
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing 工程 | all forms | in specified order only
丁坝工程spur dam project
上下水道工程water-supply and sewerage works
专门性工程地质问题研究报告Report for investigation of special engineering geological problems
专门性问题工程地质图Engineering geological map for special geological problems
主任工程division engineer
主体工程main works
主体工程main structures (main civil works)
主体工程施工construction of main structures
主体工程施工大型设施布置图Arrangement of large facilities for construction of main structures
主体工程施工期construction period of main structures
主管工程engineer in charge
主要工程地质问题Main engineering geological considerations
主要建筑工程量汇总表Summary of quantities of main civil works
主要建筑物工程地质纵剖面图Longitudinal Transversal geological sections of main structures
主要建筑物混凝土施工程序、施工方法及施工布置示意图Sketch of concrete placement sequence, method and layout for main structures
交通工程traffic engineering
交钥匙工程turn-key job
交钥匙工程合同turnkey contract
代表性方案的主要工程量汇总表summary of main working quantities of the representative alternative
价值工程value engineering
供水工程water-supply engineering
值班工程shift engineer
全过程工程造价管理咨询cost management consultancy of whole construction process
公用工程pubic works
公路工程high-way engineering
农业工程agricultural engineering
农业供水工程farm water supply engineering
农田水利工程water-conservation measure in agriculture
农田给水工程farm water supply engineering
分洪工程flood diversion works
分洪工程flood diversion project
分部工程distributed work
分部工程work piece
分部工程construction work element
分部工程divisional works
分项工程construction work subelement
分项工程work element
化学工程chemical engineering
单位工程unit works
单元工程separated item works
单项工程sectional works
卫生工程sanitary engineering
卫生工程sanitary works
发包工程contract works
发包工程contract construction
发电工程power scheme
发电工程power project
发电工程每千瓦造价cost of power generation project per kW
发电厂送出工程generation interconnection project
各项工程规模方案技术经济比较表Technical and economic comparisons of various project scale alternatives
合龙工程closure works
咨询工程consulting engineer
围垦工程reclamation work
围垦工程reclamation project
固坡工程slope stabilization project
国际咨询工程师联合会菲迪克International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
土工工程soil engineering
土工工程geotechnical engineer
土方工程earth works
土方工程ground works
土木工程civil engineering
土木工程civil engineering
土石方工程earth-rock works
地下工程subterranean work
地下厂房的工程地质平切图Horizontal geologic sections of underground powerhouse
地下硐室围岩工程地质分类engineering geological classification of surrounding rocks for underground chambers
地基工程foundation engineering
地基工程ground engineering
块石护坡工程pitched work
坝址工程地质图Engineering geological map of dam site
坝址调查现场调查工程地质调查site inspection
坝基岩体工程地质分类engineering geological classification of rock mass for dam foundation
坡面水系工程slope water works
坡面治理工程slope treatment for erosion control
坡面集雨工程rainfall harvesting works on the slope
垦殖工程reclamation work
基本建设工程capital works
基础工程foundation works
基础工程foundation engineering
填土工程fill construction
填挖平衡的土方工程balanced earthworks
填方工程fill construction
多目标开发工程multiple-purpose project
多目标开发工程综合利用工程multipurpose project
多级水电工程multi-stage water power development
存在重大工程地质问题部位的水文地质及工程地质平面图剖面图Plan Profile of hydrogeology and engineering geology of areas with major geological problems
安装工程erection work
安装工程一切险erection all risk insurance
安装工程installation woks cost
导流工程diversion works
导流工程diversion construction
导流工程施工布置图Construction layout of diversion works
小型灌溉工程minor irrigation
岩土工程geotechnical engineering
岩土工程geotechnical engineer
岩土工程模型试验geotechnical model test
工作行程operating stroke
工区工程division engineer
工地工程site engineer
工程保险费project insurance premium
工程准备期preparatory period
工程前期文件档案prophase records of project
工程前期文件prephase records of project
工程前期费preliminary engineering fees
工程力学engineering mechanics
工程勘测engineering investigation
工程单价unit price
工程单价计算表Calculation of project unit price
工程变更variation of works
工程working drawing
工程地理位置图Geographic location of the proposed project
工程地质分析与计算engineering geological analysis and calculation
工程地质剖面Engineering geological section
工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation
工程地质勘察报告Report for engineering geological investigation
工程地质学engineering geology
工程地质条件Engineering geological conditions
工程地质调查site inspection
工程地质调查site investigation
工程塑料engineering plastics
工程处理措施engineering measure
工程完建期,竣工期completion period
工程定位复测费resurvey fee of project location
工程岩体分类Classification of engineering rock mass
工程师代表总监engineer's representative
工程师工作站engineer workstation
工程建设engineering construction
工程建设监理费construction supervision cost
工程建设管理区employer camp
工程开发任务project development purposes
工程开发模式project development mode
工程影响人口project affected persons
工程影响的居住区project-affected community
工程总体布置general arrangement works
工程总体布置general layout of project
工程总承包EPC contracting
工程投资project investment
工程排污费sewage disposal charge
工程措施non-structural measure
工程措施structural measure
工程措施engineering measure
工程措施,结构措施structural measure
工程效益usefulness of a project
工程效益project benefits
工程文件档案records of project
工程文件records of project
工程施工engineering construction
工程施工文件construction records of project
工程档案project archives
工程档案project archive
工程档案接收accession of project archives
工程档案移交transfer of project archives
工程档案著录description of project archives
工程档案验收acceptance of project archives
工程水准测量engineering levelling
工程水准测量engineering leveling
工程水力学engineering hydraulics
工程水文学engineering hydrology
工程流体力学engineering fluid mechanics
工程测量engineering survey
工程消耗量定额quantity of consumption norm and standard
工程照管care of works
工程特性表project features
工程监理文件档案records of supervision of project
工程监理文件records of supervision of project
工程监督engineering supervision
工程竣工completion of works
工程竣工文件档案records on completion of project
工程竣工文件records on completion of project
工程筹建期pre-preparatory period
工程类比、经验类比project analogue
工程经济engineering economy
工程经济学value engineering
工程结构engineering structure
工程规模project scale (project size)
工程计价定额pricing code and index
工程设计engineering design
工程质量优良品率final percentage of superior works
工程engineering cost
工程边坡engineered slope
工程边坡cut slope
工程进度job schedule
工程进度rate of progress
工程进度款progress payment
工程造价cost of work
工程造价engineering cost
工程造价works cost
工程造价construction cost
工程造价信息guidance of cost information
工程造价咨询费consultancy service charge
工程造价指数cost index
工程造价鉴定construction cost verification
工程量汇总表Summary bill of quantities
工程量清单bill of quantities
工程陶瓷涂层ceramic coating
工程项目construction item
工程项目移交前的维护费maintenance cost of the project before handover
工程预付款advance payment
工程预算construction budget
工程验收works acceptance
工程验收acceptance of works
工艺流程workmanship procedure
工艺流程图process chart
工艺过程technologic process
工艺过程technological process
已完工程保护费protection expense of completed work
市政工程pubic works
市政工程municipal engineering
建筑工程architectural engineering
建筑工程construction engineering
建筑工程一切险contractor's all risk insurance
建筑工程估算表Table of civil works estimate
建筑工程building engineer
建筑工程civil works cost
建筑及安装工程单价price of civil works and installation works
建筑物安全监测工程量表Bill of quantities for safety monitoring of buildings
建设工程项目construction project
开垦工程reclamation work
开垦工程reclamation project
开挖工程excavation engineering
开挖工程excavation works
引水工程abstraction works
引水工程分水工程diversion works
工程chief engineer
总承包工程turn-key job
截流工程closure works
截流工程布置图Layout of closure works
打桩工程pile work
扩大单元工程combined item works
护坡工程slope protection works
护坡工程slop protection works
护岸工程beaching of bank
护岸工程bank-protection works
护岸工程shore protection works
拦水工程retaining works
拦渣工程tailing hold structure
拱坝的工程地质平切图Horizontal geologic sections of arch dam
挖沟工程trench excavation
挡土工程retaining works
挡水工程retaining works
挡水工程泄水工程、发电工程工程量表Bill of quantities for retaining structures (release structures, powerhouse)
排水工程drainage works
排水工程drainage project
控导工程river control works
放水工程water release works
整治工程regulation works
整治工程regulatory works
整治工程regulating works
工程construction operation program
工程construction sequence
工程construction operation procedure
工程construction procedure
施工工程construction engineering
施工操作规程construction operation instruction
施工日程表construction calendar
施工流程图layout chart
施工辅助工程temporary works
施工辅助工程临时工程temporary works
施工辅助工程估算表Table of temporary works estimate
施工过程简图outline of process
机械工程mechanical engineering
机电设备及安装工程E&M equipment and installation works
机电设备及安装工程估算表Table of E&M equipment and installation works estimate
枢纽工程费用project cost
枢纽区工程地质图Engineering geologic map of project area
桥梁工程bridge works
桥梁工程bridge engineering
欧洲建筑和土木工程技术标准Eurocodes (engineering technical standards code)
止水工程sealing works
比较坝址工程地质平面图剖面图Engineering <-> geological plan profile of alternative dam site
工程water engineering
力发工程hydroelectric project
水下工程underwater works
水下工程underwater engineering
水利工程water project
水利工程water conservancy project
水利工程hydraulical engineering
水利工程water conservation works
水利工程hydro project
水利工程water engineering
水利工程water conservancy
水利工程水资源工程water resources project
水利工程hydraulic engineering
水利工程设计design of hydro project
水利水电工程water resources and hydropower project
水力工程hydraulical engineering
水力工程hydraulic engineering
水力发电工程water power project
水力发电工程hydroelectric development
水力发电工程water power development
水力发电工程water power engineering
水土保持工程soil and water conservation engineering
水土保持工程conservancy engineering
水密工程watertight work
水库工程storage works
水泵工程pump work
水电工程hydro project
水电工程hydro scheme
水电工程water power project
水电工程hydroelectric scheme
水电工程hydropower project
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水建设征地移民安置验收报告Acceptance of land requisition and resettlement work upon hydroelectric project completion (river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水验收建设征地移民安置实施工作报告Implementation of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion (river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水验收建设征地移民安置独立评估工作报告Independent appraisal of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion (river closure and impoundment)
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水验收建设征地移民安置综合监理工作报告Overall supervision of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion (river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水验收建设征地移民安置设计工作报告Design of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion (river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工截流、蓄水验收项目法人建设征地移民安置工作报告Project owner's land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion (river closure and impoundment)
水电工程等别rank scale of hydropower project
水道工程waterway engineering
永久工程permanent works
永久性工程permanent work
污水工程sewage works
沟头防护工程protective works of gully head
沟道治理工程gully erosion control works
沟道蓄水工程water storage works in gully
河口工程estuary works
河口工程outlet works
河道整治工程river improvement works
河道整治工程river regulation works
河道整治工程river training structure
治沟骨干工程key project for gully erosion control
治河工程river project
治河工程river regulation works
治河工程river-training works
治河工程river improvement works
泄水工程release works
泄水工程outlet works
泥沙工程sedimentation engineering
泥石流防治工程debris flow control works
流域开发工程valley project
海外承包工程overseas contract engineering risks insurance
海岸防护工程sea works
海岸工程coastal engineering
海岸防护工程coastal protection works
海岸防护工程shore protection works
海岸防护工程sea defense works
海洋工程ocean engineering
海港工程harbor engineering
海港工程harbour engineering
消波工程wave breaking works
进水口渠首工程intake headworks
港口工程harbour engineering
港口工程harbor engineering
港口工程port engineering
滞洪工程flood-retarding project
滞洪工程flood detention works
滞洪工程flood retarding project
灌溉工程irrigation engineering
灌溉工程irrigation project
环境工程environmental engineering
环境工程environment engineering
环境保护和水土保持工程soil and water conservation works
环境保护和水土保持工程environmental protection works
环境保护和水土保持工程估算表Table of environmental protection, soil and water conservation works estimate
电力工程power project
电气工程师学会IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers)
电气与电子工程师学会IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
直接工程费用direct construction cost
石方工程rock excavation
砌石工程stone masonry
移民试点工程pilot resettlement project
工程勘测engineering investigation
工程投资project investment
章土建工程施工civil Engineering Construction
系统工程systems engineering
结尾工程winding-up works
给排水工程sanitary works
给水工程water-supply engineering
给水工程water engineering
给水工程water works
给水工程water project
给水工程water engineer
给水排水工程water-supply and sewerage works
维护工程maintenance engineering
综合利用工程multipurpose development
综合利用工程multiple-purpose project
综合利用工程multi-purpose project
缺陷工程defective work
美国焊接工程学会American Welding Society
美国电子电机工程师协会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
美国电子电机工程师协会标准IEEE (engineering technical standards code)
美国陆军工程兵团United States Army Corps of Engineers
航运工程navigation project
航道工程navigation project
英国电气工程师学会标准IEE (engineering technical standards code)
蓄水工程storage works
蓄水工程retaining works
蓄洪工程flood-storage project
蓄洪工程flood-storage works
裁弯工程cut-off works
裁弯工程cut off works
计量工程quantity surveyer
跨流域引水工程interbasin water diversion project
跨流域引水工程transbasin diversion project
跨流域引水工程trans-basin diversion project
输变电工程power transmission and distribution project
运输工程traffic engineering
送出线路工程transmission works
造价工程cost engineer
道路工程high-way engineering
金属结构、设备及安装工程hydraulic steel structure and mechanical equipment
金属结构、设备及安装工程and installation works
钢筋混凝土工程reinforced concrete works
钢铁工程steel work
防护工程protection works
防水工程watertight work
防水工程sealing works
防洪工程flood control project
防洪工程flood protection works
防洪工程flood control works
防浪工程wave protection works
防雷工程lightning protection engineering
附属工程ancillary works
附属工程appurtenant works
隐蔽工程concealed works
隐蔽工程embedded construction
隐蔽工程concealed work
隐蔽工程验收acceptance of concealed work
集中落差式水力发电工程concentrated fall hydroelectric development
工程措施non-structural measures
顾问工程advisory engineer
驳岸工程water-front construction
驻地工程resident engineer
高电压工程high voltage engineering