
木材加wood-working factory
木材加工业wood-working industry
未加焊料coarse solder
未加的材料raw material
未加石棉untreated asbestos
未来factory of the future
未来自动化集成化厂会议暨展览会Automated, Integrated Factory of Tomorrow Conference and Exposition
未稳定况功率unsettled output
本地操作开发作站local exploitation work station
标准作次序记录与数据系统standard work order recording and data system
标准作程序standard work procedure
标准正常艺浓度级normal process concentration level
标准互连艺参数standard interconnection process parameter
标准促进和应用作组standards promotion and application group
标准基区与电阻扩散standard base and resistor (diffusion)
标准程序设计支持技术与standard technology and engineering for programming support
标准结晶ubiquitous crystallization process
模块作区module work area
模块作时间分析module duration analysis
模块化业控制专用系统modular industrial control oriented system
模块化艺技术公司Modular Process Technology Corp.
模型基艺控制model-based process control
欧洲业研究管理协会European Industrial Research Management Association
欧洲业计算机系统研讨会European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems
欧洲程技术集团公司European Engineering Technologies Group
欧洲人智能与行为模拟协会European Society for Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior
欧洲发射具研制组织European Launcher Development Organization
欧洲微米、纳米程会议Micro-and Nanoengineering Conference of Europe
欧洲独立信息业协会European Independent Informatics Industry Association
欧洲电标准化委员会Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
欧洲电标准化委员会认证协议CENELEC Certification Agreement
欧洲电信网络作者协会European Telecommunications Network Operators Association
欧洲电子业协会European Electronic Industries Association
欧洲联合测试作组现更名 JTAGJoint European Test Action Group
欧洲软件European software engineering
欧洲通信与专业电子业协会Association of European Telecommunications and Professional Electronic Industry
气体保护钨电弧焊gas tungsten arc welding process
气缸作容量piston displacement
氟化原硅酸四乙酯fluorinated tetraethylorthosilicate process
氧化物埋层隔离buried oxide isolation process
氧化物隔离单片oxide isolated monolithic technology
hydraulical engineering
建筑物hydraulic engineering structures
water project
缩尺模型hydraulical scale model
水下武器研究与程站underwater weapons research and engineering station
水利water resources project
水力hydraulical condition
水力发电hydropower industry
水力发电hydropower engineering
水化学water chemical regime
水平布里季曼单晶生长horizontal Bridgman process
水平磁场液封切克劳斯基单晶生长horizontally magnetic liquid encapsulated Czochralski process
水库作深度available depth of reservoir
水底sunk work
水文hydrological engineering
水泥毛石垢cement-rubble masonry
水电hydropower project
洁净制造艺公司Clean Manufacturing Methodologies, Inc.
清洁cleaning job
温度thermal behaviour
温度temperature conditions
温水中间显影焙烘warm water intermediate development bake process
温水多重中间显影焙烘warm water multiple intermediate development bake process
温热加warm work
演示作站playout workstation
爲时作电磁铁momentary-duty electromagnet
甚低温氧化物very low temperature oxide process
甚高速集成电路程信息系统VHSIC engineering information system
生产craft labor hours
生产productive man-hours
生产程研究协会英国Production Engineering Research Association
生产product process
生产艺控制industrial process controller
生产率程系统公司Yield Engineering Systems, Inc.
生产级综合加设备production integrated processing equipment
生产线前道front end of the line (processes)
生产线后道back end of the line (processes)
生物biological engineering
生物艺学信息工具包软件biotechnology information toolkit software
生物医学程组Group on Biomedical Engineering (IEEE)
生物医学技术作组Biomedical Technology Working Group
生物技术作组Biological Technology Working Group
用于作流的开放式文件管理应用程序设计接口open document management API for working flow
用户作分析仪user action analyzer
用户作程序user action routine
用户程师监督程序customer engineering monitor
用户接口user interface tool
用户识别模块具包UIM tool kit
用户识别模块开发具包SIM tool kit
用户间通信传输inter-user communication vehicle
用水water duty
Java 用软件开发具包software development kit for Java
电光战术决策辅助electro-optical tactical decision aid
电化学加电极electrochemical machining electrode
电化学火花放电加electrochemical discharge processing
电多electrical multiplex system
电子与无线电程师协会美国Institution o£ Electronic and Radio Engineers
电子元件业联合会英国Electronic Components Industries Federation
电子材料与艺处理事业部Electronic Materials and Processing Division (IBM公司)
电子材料化实验室意大利国家研究委员会Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Electronics
电子束半导体electron beam semiconductor technology
电弧切割arc-cutting process
电气electric tool
电气程与计算机科学系美国 UCBDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
电气程师协会英国Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气程师协会会报Proceedings of Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气electrical technology
电气与电子学程师协会美国Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
电气与电子学程师协会会报Proceedings of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
电气和电子程师学会Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
电气设备频试验power frequency test for electric equipment
电流源作状态constant-current operation
电缆端制作艺规程cable terminating procedure
电脉火花加electropulse processing
真中央作台控制系统eucentric stage control system
真空vacuum processed
真空艺集成装置vacuum process integrator
砂轮机可以提高件的精度及其表面的光洁度The grinding machine could raise the precision of a workpiece and improve its surface finish
砌砖brick work
研究开发具包research and development kit
研究、开发与程中心Research, Development and Engineering Center (CECOM)
研究、开发和程费用research, development and engineering expenses
的脚手架masonry's scaffold
破气发动机通用核子公司业用堆aerojet general nucleonics industrial reactor
程序员作台备忘录宏功能programmer's workbench memorandum macros
Macintosh 程序员作环境Macintosh programmer work environment
程序支持客户程师program support customer engineer
程序设计具软件系统programming did software system
程序说明块作池program specification block work pool
程控过程programmable process
稳定stable conditions
稳定尺寸sizing tool
稳定运行stabilized conditions
稳态运行steady state operating condition
紧凑的核燃料处理和加close-coupled processing and fabrication
紧急程定单rush engineering order
紧急加time-bound processing
累积作时间accumulated operational time
编辑作站editing workstation
耐久电缆检修具箱permanent cable repair kit
耗能consumed work
耦合热-核模型coupled thermal nuclear model
脉冲反射式pulse reflection mode operation
脉冲噪声条件下的作特性曲线impulse noise performance curve
脉冲激光诱导外延pulsed laser induced epitaxy process
脉冲状态pulse operation
脱机过程监测器off-line process monitor
航天程学会加拿大Institute of Space Engineering
航天器作战性能评估spacecraft operational performance evaluation
航天程序设计语言执行space programming language implementation tool
航天系统技术作组Space System Technology Working Group
航空程发展中心air engineering development center
调度程序作区虚拟地址SWA virtual address
调度程序作块scheduler work block
调整debugging conditions
调节系统质油working oil
调试debugging aid
贝尔集成电路程工艺模拟Bell integrated circuit engineering process simulation
负荷变化时的过渡transient load
负荷跟踪load following regime
负荷跟踪load following condition
负载作于饱和区的N沟道增强模式n-channel enhancement mode with load operated at saturation
负载况下温度load-condition temperature
质量控制试验quality control test engineering
质量评估与程实验室Quality Evaluation and Engineering Laboratory
贴近式等离子体反应加系统close proximity plasma processing system
退绕wrap removal tool
退绕unwrapping tool
适宜作的状况condition of readiness
选择氧化selective oxidation process
选择性离子注人集电区selectively ion-implanted collector process
选择性钨多层平面selective tungsten multiple-level planar process
选择性铌离子蚀刻selective niobium ion etching process
选择性铌蚀刻selective niobium etching process
选择性铌阳极氧化selective niobium anodization process
透明缺陷修补transparent defect repair process
透明网关开发者具包transparent gateway developer's kit
透水permeable works
通信业协会美国,印度Telecommunications Industry Association
通信作组communications working group
通信具箱communications toolbox
通信程局Signal Engineering Agency
通信程技术标准communication engineering standard
通信程软件包software package for communication engineering
通信与广播程测试卫星communications and broadcast engineering test satellite
通信服务业基金communications service industrial funding
通信电子设备安装communications electronics installation project
通用程与管理计算系统general engineering and management computation system
通用程分析模型generic engineering analysis model
通用过程模型设计技术universal process modeling technology
通用艺流程图设计程序general flowsheeting program
通用作战态势图同步COP synchronization tool
通用开发具包universal development kit
通用接口作站universal interface workstation
通用电气化学程计算系统General Electric chemical engineering calculation system
通用系统general system engineering
通过表面改性优化抗蚀剂剖面的process for resist profile improvement with surface modification
通过语言程进行信息检索的术语系统system of terminology for retrieval of information through language engineering
锤加毛石hammer-dressed quarry stone
队列作区queue work area
队列作块queue work block
防空和导弹防御作站air and missile defense workstation
霍尔加速器型低电压连续作离子源Hall accelerator-type ion source for low-voltage continuous operation
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