
Terms for subject Technology containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
一期工程first-stage construction
一期工程first-stage project
一期工程first phase of construction
一般工程研究general engineering research
一般砌筑工程general masonry
丁坝工程groin works
丁坝工程groyne engineering
丁坝工程groyne work
丁坝工程groin engineering
上下水道工程water supply and sewerage works
上部结构工程superstructure works
下水道工程sewage works
下水道工程sewerage engineering
下水道工程系统sewerage system
下部结构工程substructure work
不可逆工程non-reversible process
不可预见工程unpredictable works
不可预见工程unforeseen works
不合格工程non-conforming work
不合格工程defective works
不合理的勘探工程布置unreasonable arrangement of exploratory engineering
不带报价的工程量清单unpriced bill of quantities
不符合同工程non-conforming work
不规则粗料石工程random range ashlar
专业工程expert engineer
专业工程professional engineer
专业设计工程discipline design engineers
专门性工程地质测绘special engineering geology mapping
专项工程承包招标inviting bids of special engineering contracting
专项工程支出special fund
专项工程支出special work expenditures
专项工程支出special construction expenditures
业主工程owner's engineer
业主供货和工程范围scope of works and supply by owner
业主咨询工程师标准服务协议书conditions of the client/consultant model services agreement
优质工程high-quality project
优质工程rate of best quality engineering
传动工程transmission engineering
分包工程division contract
分包工程split contract
分包工程投标subcontract bids
分包合同工程subcontracted work
分子工程molecular engineering
分段工程section engineer
分水工程diversion works
分水渠首工程diversion headwork
分流工程diversion construction
分流制排水工程sewerage of separate system
分流渠首工程diversion headwork
分蓄洪工程flood diversion and storage project
分部工程divisional work
分部工程验收acceptance of divisional work
分阶段工程设计phased project planning
分项工程subdivisional work
分项工程fundamental work
分项工程进度表programme chart of subdivisional work
分项工程进度表program chart of subdivisional work
分项工程验收acceptance of work subelements
分项工程验收acceptance of subdivisional work
切割工程cutting engineering
切嘴工程spit cutting works
切嘴工程spit cut off works
工程项目taking-off (计算工程量的步骤之一)
创造工程creative engineering (学)
创造性工程开发计划creative engineering programme
创造性工程开发计划creative engineering program
初期截流工程initial closure works
初步工程检验preliminary engineering inspection
初步岩土工程勘探preliminary geotechnical investigation
初级工程junior engineer
初级工程技术preengineering technology
包工工程force-account works
包工工程contractor's business
包工工程contract work
包工工程contract construction
包干工程lump-sum work
包建工程turnkey project
化学工程chemical engineering (学)
化学工程公司chemical construction corporation
化学工程chemical engineering science
化学工程建设部chemical engineering and construction division
化工过程加热炉process furnace
各种流域排水工程整理综合规划comprehensive program of catchment sewerage
合作工程associated engineer
合成粘胶工程synthetical glue work
合成粘胶工程synthetic glue work
合流制排水工程sewerage of combined system
合约规定工程总费用最高限额guaranteed maximum cost
后期工程subsequent works
工程geotechnical engineer
工程geotechnic engineer
工程作业earthwork operation
土体工程地质engineering geological of soil mass
土体工程地质engineering geologic of soil mass
土力学工程geotechnical engineering (学)
土力学工程geotechnic engineering (学)
土力学与基础工程Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division (期刊名)
土力学与基础工程soil mechanics and foundation engineering
土地垦殖工程land settlement project
土地平整工程land leveling project
土壤工程soil engineering
土壤工程soil engineer
土壤基础工程soil and foundation engineering
土工工程geotechnical engineering
土工工程geotechnic engineering
土工工程geotechnical engineering
土工工程geotechnic engineering
土工工程geotechnic engineer
土工技术工程geotechnical engineering
土工技术工程geotechnic engineering
土建工程civil engineering
土建工程civil construction
土建工程building project
土建工程投资investment of civil work
土方工程earthmoving works
土方工程navvy work
土方工程excavation work
土方工程earthwork engineering
土方工程earthmoving job
土方工程earthwork drawing
土方工程工序earthwork operation
土方工程earthmoving engineer
土方工程承包地段earthworks contract section
土方工程控制统计earthwork control statistics
土方工程机械earth-moving machine
土方工程机械earthwork machinery
土方工程现场earthworks site
土方工程现场earthwork site
土方工程计划earthwork plan
土方工程设备earthworks plant
土方工程设计earthwork design
土方工程车辆earthwork vehicle
土方工程进度表schedule of earth-works
土方工程quantities of earthwork
土方工程earthwork quantity
土方工程量测定earth quantity determination
土方修整工程leveling of ground
土木工程与公共建筑综论Civil Engineering and Public Works Review (英国期刊名)
土木工程与结构工程师评论Civil and Structure Engineer Review (期刊)
土木工程公司civil engineering firm
土木工程勘测civil works investigation
土木工程合同construction contract
土木工程学士Bachelor of Civil Engineering
土木工程定额测算方法civil engineering standard method of measurement
土木工程帀项目civil engineering project
土木工程师协会Institution of Civil Engineers
土木工程师学会Institution of Civil Engineers (英国)
土木工程师学会会刊Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (英国)
土木工程建筑civil engineering work
土木工程承包人civil engineering contractor
土木工程承包商联合会The Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
土木工程施工合同条件conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction
土木工程施工场地civil engineering site
土木工程机械civil engineering machines
土木工程机械civil engineering machinery
土木工程构筑物civil engineering structure
土木工程检查员civil engineering inspector
土木工程研究协会Civil Engineering Research Association
土木工程civil engineering department
土木工程设计情报综合处理体系integrated civil engineering systems
土木工程计算机辅助设计civil CAD
土木工程设施civil works
土木工程设计civil design
土木工程费用civil engineering cost
土木主任工程chief civil engineer
土木总工程chief civil engineer
土的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of soil
土的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of soil
土的工程性质engineering property of soil
土石方工程材料bank material
土质工程geotechnical engineering
土质工程geotechnic engineering
土质工程soil engineering
堆石工程stone-filled work
堤坝工程embankment construction
堤坝工程bank construction
堤岸工程waterfront construction
堤防工程dyke building
堤防工程dike building
处理过程处理工艺treatment process
复岸工程bank reinstatement
外部工程outer work
外部涂刷油漆工程exterior painting work
外部装修工程exterior finish
外部防护工程external protection works
多功能生态工程multifunctional ecological engineering
多孔的工程用黏土砖perforated clay engineering brick
多效用工程multiple-purpose project
多用途的给水工程waterworks for miscellaneous use
多目标工程multipurpose project
多目标工程multiple-purpose project
多级式开环磨矿工艺过程为研磨分级-送出,与闭环工艺不同multistage open-circuit grinding
大修工艺过程overhaul pipeline
大功率工程high-power engineering
大坝混凝土工程dam concrete work
大型工程large-scale works
大型工程huge project
大型工程large-scale project (项目)
大型工程massive construction project (项目)
大型工程heavy construction
大型工程建设large engineering project
大型工程项目big-scale work
大型工程项目big-scale project
大型地下水工程large groundwater project
大型地表水工程large surface water project
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geological condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geologic condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大型承包工程large con tract
大型水利工程large hydraulic project
大气污染防治工程atmospheric pollution control engineering
大理石工程marble work
大理石圬工工程marble masonry work
大規模开发工程large scale development project
大规模工程现场large-scale project site
大规模安装工程large-scale erection works
大规模建设工程massive construction project
大规模挖方工程large-scale excavation
大规模挖方工程mass production
大规模挖方工程heavy excavation
大规模挖方工程bulk excavation
大规模钻探工程large-scale drilling programme
大规模钻探工程large-scale drilling program
大量土方工程heavy earthwork
大量消耗能源的工程项目energy intensive project
大量退鹘工程heavy earthwork
封塞工程sealing work
封闭工程sealing work
封闭工程sealing works
工程项目minor structure
小五金安装工程hardware work
小半径的环形工程quick sweep
小型工程small project
小型水利工程small-scale water conservancy project
小型水利工程small hydraulic project
小型航道整治工程small-scale channel regulation project
工程新闻杂志》计算桩承载力公式engineering news formula
市政工程municipal works
市政工程urban engineering (学)
市政工程municipal engineering (学)
市政工程department public works
市政工程public works department
市政工程department public works
市政工程municipal engineer
市政工程承包人public works contractor
市政工程承包商public works contractor
市政工程承包者public works contractor
市政工程测量municipal engineering survey
市政工程管理局Public Works Administration
市政工程设施municipal engineering facility
市政工程设计public works project
市政工程Ministry of Public Works
市政排水工程municipal sewerage
市政排水工程municipal sewage
布线工程wiring installation
带控制点工艺流程图piping and instrument diagram
开业工程practicing engineer
开发工程developed project
开垦工程reclamation works
开拓工程development work
开拓工程development opening
开挖工程excavation work
开挖工程cutting work
开采工程exploitation engineering
弓冰式工程diversion canal development
引水工程diversion project
引水工程collecting work
引水渠首工程diversion headwork
弧形工程compass engineering brick
急流控制工程torrent control works
成套工程projects of complete plants
成层乱砌工程coursed random work
成本估计的工程industrial engineering method in cost estimation
指定承包工程special appointment work
工程进度付款construction progress payment
挖土工程excavation work
挖土工程excavating work
挖土工程earth excavation works
挖填平衡的土方工程balanced earthwork
挖掘工程excavating work
挖掘工程excavation work
挖方工程excavation work
挖方工程excavating work
挖方运土工程excavation and cart-away
挖方工程cutting work
挖方工程volume of excavation work
挖沟工程trench works
挖沟工程trenching works
挖泥竣工高程final dredged level
挖石工程rock excavation
挡土工程sheathing work
线工程open wiring
明尼苏达工程类比测试Minnesota engineering analogies test
明挖隧道工程open cut tunnelling
明挖隧道工程open cut tunneling
明线工程open work
最大程度工厂组装maximum shop assembly
有执照的专业工程professional engineer
有混凝土填芯的块石工程opus incertum
有经验工程experienced engineer
有缺陷工程defective works
服务工程service engineering
标价工程数量清单priced bill
标价工程量清单priced bill of quantities
标准工程standard engineering
栈架工程trestle work
隧道、坑道施工用模壳工程安装车forms handler
模壳工程规范formwork specifications
模板工程form project
模板工程shuttering works
模板工程form work engineering
模板工程压力pressure on form work
模板工程安装车form work handler
隧道、坑道施工用模板工程安装车forms handler
模板工程工作form work
模板工程的底板form work bottom
模板支架工程form supporting work
民用工程civil engineering
民间工程deposite works
民间工程private work
民间工程deposit works
民间工程合同private work contract
气动工程pneumatic engineering
气动管道工程/安装pneumatic pipework/installation
气压工程pneumatic work
气压沉箱工程pneumatic work
洞口工程works of portal
洞身工程tunnel works
洞门建筑工程portal structure
清算工程squaring up
渗氮工艺过程nitriding process
渠化工程canalized engineering
渠化工程canalization works
渠道工程canal works
渠道工程canal engineering
渠道工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of canal
渠道工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of canal
渠道口工程canal headwork
渠首工程intake head
渠首工程diversion works
渠首工程canal headwork
渠首工程结构headworks structure
焊接工程welding work
焊接工程welding engineer
焊接工艺程序welding schedule
焊接工艺规程welding procedure specification
焊接工艺过程welding schedule
琢石工程cut stone work
琢石工程ashlar work
琢石砌筑工程stone ashlar masonry
甘特工程计划表Gantt project planning chart
甘特式计划工程项目表Gantt charts for planning engineering project
生产与成本管理主任工程chief production control and costing engineer
生产制造工程production-manufacturing engineering
生产勘探工程系统system of production engineering
生产过程工程process engineering
生命线地震工程lifeline earthquake engineering
生态工程ecological engineering (学)
生态工程ecologic engineering (学)
生态工程系统ecological engineering system
生态工程系统ecologic engineering system
生态系统工程ecosystem engineering
生态系统工程ecologic system engineering
生活供水工程domestic supply sewage
生物工程bio-engineering (学)
生物工程下游技术downstream technique of biotechnology
真空工程vacuum engineering
码头工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of dock
码头工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of dock
砂浆工程mortar works
砌体工程墙角护条masonry work angle bead
砌块工程building block masonry (work)
砌石工程masonry works
砌石工程rubble work
砌石工程masonry work
砌砖工程masonry works
砌砖工程brick laying
砌筑工程masonry work
研究工程research engineer
砖工工程bricklayer's work
砖石工程brick engineering
砖石工程masonry work
砖石工程brick construction
砖石工程brick-and-stone work
砖石工程中的嵌入件build-in items In masonry
砖石工程住宅塔楼masonry work residence tower
砖石工程加腋masonry work haunching
砖石工程墓穴masonry work tomb
砖石工程处理masonry work treatment
砖石工程屏幕masonry work screen
砖石工程开洞masonry work opening
砖石工程强度masonry work strength
砖石工程桥墩masonry work pier
砖石工程用花岗岩masonry granite
砖石工程的清洁处理masonry work cleaning
砖石工程码头masonry work pier
砖石工程破坏性试验masonry work failure test
砖石工程筒仓masonry work silo
砖石工程管理masonry work keep
砖石工程结构masonry work structure
砖石工程维护masonry work keep
砖石工程表层masonry work surfacing
砖石工程表层masonry work skin
砖石工程配筋masonry work reinforcement
砖石工程防潮密封剂masonry work moisture sealing agent
砖石工程风格masonry work style
砖砌工程mason construction
砖砌工程brick masonry
程序工程process engineer
程序中断工作区programme interrupt active
程序中断工作区program interrupt active
程序准备的工具程序programme preparation aids
程序准备的工具程序program preparation aids
程序加工技术process technique
程序加工操作red-tape operation
程序加工操作bookkeeping operation
程序及焊工的评定qualification of procedure and welder
程序员工作台programmer's workbench
程序员工作台programmer console
程序员工具programmer tool
程序工作方式job programme mode
程序工作方式job program mode
程序工作记录系统procedure work log system
程序工艺工程process engineering
程序控制工程process control engineering
程序控制加工tape-controlled operating
程序最后加工programme termination processing
程序最后加工program termination processing
程序最终加工programme termination processing
程序最终加工program termination processing
程序设计工具programming tool
程序设计工具programming aid
程序调试工具programme debugging tool
符号控制工作程序character controlled generator
紧急工程emergency project (项目)
紧急工程项目crash programme
紧急工程项目crash project
紧急工程项目crash program
编篱护坡工程slope net working
脚手架工程scaffolding work
调度工程dispatching engineer
调度工程control engineer
调度工作规程rule of dispatching
调度程序工作区scheduler work area
调度程序工作区数据集scheduler work area data set
调整和修补工程adjusting and repairing work
调水工程diversion project
调水渠首工程diversion headwork
调节工程regulating works
责任工程engineering officer
选矿工程mineral processing engineer
选矿工程ore-dressing engineer
选矿工程mineral preparation engineer
选线工程location engineer
选线工程locating engineer
递归过程的工作单元块temporary block in a recursive procedure
通用工程general engineering
通用工程系统general engineering system
通用修理工程general purpose shop truck
通风工程ventilation work
通风工程ventilation engineering
造价工程cost engineering
造园工程recreation engineering
造园工程landscape engineering
造园工程landscape engineer
造景工程landscape engineering
造林工程afforestation project
造船工程naval architecture (学)
造船工程naval engineering (学)
造船工程marine engineering
造船工程naval engineer
造船工程shipbuilding engineer
造船工程marine architect
造船工程师协会Institution of Naval Architects
造船与轮机工程师学会Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
造船及轮机工程试协会the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
造船总工程chief constructor
错乱突出砖砌工程skintled brickwork
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