
Terms for subject Commerce containing 工期 | all forms | in specified order only
加工周期process cycle
在工商业不景气时期,该厂半数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
定期分批加工periodic batch processing
工业项目投资前时期preinvestment phase of an industrial project (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
工作〔起动〕周期work-up period
工作周期stream time
工程工期time limit for a project
建设工期completion time of the project
工期understream period
按工程施工进度分期支付款项progressive payment
按工程施工进度分期支付款项payment by instalments
按工程施工进度分期支付款项progress payment
按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
按规定的限期承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
施工工期construction time
星期天和假日停止工作Sunday and holiday cessation of work
最早完工日期earliest finish date
除去星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
项目完工日期date of completion of the project