
Terms for subject Business containing 工期 | all forms | in specified order only
中期施工阶段middle phase of construction
中期施工阶段middle construction phase
人工周期labor campaign
假期工薪leave pay
假期工资照付vacation pay
做前期准备工作make first-phase preparation
工期inaction period
停工时期down time
准备工作的后期阶段advanced stage of preparation
分期直接或分批加工periodic direct or batch processing
分期直接或分批加工periodic direct or inplace processing
前期完成工作work down in previous period
工期合同making contract
工期processing period
工期period of processing
单位工程施工期construction period of unit project
完工提前期completion lead time
家庭工业时期cottage period
工业成熟期maturation of industry
工伤医疗期间伙食补贴meager allowance during medical treatment for on-job injury
工作周期job cycle
工作周期长度length of working cycle
工作日期job date
工作最忙期peak workload period
工厂设备利用期plant utilization
工商短期放款commercial and industrial short term loan
工商短期放款市场commercial and industrial short term loan market
工期duration of a project
工期内造价控制cost control on job
工期定额working-day norm
工艺过程周期technological cycle
工资支付期payroll period
工资结算期发放期payroll period
工资结算期pay period
平均停工期mean down time
建设工期completion time of project
开工生产日期date of commencement of production
持续工作期间continuous working period
工期engineering time
工期implementation period of the project
施工分期付款progress payments
施工周期execution cycle
星期日工作Sunday employment
星期日工作Sundays employment
晴天工作日,星期天及例假日除外即不计入装卸时期weather working day, Sunday and holiday excepted
期末职工人数number of workers and staff at the end of period
本期完成工作work down in current period
没有按期完工behind completion date
照付工资的假期paid leave
现期工作估计current working estimate
短期工作short-run job
短期工商贷款short-term commercial and industrial loans
短期工程short-time work
短期工程short-run work
工期time of completion
工会给工人工期津贴strike pay
工期间津贴strike pay
远期预算计划工作forward budget-planning
长期合同完工会计法completed job method of accounting for long term contract
长期失业工人hard core workers
长期工程承包long-term construction contract
长期拖延工期的项目project long in construction
长期日工day-to-day work
长期部门间预测工具long-term interindustry forecasting tool
因遭不幸雇员假期工资照付compassionate leave
非工伤期间工资pay for non-job related injury
预定完工日期estimated date of completion