
Terms for subject Project management containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
一名公共机构高级工程师、 获派监督该机构兴建新总部大楼的工程A senior engineer of a public body is assigned to supervise the construction work of the agency's new headquarters building
下步基础工程lower foundation works
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
与各种应用程序、工具、附件和网络周边设备无缝集成、减少您对 IT 职员的需要Seamless integration -with a wide variety of applications, tools, accessories and network peripherals, reducing demands on your IT staff
业主咨询工程师标准服务协议conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement
临时工程用地land for temporary works
主任工程resident engineer
主包工程main works
人机工程学键盘ergonomic keyboard
代理型工程管理模式agency CM
估算工程estimated quantities
估计工程量单价合同bill of approximate quantity contract
作业工程量表operational bill of quantities
保温工程heat insulation
修理工程repairing and maintaining works
公共工程经常开支public works recurrent expenditure
公共工程非经常开支public works non-recurrent expenditure
分项工程activity schedule
前期工程advance works
前端工程设计front end engineering design
加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
劳工关系进程labor relations process
单元工程量清单elemental bill of quantities
单项工程work item
单项工程量清单activity bill of quantities
单项工作程序individual job procedure
可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window
可推定的工程变更constructive variation
可推定的工程变更constructive change
可推定的工程变更指令constructive change order
合同工程contract engineer
名义工程nominal quantity
后照管工程aftercare engineer
固定工程量总价合同lump sum on firm bill of quantities
国内工程项目domestic project
国外工程overseas works
国际工程international project
国际咨询工程师联合会法语简称Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Consuls
国际建筑工程合同international construction engineering contract
土 木工程承包商联合会the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
土建工程合同civil contract
土方工程进度表schedule of earth works
土方工程进度表schedule of earthworks
土木工程工程量计算规则civil engineering standard method of measurement
土木工程师协会International of Civil Engineers
土木工程师学会调解程序Institution of Civil Engineers'Conciliation Procedure
土木工程施工合同条件conditions of Works of Civil Engineering Construction
土木工程程序civil engineering procedure
基本工程外的非经常开支non-works capital expenditure
基本工程项目capital works project
基本工程项目capital project
外部工程external works
大型工程mega project
安装工程erection works
安装工程一切险Erection-All-Risks insurance
安装工程一切险erection all risks (EAR)
安装工程进度表schedule of erection works
完成的工程completed project
对于理解编写检测器的逻辑流程和方法名、Java 反汇编程序是非常有用的工具The Java disassembler is a very handy tool for understanding the logic flow and method names for writing detectors
对咨询工程师的支付payment to the consultant
屋顶工程roof works
工作分析流程job analysis process
工作分析程序法job analysis program
工作执行流程表work execution flowsheet
工作流应用程序workflow application
工种工程量表trade bill of quantities
工程专用exclusive use for the works
工程停工suspension of work
工程变更variation of work
工程变更job changes
工程变更单bill of variations
工程合同engineering contract
工程周转金works fund
工程地点project location
工程实施方法means of execution for a project
工程师的复审决定engineer's decision
工程师的期中支付证书engineer's interim certificate
工程延期deferment of a project
工程成本分类账job cost ledgers
工程成本日记账job cost journals
工程成本记录job cost records
工程成本账job cost records
工程成本预算work cost budget
工程扩建extension of works
工程承包works contracting
工程报表works report form
工程控制project control
工程描述description of work
工程施工一切险construction's all risks insurance
工程检査报告project inspection report
工程检验works test
工程清理job clean up
工程状况state of a project
工程状况status of a project
工程监察员clerk of works
工程监督area superintendent
工程直接费hard costs
工程移交给hand a project over to
工程竣工job completion
工程竣工期限time of completion for a project
工程管理费job overhead cost
工程组织结构job organization
工程细目works classification
工程统计works statistics
工程维修maintenance of works
工程维修补助费allowance for maintenance of works
工程缺陷works defect
工程范围数据库engineering scope database
工程蓝图blueprint of the project
工程计划概要outline programme
工程计划进展图program with progress
工程计划预算project estimates
工程详细设计detailed project report
工程说明书description of a project
工程说明书description of project
工程财产保险project property insurance
工程进展与执行报告project progress and performance report
工程进度报告progress report for a project
工程采购procurement of works
工程量估算师quantity surveyor
工程量标价quantity pricing
工程量清单汇总表summary of bill of quantities
工程量清单计价quantity pricing
工程量表bill of quantity
工程量表合同bill of quantities contract
工程量计算quantity calculation
工程量计算quantity take-off
工程项目的实施决定decision to proceed with the project
工程项目费用project cost
工程项目预算project estimates
工程验收acceptance of a project
已拆除的分项工程items dismantled
带有工程量表的标价合同priced contract with bill of quantities
带有工程量表的目标合同target contract with bill of quantities
带有分项工程表的标价合同priced contract with activity schedule
带有分项工程表的目标合同target contract with activity schedule
建筑工程construction works on site
建筑工程construction projects
建筑工程一切险contractors' all risks insurance
建筑工程总值value of construction works
建筑工程造价costs of civil engineering works
工程计划master programme
工程计划master program
总监理工程chief supervisor
我们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷The engineer in my office is a real geek
房屋建设工程基金housing capital works fund
执业工程professional engineer
执业工程师证书professional engineer license
"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸drawing issued "approved for design"AFD
承包工程一切险contractor's all risks insurance
护岸工程banking protection works
护岸工程bank protection work
拆除工程removal works
拆除工程demolition works
招投标承包工程tendering & bidding project
授权给他人工程authorizing engineer
数据加密是帮助应用程序开发人员满足更高安全性要求的重要工具Data encryption is an important tool to help application developers meet the need for greater security
新建工程newly built construction
新添工程additional works
施工技术规程或规范construction specifications
施工机械使用的核算流程图equipment flow chart of information
施工过程construction process.
PLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program
有些工作比其他工作更适合远程办公。比方说、如果你是个保安、那你可能就没法远程办公了Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others. For instance, if you are a security guard, you probably cannot telecommute
有缺陷的工程defective works
有缺陷的工程faulty work
未 完工程construction in progress
未完工程uncompleted construct
未标价的工程量表unpriced bill of quantities
机场建筑工程airport construction works
机械设备安装工程mechanical equipment installation works
标价的工程量表priced bill of quantities
世行的标准工程招标文件Standard Bidding Documents for Works (SBDW)
水下开挖工程underwater excavation
水利工程hydraulic work
河流整治工程river regulation works
注册成本工程certified cost engineer
海外工程works abroad
港湾工程harbor project
港湾工程harbor works
独立工程independent engineer
现场首席工程chief resident engineer
生产 与成本管理主任工程chief production control and costing engineer
电器与机械工程合同条件conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works
电子电气工程师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
疏浚工程dredging work
砌石工程stone work
移走有缺陷的工程removal of defective work
竣工的工程completed works
管线工程项目pipeline project
结构工程structural works
给排水工程water supply and sewerage works
给水排水工程water supply and sewerage works
绝大多数模拟器允许查看在工作站本地安装的应用程序Most emulators enable you to view applications installed locally on your workstation
自动还本工程self-liquidating project
自营工程force account
色彩工程color engineering
补救性工程remedial works
计算机工程computer engineering
计算机工程学课程灵活、而且前景很好。我相信这是最好的选择The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me
设计工程一切险engineering all risks
详细工程计划detailed programme
较小的工程变更minor change in the work
较小的工程变更命令order for minor change in the work
近似工程量清单approximate bill of quantities
这个命令行工具用于关闭和删除由其他进程锁定的文件This is a command line utility to close and delete a file which is locked by another process
进人工程现场access to works
选定的分包工程selected subcontract work
道路工程项目, 设计road project
配套工程appurtenant works
重建工程reconstruction works
金属结构工程metal works
钢结构工程structural steel works
钢结构工程structural steelwork
钻探工程drilling work
门窗工程working for doors and windows
工程量表的总价lump-sum price with bill of quantities
附加工程additional works
附属工程subsidiary work
附属工程external works
附用工程量表的再计量remeasurement with bill of quantities
项目调试工程project commissioning engineer
顾 问 工程consulting engineer
顾问工程师协会the Association of Consulting Engineers
额外工程extra work
风险型工程管理模式at-risk CM
驻地首席工程chief resident engineer