
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
三菱重业公司Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
上山作面raised face
下潜式作舱submerged work chamber
专业开发程师理事会Engineer's Council for Professional Development
世界业与技术研究组织协会World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations
世界业环境管理会议world industry conference on environmental management
世界程技术会议World Engineering Conference
世界程组织联合会巴黎World Federation of Engineering Organizations Paris
世界程组织联合会巴黎World Federation of Engineering Organizations
世界出口加区协会World Export Processing Zone Association
世界地震程会议World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
世界科学作者联合会World Federation of Scientific Workers
世界行星系命名作组working group for planetary system nomenclature
东北程局North-East Engineering Bureau
东南亚土壤程学会泰国Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering Thailand
东南亚土壤程学会泰国Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering
东南电子程教育中心Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education
东洋程公司日本/Toyo Engineering Corp. Japan
东洋海洋开发与程公司日本Toyo Ocean Development and Engineering Co., Ltd.
东非业研究局East African Industrial Research Board
中东业大学地震工程研究所Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Middle East Technical University
中国国家建材业地质勘查中心China National Geological Exploration Center of Building Materials Industry
中国土木程学会Civil Engineering Society (China)
中国海洋程学会Chinese Ocean Engineering Society
中国海洋程学会China Marine Engineering Society
中国海洋石油平台程公司China Offshore Platform Engineering Corporation
中心流域程规划Central Valley Project
中犹他州水利程规划Central Utah Project
中等能量研究性轻水慢化业核反应堆medium energy research light-water-moderated industrial nuclear reactor
中等能量研究性轻水慢化业核源medium energy research light-water-moderated industrial nuclear source
中部地区采矿程师学会Midland Institute of Mining Engineers
中间扩孔施intermediate hole-opening job
临界同位素反应堆、通用核艺学critical isotope reactor, general atomics
丹麦岩土程研究所Danish Geotechnical Institute
为勘探作提供依据的矿床成因专题研究组working group on genesis of ore deposits as a basis for prospecting
主要业国家经济最高级会议economic summit conference of major industrial countries
亚洲业发展理事会Asian Council of Industrial Development
亚洲程师联合会Federation of Asian Engineers
亚洲岩土Asian Geotechnical Engineering
亚洲岩土程信息中心Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering
亚洲岩土程技术信息中心Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering
亚洲理学院Asian Institute of Technology Thailand
亚硫酸厂废水sulphite mill effluent
伊利诺斯州学院Illinois Institute of Technology
伊朗业与矿业开发银行Industrial and Mining Development Bank of Iran
伊朗业开发和革新组织Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
伊朗程管理小组Iranian Management and Engineering Group
伊朗国家铜业公司National Iranian Copper Industries Corp.
伍斯特理学院Worcester Polytechnic Institute
伦敦程师协会London Association of Engineers
伦斯勒学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
伯利恒人影响天气试验约旦Bethlehem Weather Modification Experiment Jordan
估计竣时间estimated completion time
住友化学业公司日本Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
住友原子能业公司Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries Ltd.
佛罗里达大西洋大学海洋程系Florida Atlantic University-Department of Ocean Engineering
佛罗里达州程学会Florida Engineering Society
佛罗里达职业程师学会Florida Society of Professional Engineer
供水water works
先进固体逻辑艺学advanced solid logic technology
克分子程和材料实验室Molecular Engineering and Material Laboratory
全国煤矿总管、务员和放炮工协会National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers
全国矿联合会National Union of Miners
全国采矿业咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on the Mining Industry
全国金属加协会National Association of Metal Finishers
全国陶瓷程师学会National Institute of Ceramic Engineers
全球程文献资料服务公司Global Engineering Documentation Services, Inc.
公共程和水资源部埃及Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources Egypt
公共程局澳大利亚,印度,马来西亚Public Works Department Australia, India, Malaysia
公共程部比利时ministére de travaux publics belgique
公职分析化学作者协会Association of Official Analytical Chemists
内业indoor work
内布拉斯加州程学会Nebraska Engineering Society
农业agricultural engineering
农业生物环境agrobiological environmental engineering
农产品加废物farm products processing waste
初期程地质研究preliminary engineering geological study
制图与大地测量作队cartographic and geodetic processing squadron
制药业用地medicine made industry land
刺激欧洲业的地理信息系统互操作规程作项目GIS Interoperability Project Stimulating the Industry in Europe
原料采掘用地chemical materials excavating land
工程公司Chemical Construction Corp.
化学业协会Chemical Industries Association
化学业委员会Chemical Industry Council
化学业学会Society of Chemical Industry
化学业用地chemical industry land
美国化学作者联合会Chemical Workers Union
化学程师协会Institution of Chemical Engineers
化学程师学会Institution of Chemical Engineers
化学程师学会准会员Associate Member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers
化学程最佳系统chemical engineering optimization system
化学程模拟系统chemical engineering simulator system
化学、生物和放射性程组chemical biological radiological engineering group
北极浅海程会议Arctic Offshore Technology Conference
北极环境程实验室美国阿拉斯加大学Arctic Environmental Engineering Laboratory
北极环境港湾与海洋程会议Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condition
北艾伯塔理学院加拿大Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Canada
北英格兰采矿和机械程师学会North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
北西伯利亚物理艺学问题研究所Institute of Physicotechnological Problems of Siberian North
北部程业公司印度Northern Engineering Industries India
北部勘测与程公司Northern Research and Engineering Corporation
华盛顿程师学会Washington Society of Engineers
华盛顿州大学程研究学院报告Washington State University College of Engineering Research Report
单用途业建筑single purpose industrial building
南威尔士程师协会South Wales Institute of Engineers
南威尔士矿图书室South Wales Miners Library
南极洲合作常设作组国际海道测量组织Permanent Working Group on Cooperation in Antarctica
南艾伯塔理学院Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
南达科他州人影响天气研究计划South Dakota Weather Modification Program
南达科他州矿业程学院South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
南非程师协会Engineers Association, South Africa
南非化学程师协会South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
南非土木程师协会South African Institute of Civil Engineers
南非机械程师协会South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers
南非电气程师协会South African Institute of Electrical Engineers
南非科学作者协会Association of Scientific Workers of South Africa
南非科学和业研究委员会South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
南非顾问程师协会South African Association of Consulting Engineers
卡纳塔克邦程研究站印度Karnataka Engineering Research Station India
印度程业协会Association of Indian Engineering Industry
印度程业联合会Federation of Engineering Industries of India
印度程师协会Indian Society of Engineers
印度程设计有限公司Engineering Projects India Limited
印度全国矿联合会Indian National Mineworkers, Federation
印度化学家和化学程师合作组织India Chemists and Chemical Engineers Club
印度地震程学会Indian Society of Earthquake Technology
印度尼西亚人造林与土地恢复管理总局Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation (Indonesia)
印度理学院Indian Institute of Technology
印度采矿程师协会Mining Engineers Association of India
原子业论坛atomic industrial forum
原子科学作者协会Atomic Scientists' Association
吉齐拉省修复程计划苏丹Gezira Rehabilitation Project Sudan
“向日葵” 飞行实验生物程试验helianthus annulus flight experiment bioengineering test
喜马偕尔邦矿物与业发展公司印度Himachal Pradesh Mineral and Industrial Development Corp.
技术公司Geotechnical Corp.
管理署Geotechnical Control Office
土地利用land use engineering
土地改良程措施engineering measures for land improvement
土壤程有限平衡分析法limiting equilibrium analysis in soil engineering
土壤环境soil environment engineering
土木程作业遥感卫星咨询委员会Civil Operational Remote Sensing Satellite Advisory Committee
土木程学会东京Institute of Civil Engineering Tokyo
土木程师协会Association of the Institute of Civil Engineers
土木程师学会institution of civil engineers
土木程师学会institution of civil engineers
土木程师学会准会员Associate Member of Institution of Civil Engineers
土木程研究civil works investigation
土木程研究委员会Civil Engineering Research Council UK
土木程管理局Civil Works Administration
土耳其国家地震程委员会Turkish National Committee on Earthquake Engineering
地方程标准local engineering standards
地球卫星运载earth satellite vehicle
地球外资源勘探作组working group on extraterrestrial resources
地球物理学家-解释者自动作站automatic working place of geophysicist-interpreter
地球科学和程中心Center for Earth Sciences and Engineering
地理信息系统作组国际测绘联合会working group on geographic information systems IUSM
地质程图geological engineering map
地质程学士bachelor of geological engineering
地质程学学士Bachelor of Science in Geology Engineering
地质程硕士master of geological engineering
地震程公司Seismic Engineering Company
地震程文摘杂志abstract journal in earthquake engineering (NISEE)
地震程研究中心美国伯克利加州大学Earthquake Engineering Research Centre
地震程研究室美国加州理工学院Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory California Institute of Technology
地震程研究所Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
地震程研究计划earthquake engineering research program
地震与土木程动力学学会Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics
地震勘探程公司Seismic Engineering Inc.
地震、火山和程处Office of Earthquakes Volcanoes and Engineering
均匀脉冲激光受激人辐射pulsed uniform laser stimulated artificial radiation
堪萨斯州程学会Kansas Engineering Society
多功能业建筑general purpose industrial building
多用途化学加multipurpose chemical processing plant
大地构造程学的发展developments in geotectonical engineering
大地测量作者协会Surveyor's Institution
大地测量和勘察程理学士Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Geodesy and Surveying
大型人神经网络large artificial nerve network
大学程地震研究委员会Universities Council for Earthquake Engineering Research
大成智慧metasynthetic engineering
大洋洲程师学会Australasian Society of Engineers
大规模程障实验full-scale-engineered barrier experiment
天然气业部所属ministry of the gas industry
天然气艺研究所Institute of Gas Technology
天然气加者协会Natural Gas Processors Association
太平洋业和船用发动机公司Pacific Industrial & Marine Engine Company
太平洋亚洲业工程联合会Pacific Asian Federation of Industrial Engineering
太平洋国际程顾问公司Pacific Consultants International, Inc.
太平洋海岸程公司Pacific Coast Engineering Co.
太平洋海岸程公司Pacific Coast Engineering Company
威斯康星大学空间科学与程中心University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center
威斯汀豪斯海洋研究与程中心Westinghouse Ocean Research and Engineering Center
孔底定向downhole orientation tool
安全程实施good engineering practice
比率法percentage-of-completion method
通知notice of completion
尼日利亚非洲矿联合会Nigerian African Mine Workers, Union
常规分析作者学会Society of Public Analysts
干旱地及周围沙漠化问题作组working group on problems desertification in and around arid lands
年度研究作总结annual research task summary
应用岩石程会议conference of applied rock engineering
废品分离半业试验厂waste isolation pilot plant
弗吉尼亚州学院Virginia Polytechnic Institute
弗吉尼亚理学院水资源中心Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Water Resources Center
程师chief specialist
总施费用total work cost
恰尔麦斯业技术大学瑞典Chalmers University of Technology
意大利电委员会Italian Electrotechnical Committee
房屋建筑开housing starts
绘制的hand drawn
技术程师协会Technical Engineers Association
技术咨询作组Technical Advisory Workgroup
技术开发作组世界气候研究中心世界大洋环流试验working group on technology developmentWOCE
指挥和作舱command and service module
挪威程师协会Engineers Society of Norway
挪威土研究所Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
挪威水实验室Norwegian Hydrotechnical Laboratory
挪威理学院挪威罗加兰大学Norwegian Institute of Technology University of Rogaland
挪威隧道施Norwegian Method of Tunnelling
掘进程和土力学研究所Excavation Engineering and Earth Mechanics Institute
掘进机隧道施machine bored tunneling
摄影仪器程师协会Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers
摄影光学仪器程师学会Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
摄影学家和摄影程师学会Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers
放射艺热中子活化radiotechnical thermal neutron activation
放射性同位素程应用中心Center for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes
政府所属业开发公司赞比亚Government-owned Industrial Development Corporation
政府间海洋学委员会国际海洋资料交换作委员会Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange
政府间科学、程与技术咨询小组委员会Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel
数字地理信息作组国际海道测量组织digital geographic information working group IHO
数据库作组data base task group
数据系统data system engineering
文体用品业用地sport and culture industry land
文摘abstracting service
昆士兰州矿产业研究中心Queensland Mineral Industries Studies Centre
晶体研究和crystal research and technology
最多maximum work
最迟竣时间latest completion time
月球仪器运载lunar instrument carrier
月质学家用模式prototype lunar geologist tool
有害废物程研究实验室Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory
朝鲜国家电力业委员会North Korean State Commission of Power Industry
机构间海洋科学、研究、程和设备委员会Interagency Committee on Marine Science, Research, Engineering and Facilities
机械程学会Mechanical Engineering Society
机械程师协会Institution of Mechanical Engineers
机械程师学会Institution of Mechanical Engineers
机械程师学会会员Member of Institute of Mechanical Engineers
机械处理程师协会英国Mechanical Handling Engineers'Association
极地天然气Polar Gas Project
构造程师协会Structural Engineers Association
标准业分级standard industrial classification
标准业分级法standard industrial category
标准业码standard industrial code
标准程师学会Standards Engineers Society
程及核科学会议Nuclear Engineering and Scientific Congress
程学会Nuclear Engineering Society
程局Department of Nuclear Engineering
核子程师nuclear engineer
核子程总公司General Nuclear Engineering Corp.
核科学及nuclear science and engineering
核科学和程公司Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation
核科学家与程师协会Society of Nuclear Scientists and Engineers
核系统nuclear systems engineering
格鲁吉亚电力程与水工结构科学研究所Georgian Scientific-Research Institute of Power Engineering and Hydraulic Structure
桶数/连续作日barrels per stream day
植物基因程技术plant gene engineering technology
欧洲业联合会理事会Council of European Industrial Federations
欧洲程地震学委员会European Commission on Engineering Seismology
欧洲土力学与地基程会议European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
欧洲土木程协会Association Europeenne de Genie Civil
欧洲地球科学家和程师协会European Association of Geoscientists and Engineer
欧洲学术和研究作用计算机网络European Academic and Research Network
欧藉矿山技联合会赞比亚European Mineworkers' Union
死海溴作组dead sea bromine (group)
气-海通量作组working group on air-sea fluxes
气-海通量现场测定作组working group on in situ measurement for air-sea fluxes
气象作日weather working days
气象程中心Meteorology Engineering Center
建筑用地land for water-control structures
研究所Institute of Hydraulic Engineering
水下程承包商协会Association of Underwater ContractorsUK
水下程集团underwater engineering group
水下井口试油subsea test tree
水与污水业分会water and wastewater industries division
水利程和水资源开发研究所Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Development Germany
水利程师学会Institution of Water Engineers
水力程信息分析中心Hydraulic Engineering Information Analysis Center
水力程师hydraulic engineer
水土保持作条例Regulations on the Work of Water and Soil Conservation
水土保持程措施engineering measures of soil and water conservation
水处理工程water treatment works
水文作者Service Hydrologist
水文程中心空间分析法Hydrologic Engineering Center Spatial Analysis Methodology
水文地质与程地质研究所中国Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
水资源程承包商公司菲律宾Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation Philippines
汉福德程和开发实验室Hanford Engineering and Development Laboratory
沟头防护gully head protecting works
流体动力学和水研究所丹麦Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering
浅海程师offshore engineer
浮式施系统floating production system
海军程试验站naval engineering experimental station
海军土木程实验室Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
海军海洋程实验室Navy Marine Engineering Laboratory
海况程分析系统seastate engineering analysis system
海岸程信息分析中心Coastal Engineering Information Analysis Center
美国海岸程局海滩侵蚀管理局Beach Erosion Board
海岸程研究委员会Coastal Engineering Research Board US
海岸程研究理事会Coastal Engineering Research Council
海岸与海洋程研究所以色列Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute Israel
海底爬行作艇bottom crawling work vehicle
海洋业协会Oceanic Industries Association
海洋业和工程协会Association of Marine Industry and Engineering
海洋业开发研究中心韩国Research Centre for Ocean Industrial Developments Korea
海洋作组国际地球物理年专门委员会working group of oceanography CSAGY
海洋程与开发辅助机构assistant for ocean engineering and development
海洋程公司Oceanographic Engineering Corp.
海洋程学会Oceanic Engineering Society
海洋程实验室Marine Engineering Laboratory
海洋程局Department of Ocean Engineering
海洋程师学会Institution of Marine Engineers
海洋程师学会Institute of Marine Engineers
海洋程师学会会报Transactions of the Institute of Marine Engineers
海洋程总公司General Oceanic Inc.
海洋程技术局Ocean Technology and Engineering Services
海洋程研究中心Ocean Engineering Research Centre
海洋程系统作业ocean systems operations
海洋程系统公司Ocean Systems, Inc.
海洋学与海洋oceanography and ocean engineering
海洋施平台ocean construction platform
海洋矿产艺中心美国矿业局Marine Minerals Technology Center
海洋矿物艺学marine minerals technology
海洋研究与程实验室Ocean Research and Engineering Laboratory
海洋研究与程模型ocean research and engineering model
海洋科学、程与资源委员会Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources
海洋科学、程及资源委员会Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources
海洋科学和海洋程公司Ocean Science and Engineering Inc.
海洋系统ocean systems engineering
海洋系统程研究所Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory
海洋资源程委员会联合国Engineering Committee on Oceanic ResourcesUN
海洋资源和程发展法marine resources & engineering development act
海洋资源和程开发理事会Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
海洋资源和海洋程协调委员会Marine Resources and Engineering Coordination Committee
海港程师学会Society of Marine Port Engineers
海湾石油化学业公司Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co.
煤炭业协会Coal Industry Society
煤炭联合业有限公司Coal & Allied Industries Ltd.
照明程学illuminating engineering
爱尔兰程师协会Institution of Engineers of Ireland
爱达荷州国家程实验室Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
物理和程实验室Physics and Engineering Laboratory
玄武岩废水分离Basalt Waste Isolation Project
瑞典程师协会Swedish Engineers' Society
瑞典瑞典程科学院Ingenjorsvetenskaps Akademien (Sverige)
瑞典皇家理学院The Royal Institute of Technology
瑞典皇家理学院Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
瑞士联邦理学院Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
生命周期程设计life-cycle engineering design
生命线地震程委员会Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
生命线地震程技术委员会Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
生态程地质填图ecologo-engineering-geological mapping
生物监测作组biological monitoring working party UK
田间field engineering
技术electrical engineering
电信程师协会Society of Telecommunication Engineers
电力程师协会Electrical Power Engineer's Association
电化学放电加electrochemical discharge machining
电子业协会electronic industries association
电子业用地electron industry land
电子和无线电程师协会Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
电机程产品公司Electro Engineering Products Inc.
电机程师协会Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气程师学会英,美Institution of Electrical Engineers
电气程师学会会员Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers
电气与电子程师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
电气与电子程师协会地球科学和遥感学会IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
电气及电子程师协会地球物理学和遥感分会IEEE Geophysics and Remote Sensing Society
电火花加烧结electro-spark sintering
皇家程师协会Royal Institute of Engineers
皇家化学业公司imperial chemical industries
皇家化学业公司Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
皇家墨尔本程学院澳大利亚Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
皇家理学院瑞典Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
研究和research and engineering
研究、开发与research, development and engineering
研究、开发、实验和鉴定research, development test and engineeringer evaluation
研究、开发、实验和鉴定research, development test and engineering
空间程科学硕士master of science in aerospace engineering
时间dead time
第一原子能业团体first atomic power industry group
索尔福土木程有限公司Salford Civil Engineering Ltd.
美国 X 射线专业作者学会American Society of X-Ray Technicians
美国业金刚石协会Industrial Diamond Association of America
美国业银行家协会American Industrial Bankers Association
美国具与制造工程师学会American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers
美国程学会协会American Association of Engineering Societies
美国程师与科学家协会Engineers and Scientists of America
美国程师协会American Engineers Association
美国程师协会American Association for Engineers
美国程师学会American Society of Engineers
美国程师局United States Engineer Office
美国程技术研究所美国芝加哥大学American Institute of Engineering and Technology Chicago University
美国程模型学会American Engineering Model Society
美国程研究所Engineering Institute of America
美国化学程师学会American Society of Chemical Engineers
美国北部州际人影响天气委员会North American Interstate Weather Modification Council
美国原子核程公司American Nucleonics Corp.
美国参议院公共程委员会决议Senate Public Works Committee Resolution
美国国家程科学院海洋学部National Academy of Engineering Marine Board
美国国家程科学院海洋工程委员会National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Ocean Engineering
美国土木程师学会American Society of Civil Engineer
美国地下程协会American Underground Association
美国地质调查局地震程研究分部seismic engineering branchUSGS
美国女地学作者协会Association for Women Geoscientists
美国实验程师学会American Society of Test Engineers
美国开发程公司Development Engineering Corporation
美国成本核算程师协会American Association of Cost Engineers
美国文献资料作研究协会American Documentation Institute
美国海底程公司American Undersea Corporation
美国环境程师协会American Academy of Environmental Engineers
美国环境程教授协会Association of Environmental Engineering Professors (US)
美国电机程师学会American Society of Electrical Engineers
美国电气程师协会Institution of Electrical Engineers
美国电气和电子程师协会American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
美国电镀作者协会American Electroplaters Society
美国矿联合会United Mine Workers of America
美国矿业和冶金程师学会American Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer
美国科学作者协会American Association of Scientific Worker
美国科学与程公司American Science and Engineering, Inc.
美国航空和航天业协会Aerospace Industries Association of America
美国采矿程师学会American Institute of Mining Engineers
美国采矿与冶金程师协会采矿工程师学会Society of Mining Engineers of AIME
美国采矿与冶金程师学会American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
美国采矿、冶金与石油程师学会所属石油工程师学会Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
美国采矿、冶金和石油程师学会American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
美国陆军寒冷地区研究和程实验室U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
美国陶瓷程师学会American Institute of Ceramic Engineers
美国顾问程师学会American Institute of Consulting Engineers
美洲国家环境卫生程协会Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering
联合业会议joint industry conference
联合业理事会joint industrial council
联合国业发展组织Industrial Development Organization
联合国业开发组织维也纳United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna
联合国地名作小组United Nations Working Group on Geographical Name
联合干涉仪计划作组Working Group Joint Interferometer Project
联合矿工会United Mineworkers' Union
联邦程局federal works agency
联邦机构间水数据处理作组federal interagency water data handling work group
联邦科学、程与技术协调委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology
联邦科学、程和技术协调委员会-固体地球科学委员会Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology-Committee on Solid Earth Science
联邦科学和业研究Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
联邦科学和业研究组织Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
舒艾巴业区科威特Shuaiba Industrial Area Kuwait
航空与宇航engineering in aeronautics and astronautics
艾伯塔油砂艺研究局加拿大Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority
荷兰程、设计和咨询组织Netherlands Engineering, Design and Consulting Organization
荷兰海洋资源程委员会Engineering Committee for Oceanic Resources (Netherlands)
荷兰电委员会Netherlands Electrotechnical Committee
荷兰皇家程师协会Royal Netherlands Institute of Engineers
萨斯喀彻温农业土壤作者协会加拿大Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists Canada
蒙特利尔程公司Montreal Engineering Co.
西诺特克程咨询公司印度尼西亚Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. Indonesia
西部程师学会Western Society of Engineers
贝茨环境程公司Betz Environmental Engineering, Inc.
资源评价与自然资源保护程处resource assessment and conservation engineering division NWAFC
赞比亚矿业有限公司Zambia Industrial and Mining Corp Ltd.
赞比亚矿联合会Mine Workers' Union of Zambia
轻便振动程车vibration pickups
通用程与信贷公司Universal Engineering and Finance Co.
通用程的可分费用separable cost of the common works
造纸印刷业用地paper and print industry land
道琼斯平均业股票指数dow-jones industrial average
遗传程微生物学genetically engineering microorganisms
遥控长壁作面remotely operated longwall face
锰矿床作组working group on manganese ore deposits
城市防洪flood control works
阿尔贡核科学与核程研究所Argonne Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
阿拉伯程与咨询公司Arab Engineering and Consulting Company
阿拉伯程师联合会Federation of Arab Engineers
阿拉伯国家业发展中心Industrial Development Centre for Arab States
阿札德-加斯米尔矿产和业开发公司Azad Kashmir Mineral and Industrial Development Corporation
阿纳德程研究中心Arnold Engineering Development Center
陆地卫星图像数据质量分析Landsat Image Data Quality Analysis Effort
陆地卫星地面站作业作组Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group
陆地卫星数据分布标记作组LANDSAT data distribution marketing working group
非洲爆炸物和化学业公司African Explosives & Chemical Industries
马哈拉施特拉邦程研究所印度Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute India
马哈拉施特拉邦程研究所印度Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute
马来亚海洋业公司马来西亚Malayan Marine Industries Limited Malaysia
马来亚海洋业公司马来西亚Malayan Marine Industries Limited
马林杜克矿业和业公司Marinduque Mining and Industrial Corporation
马萨诸塞州公共程局Massachusetts Department of Public Works
马萨诸塞州理学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology
鲁尔基大学地震程研究及进修院印度school of research and training in earthquake, university of roorkee
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