
Terms for subject Commerce containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
中国路桥工程公司China Road and Bridge Engineering Company
交钥匙工程作业turnkey operation
交钥匙工程协议turnkey agreement
交钥匙工程承包turnkey contracting
交钥匙工程承包商turnkey contractor
交钥匙工程特许turnkey franchising
企业管理工程industrial engineer
英国全国工程研究所National Engineering Laboratory
公共事业工程项目public project
制造工程manufacturing engineering
周围土建工程peripheral activities
美国咨询工程师协会Consulting Engineers Council
国际咨询工程师联合会International Federation of Consulting Engineers
图示工程进度graphical demonstration of construction process
图示工程进度graphic demonstration of construction process
土木工程civil works (包括:厂址清理与整治 (site preparation and development), 厂房建筑与特殊建筑物 (buildings and special civil works),室外工程 (outdoor works))
土木工程civil engineering works (包括:厂址清理与整治 (site preparation and development), 厂房建筑与特殊建筑物 (buildings and special civil works),室外工程 (outdoor works))
土木工程投资费用investment cost for civil engineering works
土木工程资料data on civil engineering
在建工程work in progress
填土施工工程fill construction
工程作一客观评估give an objective appraisal of the project
对外承包的工程foreign contracted project
对新工程项目估价evaluate the new project
工业生产过程commercial run
工作程序示意图procedure flow chart
工作过程work process
工厂规程factory regulation
工厂设备安装工程plant engineering
工程与技术研究engineering and technological research
工程准备资金project reserve funds
工程分析engineering job analysis
工程咨询公司consulting company
英国工程咨询委员会Engineering Advisory Council
英国工程学会会员Fellow of the Society of Engineering
工程学术研究engineering research
工程工期time limit for a project
工程建筑增加值value added of construction
工程心理学engineering psychology (主要研究环境、温度、湿度、噪音、 照明等对工作的影响)
工程思考阶段speculation phase
工程承包人engineering contractor
工程承包公司company to. contract for engineering projects
工程承包商engineering contractor
工程技术生涯engineering career
工程数据审查engineering data review
工程施工与安装质量quality of construction and installation
英国工程标准协调委员会Engineering Standard Coordinating Committee
美国工程研究协会Engineering Research Association
工程管理schedule control
工程要求engineering requirements
工程设计图engineering drawing
工程设计工作engineering work
工程设计改变engineering design change
工程项目投标project bid
工艺流程分析technological flow analysis
工艺流程图processing flow chart
工艺流程图engineering flow chart
工艺流程图flow chart
工艺流程图纸process flow sheet
工艺流程图表process flow sheet
工艺规程routing process
建筑工程division of construction
建筑工程承包building contracting
建筑工程规范和规程standards and rules for construction projects
开垦工程pioneering work
总负责工程an engineer in overall charge
扩建工程项目extension project
承办向一*工程提供原材料contract for supply of raw materials to a project
承包成套工程项目contract for "packaged deal" projects
承包整套工程项目contracting "packaged deal" project
承包整套工程项目contracting "packaged deal " proj ects
把大笔资金投人一项工程pour a large sum of money into a project
把大笔资金投入一项工程pour a large sum of money into a project
报废工程abandoned project
工程施工进度分期支付款项progressive payment
工程施工进度分期支付款项payment by instalments
工程施工进度分期支付款项progress payment
整套工程a package deal
工程order of construction
未完工程建设unfinished construction
未完成建筑工程项目uncompleted construction project
英国机械工程学会Institution of Mechanical Engineering
检验工程inspecting engineer
正设计工程senior design engineer
环境工程师协会Institute of Environmental Engineers
现有企业的改扩建工程rebuilding and expansion of existing enterprises
英国生产工程研究协会Production Engineering Research Association
生产工艺过程组合process mix
英国电机工程师学会Institute of Electrical Engineers
登广告征求承包桥梁建筑工程advertise for contracts to construct a bridge
短线工程项目short-term project
系统工程设计system engineering
紧急工程定货rush engineering order
美国机械工程师协会标准ASME CODE
美国联合工程委员会Engineering Joint Council
船舶工程公司shipbuilding engineering company
规划与工程设计project and engineering designs (包括:进度安排 (time-scheduling)、 场地勘察与调查 (site prospecting and probing)、工厂设计与图纸编制 (preparation of blueprints and plant designs)、工厂详细设计 (detailed plant engineering)、工艺及设备的最后选定 (final selection of technology and equipment))
质量管理与工程quality management and engineering
造船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程guarantee engineer
重点工程major engineering work
重点工程建设项目key construction projects
重点工程项目major project
长线基建工程项目long-term project
驻段工程resident engineer
高级研究工程senior research engineer
高级设计工程部门senior engineering associate