
Terms containing 工期 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一期工程first-stage construction
met.一期工程first phase
tech.一期工程first-stage project
met.一期工程first phase project
tech.一期工程first phase of construction
tech.不工作周期null cycle
org.name.世界粮食安全委员会闭会期间工作组Intersessional Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security
busin.中期施工阶段middle phase of construction
busin.中期施工阶段middle construction phase
UN, account.中期计划和方案预算工作队Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget
securit.交易债务工具的期权市场option market for debt instrument
busin.人工周期labor campaign
sport., med.人工月经周期artificial menstrual cycle
manag.代表性工程项目偿还期typical project payback period
econ.优先最少费用工期optimum least cost schedule
archit.估计完工日期estimated completion data
tech.估计完工日期estimated completion date
tech.估计的完工日期estimated date of completion
econ.估计竣工日期estimated date of completion
met.作业线上加工处理周期in-line treatment cycle
tech.假期和节日工资vacation and holiday pay
busin.假期工薪leave pay
busin.假期工资照付vacation pay
tech.假期工资vacation pay
busin.做前期准备工作make first-phase preparation
tech.stoppage period
tech.shut-down period
met.停机idle period
auto.故障inaction period
met.工期shut-down period
busin.工期inaction period
auto.工期dead time
nautic., tech.DP 停工期DP downtime
tech.工期工作计划shut-down schedule
tech.工期工资idle time pay
tech.工期lay off
busin.停工时期down time
tech.停工时期工资idle time pay
shipb.停工时期的工资idle time pay
econ.停止付款是由于工厂设备的发货误期所引起的The suspension of payment is caused by the delay of delivery of the plant equipment
avia.先期工艺工程指令advance process engineering order
tech.公共交通工具折旧期限means depreciation time limit
econ.公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas
org.name.《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
gen.计算机的典型工作周期representative circulating time
tech.典型工作周期representative calculating time
tech.冰冻期混凝土施工concreting in freezing weather
busin.准备工作的后期阶段advanced stage of preparation
tech.分期渐进施工法progressive stage construction
busin.分期直接或分批加工periodic direct or batch processing
busin.分期直接或分批加工periodic direct or inplace processing
tech.分期竣工completion by stages
tech.分期竣工证书certificate of completion by stages
tech.分阶段工期interim dates
econ.初期加工业early-stage processing industry
gen.初期实验〔中间〕工厂prepilot plant
agric.初期工业infant industries
earth.sc.初期工程地质研究preliminary engineering geological study
tech.初期截流工程initial closure works
adv.前工业化时期preindustrial age
tech.前期准备工作advance preparation
tech.前期准备工作make first-phase preparations
tech.前期准备工作first phase preparations
shipb.前期准备工作initial preparation work
busin.前期完成工作work down in previous period
archit.前期工作preliminary works
tech.前期工作时间lead time
tech.前期工程preliminary works
auto.前期工程advanced engineering
tech.前期工程avant project
tech.前期工程antecedent engineering
tech.前进分期施工progressive stage construction
busin.工期合同making contract
busin.工期processing period
busin.工期period of processing
commer.加工周期process cycle
securit.加强和改善证券期货监管工作enhance and improve the supervision on securities and futures
econ.半月期工薪表semimonthly payroll
busin.单位工程施工期construction period of unit project
tech.单位工程施工工期construction period of unit project
auto.发动机无修理持续工作时期engine endurance
tech.发工资期pay period
tech.合同工期contract time
tech.合理开工日期reasonable starting date
manag.合适工期right time
adv.后工业化时期postindustrial age
tech.后期工程subsequent works
securit.工期employee option
manag.员工技能的长期发展long-term development of employee skills
tech.周期工作方式periodical duty
tech.周期工作方式periodic duty
tech.周期工作的电磁阀cycling solenoid valve
ecol.周期性工业cyclical industry
tech.周期性工作periodical duty
tech.周期性工作cyclical duty
tech.周期性工作periodic work
tech.周期性工作periodical work
tech.周期性工作cyclic duty
tech.周期性工作方法periodical duty
tech.周期性工作方法periodic duty
tech.周期检査工作卡period inspection work card
econ.和平时期工业peace industry
econ.因为雇员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
auto.固定故障率工作周期constant failure-rate period
securit.国际掉期业务及衍生工具协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association
shipb.在交货期和服务工作条件上有竞争力competitive in terms of delivery and services
commer.在工商业不景气时期,该厂半数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
tech.基本建设前期工作capital construction work for the earlier stage
econ.多期工程项目a multiphase project
econ.多期工程项目multiphase project
fin.套期保值工具hedging tool
fin.套期工具arbitrage tool
securit.套期工具hedging instrument
fin.套期金融工具hedging instrument
tech.如期完工timely completion
securit.如期完工保证书completion bond
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
econ.完工【井】日期completion date
busin.完工提前期completion lead time
tech.完工日期complete drilling date
China, law完成一定工作任务为期限expire upon completion of the given job
tech.定期下工地periodical visit to the site
tech.定期下工地periodic visit to the site
commer.定期分批加工periodic batch processing
tech.定期工作报告periodical performance report
tech.定期工作报告periodic performance report
manag.定期直接或分批加工periodic direct or batch processing
securit.定期证券借贷工具美联储创建流动性注资工具Term Securities Lending Facility
securit.定期证券借贷工具term security lending facility
econ.定期评奖工资制a measured day rate plan
tech.实际建筑工期actual construction time
tech.实际完工日期date of substantial completion
tech.实际施工期actual construction time
busin.家庭工业时期cottage period
adv.工业化时期industrializing age
econ.工业周期industrial cycle
busin.工业成熟期maturation of industry
commer.工业项目投资前时期preinvestment phase of an industrial project (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
econ.工人限期加入工会的工厂企业或商号union shop
HR工会限期人会制union shop
busin.工伤医疗期间伙食补贴meager allowance during medical treatment for on-job injury
commer.工作〔起动〕周期work-up period
gen.工作不如预期underperform (同行)
manag.工作任期job tenure
econ.工作前序期间process period
tech.工作周期operational period
tech.工作周期work-ut period
tech.工作周期working cycle
auto.工作周期period of service
auto.工作周期cycle of operations
econ.工作周期task cycle
AI.工作周期cycle time
commer.工作周期stream time
construct.装置的工作周期turnaround of unit
tech.工作周期service cycle
busin.工作周期job cycle
tech.工作周期operating cycle
wind.工作周期length of working cycle
wind.工作周期duty period
manag.工作周期循环job cycle
manag.工作周期cycle of work
tech.工作周期occupation period
tech.工作周期action cycle
tech.工作周期指标working period target
tech.工作周期数number of work cycles
tech.工作周期的高生产率high-cycle efficiency
tech.工作周期缩短率working period shortening rate
busin.工作周期长度length of working cycle
wind.工作循环期length of working cycle
tech.工作性能检查周期functional proof cycle
busin.工作日期job date
avia.工作日期页job date sheet
manag.工作最忙时期peak workload period
busin.工作最忙期peak workload period
tech.工作期间on period
tech.工作期限working deadline
CNC工作期限working life
tech.工作期限寿命service life
tech.工作期限试验life testing
tech.工作期限试验life test
auto.工作间歇期working interval
avia.工作陈述日期work statement date
manag.工作预期时间activity expect time
busin.工厂设备利用期plant utilization
busin.工商短期放款commercial and industrial short term loan
busin.工商短期放款市场commercial and industrial short term loan market
tech.工期completion time
busin.工期duration of a project
tech.工期completion period
tech.工期construction time limit
railw.工期time schedule (运输)
tech.工期work period
tech.工期time of completion
refrig.工期construction term
busin.工期内造价控制cost control on job
tech.工期定额working day norm
econ.工期定额建筑working-day norm building
econ.工期定额the working-day norm
busin.工期定额working-day norm
tech.工期定额work-day quota
tech.工期延误delayed time of the works
tech.工期延长time extension
tech.工期索赔claim of deferring time limit of a project
commer.工程工期time limit for a project
tech.工程工期duration on a project
avia.工程先期物料需求engineering advance material request
tech.工程前期工作engineering preliminaries
expl.工程前期工作费用工程施工前所支付的勘测、规划、设计、科研等项费用的总称previous investigation cost of project
tech.工程地质长期观测engineering geological long-term observation
tech.工程地质长期观测long-term observation of engineering geology
tech.工程地质长期观测engineering geologic long-term observation
econ.工程完工日期construction completion date
tech.工程完工日期completion date
tech.工程完成交付使用日期date of substantial completion
tech.工程展期postponement of the works
tech.工程展期deferment of a project
tech.工程延期postponement of the works
tech.工程延期extension of the works
tech.工程开工日期construction starting date
tech.工程开工日期commencement date
avia.工程日期project date
tech.工程有效期限engineering valid period
tech.工程期限period of construction
avia.工程研制周期drawing-board-to-operational status cycle
tech.工程设备的估计使用期限estimated life of plant
tech.工艺伐期令technical final age
agric.工艺伐期龄technical final age
tech.工艺轮伐期technical rotation
busin.工艺过程周期technological cycle
avia.工装定期检查periodic check of tooling
fin.工资支付期pay period
busin.工资支付期payroll period
busin.工资结算期发放期payroll period
fin.工资结算期payroll period
busin.工资结算期pay period
tech.已有调查工作日期date of investigation work
busin.平均停工期mean down time
gen.平均工作期限mean time between failures
tech.平均建房工期average construction period
tech.平均施工工期average construction period
tech.延长工期索赔claim for extension of time
econ.延长加工周期extension of the work cycle
tech.建筑工期construction time limit
tech.建筑开工日期date of commencement of the work
tech.建筑最后完工期latest event occurrence time
tech.建筑最后完工日期latest finish date
commer.建设工期completion time of the project
busin.建设工期completion time of project
commer.工期understream period
econ.开始工作时期break-in period
tech.开工日期starting date of a project
tech.开工日期starting date
tech.开工日期date of commencement of the work
met.开工日期start-up date
met.开工日期commissioning date
tech.开工日期commencement date of the work
busin.开工生产日期date of commencement of production
gen.当…在某处工作 〔学习〕期间in one's time
tech.工期total project duration
tech.工期time for completion of whole works
tech.工期time for completion of contract
tech.总线空闲机器工作周期bus idle machine cycle
tech.恒定工作周期constant duty cycle
securit.恒生工商分类指数期货Hang Seng Commerce and Industry Sub-index Futures
econ.成本不变工业的长期平衡long-run equilibrium in constant-cost industry
tech.房地产完工后的长期贷款take-out loan
tech.承包工期contract time
expl.拆除爆破工期管理工期管理可以保证在规定的期限内完成爆破任务。拆除爆破工程一般在接受任务后,给予的施工工期非常短,所以要合理安排好每一个工序所占用的时间,在时间和空间上交叉的工序要做好协调工作time control of a blasting demolition project
avia.持续工作日期sustained operational date
busin.持续工作期间continuous working period
tech.指定工期designated term of works
tech.指定完工日期project-due date
commer.按工程施工进度分期支付款项progressive payment
commer.按工程施工进度分期支付款项payment by instalments
commer.按工程施工进度分期支付款项progress payment
econ.按晴天工作日计算,星期日、假日除外weather working days, Sundays, holidays excepted
commer.按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
archit.按期或提前竣工timely completion
China, law按期开工start construction on schedule
tech.按期竣工completion on schedule
tech.按期竣工timely completion
tech.按期竣工completion as scheduled
commer.按规定的限期承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
tech.construction period
econ., construct.工期construction period
archit.工期stage of construction
busin.工期engineering time
fin.工期中利息interest during construction
tech.工期中的建筑设备building in
tech.工期交通construction traffic
fin.工期内折旧法depreciation during construction
tech.工期利息interest during construction
railw.工期废水wastewater in construction time
tech.工期测量survey work during construction
tech.工期涨价escalation during construction
tech.工期荷载temporary load during construction
econ.工期period of construction
busin.工期implementation period of the project
tech.工期construction term
tech.工期高水位construction flood
commer.施工工期construction time
tech.施工准备期construction preparation period
econ.施工分期付款progress payment
busin.施工分期付款progress payments
tech.施工分期付款process payment
tech.施工初期阶段initial period of construction
tech.施工前期preconstruction stage (阶段)
busin.施工周期execution cycle
econ., construct.施工周期construction cycle
tech.施工周期construction period
railw.施工总工期total construction time
railw.施工总、工期total construction time
railw.施工总工期total time of construction
railw.施工总、工期total time of construction
consult.施工拖期construction delays
tech.无大修工作期间overhaul period
wind.无故障工作期failure free period
auto.无故障工作期reliable life
auto.无故障工作期限使用寿命no-failure life
tech.无故障的工作期限no-failure life
tech.无限期罢工strike of indefinite duration
tech.早期施工的early holes
commer.星期天和假日停止工作Sunday and holiday cessation of work
busin.星期日工作Sunday employment
busin.星期日工作Sundays employment
tech.英国晚期不兰他日奈工朝式建筑Late Plantagenet style
busin.晴天工作日,星期天及例假日除外即不计入装卸时期weather working day, Sunday and holiday excepted
econ.晴天工作日,星期天及假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excluded
econ.晴天工作日,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
econ.晴天工作日、星期日和节假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays expected
manag.最佳工期optimum duration
tech.最后如期完工时间latest event occurrence time
tech.最后完工日期latest finish date
commer.最早完工日期earliest finish date
tech.最早开工日期earliest start data
tech.最晚开工日期latest start date
econ.最迟完工日期latest finishing date
shipb.最迟的完工日期latest finish date
CNC服务期限工具寿命service life
fin.期中工作底表interim work sheet
econ.期中工作报吿mid-project report
tech.期中工作报表interim work sheet
securit.期末工作底稿有关验证期末余额的档案year end file
busin.期末职工人数number of workers and staff at the end of period
fin.期货及货币市场工具futures and money market instruments
securit.期货及货币市场工具futures and money market instrument
expl.本文探讨与工业炸药的生命周期有关的温室气体排放问题This paper examines the GHG emissions associated with the life cycle of industrial explosives
econ.本期完工产量the finished production in current period
tech.本期完工产量finished production in current period
busin.本期完成工作work down in current period
fin.本期应付工资wage accrual
econ.本期应付的工资wage accrual
tech.机车定期检修工作periodical repair of locomotives
tech.机车定期检修工作periodic repair of locomotives
avia.没按期完工behind completion date
busin.没有按期完工behind completion date
tech.渐进分期施工法progressive stage construction
expl.火工品长期贮存试验火工品在自然条件下的库房中长期贮存,定期按技术条件的规定对火工品进行试验和检查,以确定火工品贮存期限的试验long term storage test for initiating explosive device
auto.热处理工艺周期heat treatment cycle
busin.照付工资的假期paid leave
busin.现期工作估计current working estimate
econ.生产同期工作测定production study
ecol.生命周期工程life cycle engineering
earth.sc.生命周期工程设计life-cycle engineering design
gen.申请短期工作签证有年龄限制吗?Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa?
securit.短期信用工具short-term credit instrument
fin.短期债务工具short-term debt instruments
securit.短期债务工具short-term debt instrument
busin.短期工作short-run job
tech.短期工作temporary service
tech.短期工作发动机short-period motor
tech.短期工作电动机short-hour motor
tech.短期工作的主发动机short duration sustainer
avia.〔客〕短期工作组short-term working group
fin.短期工具near-term tool
busin.短期工商贷款short-term commercial and industrial loans
busin.短期工程short-time work
busin.短期工程short-run work
forestr.短轮伐期人工林short rotation tree plantation
forestr.短轮伐期人工林fast rotation tree plantation
math.程式模拟之初期工作initial programming efforts
busin.工期time of completion
tech.工期time for completion
tech.工期限的延长extension of time for completion
tech.竣工日期latest finish date
tech.第一批机组发电所需工期construction time to first generation
met.第一期工程first phase project
tech.第三期工程third programme
tech.继电器工作周期relay duty cycle
auto.维修生产工期production time of maintenance and repair
tech.维护工作周期maintenance task period
tech.缩短工期reduction of erection time
tech.缩短工期reduction of construction time
busin.工会给工人工期津贴strike pay
econ.工期间工资strike pay
busin.工期间津贴strike pay
securit.职工股期权employee stock option
securit.职工股期权计划employee share option scheme
org.name.联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题的机构间工作组Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
construct.蝮工时间延期索赔claim for extension of the time for completion
securit.衍生工具的振兴时期derivative renaissance
tech.装置工作周期turnaround of unit
avia.装配和制造工装的定期检查periodic inspection of assembly and fabrication tooling
avia.装配开工日期assembly start date
tech.计划完工期scheduled completion date
tech.计算工期calculated term of works
agric.计算求出的工作期限life expectation
agric.计算求出的工作期限life expectance
auto.计算的工作期限life expectancy
expl.论及人工制品、一般要考虑所谓的自始至终的生命周期Generally, for manufactured products a so-called Cradle-to-Grave life cycle is considered
econ.该工程已招标一个星期The project has been put out to tender for a week
mining.边际油田生产系统用停工期分析软件包downtime analysis for marginal field production system
auto.远期未来,远景开发研究工作long-range development work
busin.远期预算计划工作forward budget-planning
tech.连续开工期on-stream time
chem.连续开工期time on-stream
tech.连续开工期on-stream period
China, law连续用工期continuous period of employment
met.造渣期工作函数slag blow work function
met.造铜期工作函数finish blow work function
securit.道・琼斯工业平均指数期货DJIA futures
org.name., securit.道・琼期工业指数Dow Jones Industries
fin.道•琼斯工业平均指数期权Dow Jones Industrial Average Options
manag.采购工作周期procurement cycle
securit.金融工具期货financial instrument futures
tech.钻探施工期drilling time
tech.铁路建设前期工作pre-work of railway construction
tech.铁路施工企业中长期经营计划medium and long-term plan of railway construction enterprise
econ.英国长期不景气工业区special area
econ.长期不景气的工业区special area
econ.英国长期不景气的工业地区special area
brit., busin.长期不景气的工业地区special area
econ.长期不能工作long term disability
fin.长期丧失工作能力的生活保险long-term disability income insurance
securit.长期债务工具long-term debt instrument
econ.长期合同完工会计completed job method of accounting for long term contract (核算法)
fin.长期合同完工会计法completed job method of accounting for longterm contracts
busin.长期合同完工会计法completed job method of accounting for long term contract
busin.长期失业工人hard core workers
agric.长期工permanent labour
agric.长期工人constant labourer
gen.长期工作long-duration (运转)
gen.长期工作制电动机的continuous-time service
tech.长期工作助推器long burning time booster
busin.长期工程承包long-term construction contract
tech.长期性工作性能long-term performance
securit.长期性的融资工具permanent funding vehicle
busin.长期拖延工期的项目project long in construction
busin.长期日工day-to-day work
manag.长期职工permanent staff
busin.长期部门间预测工具long-term interindustry forecasting tool
org.name.闭会期间工作组Intersessional Working Group
org.name.闭会期间工作组专家顾问Expert Advisor to the ISWG
commer.除去星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
shipb.除晴天工作日、星期日和假日外weather working days, Sunday & holidays excepted
busin.因遭不幸雇员假期工资照付compassionate leave
gen.需要长期努力的工作a work de longue haleine
gen.需要长期努力的工作a work of longue haleine
busin.非工伤期间工资pay for non-job related injury
tech.非高峰期工作和旅游off-peak working and travelling
tech.非高峰期工作和旅游off-peak working and traveling
commer.项目完工日期date of completion of the project
consult.项目总工期project duration
busin.预定完工日期estimated date of completion
tech.预定完工日期scheduled completion date
avia.固体火箭发动机预期的最大工作压力maximum expected operating pressure
tech.预计完工日期estimated date of completion
tech.预计完工日期expected date of completion
tech.预计完工日期predicted finishing date
tech.预计完工日期estimated complete date
tech.预计施工期expected working period
econ.预计竣工日期estimated completion date
avia.飞机寿命周期评估软件工具aircraft total life cycle assessment software tool
auto.高速工况下使用期限寿命racing life
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