
Terms containing 工程成本 | all forms | in specified order only
econ., construct.工程成本prime cost basic
proj.manag.加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
econ.国际成本核算工程理事会International Cost Engineering Council
busin.完工工程成本cost of completed work
tech.完工工程成本cost of completed works
avia.工程估计和成本engineering estimating and cost
fin.工程估计成本engineering estimate of cost
tech.工程工时成本权衡图project time-cost trade-off graph
textile工程总成本total work costs
busin.工程成本engineering economic cost
fin.工程成本engineered cost
textile工程成本project costs
bridg.constr.工程成本cost of a project
eng.geol.工程成本job cost
space工程成本engineering cost
textile工程成本engineering economic costs
busin.工程成本constructional cost
busin.工程成本估价engineering cost estimate
busin.工程成本估计engineering estimate of cost
tech.工程成本估计estimated cost of construction work
avia.工程成本减少建议单engineering cost reduction suggestion sheet
textile工程成本分析engineering economic cost analysis
proj.manag.工程成本分类账job cost ledgers
tech.工程成本分类账job cost ledger
avia.工程成本建议engineering cost proposal
avia.工程成本建议书engineering cost proposal
met.工程成本控制project cost control
met.工程成本控制construction cost control
proj.manag.工程成本日记账job cost journals
tech.工程成本日记账job cost journal
busin.工程成本概算engineering cost estimate
tech.工程成本系统job cost system
proj.manag.工程成本记录job cost records
tech.工程成本记录job cost record
proj.manag.工程成本job cost records
tech.工程成本job cost record
proj.manag.工程成本预算work cost budget
tech.工程直接成本direct cost of project
textile工程经济成本engineering economic costs
econ.工程经济成本分析engineering economic cost analysis
tech.工程项目成本project cost
tech.工程项目综合成本制sequential cost system
tech.已完工程成本cost applicable to construction revenue
tech.已完成工程成本cost applicable to construction revenue
tech.已完成工程量成本cost of work performed
econ.已竣工程预算成本budgeted cost of work performed
busin.建筑安装工程成本cost statement for construction and installation project
tech.建设工程成本project construction owning cost
busin.工程成本Total Work Cost
busin.成本估计的工业工程法industrial engineering method in cost estimation
tech.成本估计的工程法industrial engineering method in cost estimation
UN, econ.成本工程cost engineering
fin.成本工程学cost engineering
fin.成本工程师cost engineer
tech.承包工程成本contract cost
econ., construct.改建工程成本cost of reconstruction works
busin.改建工程成本cost of reconstruction work
econ.未竣工程预算成本budgeted cost of work scheduled
proj.manag.注册成本工程师certified cost engineer
proj.manag.生产 与成本管理主任工程师chief production control and costing engineer
tech.生产与成本管理主任工程师chief production control and costing engineer
busin.维修工程成本cost of maintaining project
earth.sc.美国成本核算工程师协会American Association of Cost Engineers
econ.美国成本核算工程师协会American Association for Cost Engineers
avia.美国成本核算工程师协会American Assoc of Cost Engineers
gen.美国成本核算工程师协会American Association of Cost Engineer
el.计算机辅助工程成本削减系统computer-aided cost eliminating system
oil钻井工程成本cost of drilling engineering
oil钻井工程单位成本unit cost of drilling engineering
el.非重复性工程成本non-recurring engineering cost