
Terms for subject Technology containing 工场 | all forms | in specified order only
中继工作场staging area
工场artificial field
人工产卵场artificial spawning ground (鱼类)
人工开辟场地made ground
人工径流场artificial runoff field
人工流场artificial flow field
人工溜冰场artificial skating rink
人工溜冰场artificial ice rink
人工牧场artificial pasture
人造石工场patent stone shop
人造石工场artificial stone shop
体育场施工stadium construction
保养工场maintenance shop
修理工场repair shop
储罐工场tank shop
公路施工现场highway construction site
公路混凝土施工现场motorway concrete
农场工程farmstead engineering
农场给水工程farm water supply engineering
出铁场工人cast house crew
凿石工场的标志stone dresser's sign
凿石工场的牌号stone dresser's sign
剧场工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration of theatre ground
剧场工程地质勘察engineering geologic exploration of theatre ground
副食品加工场packing house
工场job's pound
加工焊接工场job welding shop
动力施工现场road construction site
包工市场jobber market
合成压缩工场synthesis compression workshop
喷射混凝土工场进水沟concrete-spraying yard inlet gulley
土方工程现场earthworks site
土方工程现场earthwork site
土木工程施工场civil engineering site
在施工现场at the construction site
在施工现场at the construction field
在施工现场制造的job's housekeeping made
场地工程site work
场地排水工程yard drain age works
场地清理工作site-clearance activities (建筑前)
场地清除工作site cleaning
场地清除工作site clearing work
场地清除工作cleaning work
场地竣工后清理clearing up
场外工作off-the-site work
场外工程off-site work
场外工程师off-site engineer
培训工场training work shop
复制石工场reconstituted stone shop
多孔混凝土工场expanded concrete plant
大型混凝土施工现场big concrete site
大规模工程现场large-scale project site
存于施工场地的批准图样approved drawings kept at building
学徒实习工场apprentice workshop
学徒实习工场apprentice shop
家庭工场domestic factory
小规模施工场small-scale building site
工业区停车场industrial park
工业场地industrial ground
工业广场industrial square
工业施工现场industrial construction site
工人体育场worker's stadium
工作场地working yard
工作场地working site
工作场地布局workplace layout
工作场所work place
工作场所operational site
工作场所监测monitoring of the workplace
工作现场working field
工作现场work shop
工作现场site of work
工厂场地factory ground
工厂施工现场industrial construction site
工厂机场plant airfield
工厂机场make airfield
工厂机场industry airfield
工地桩的浇捣场site pile casting yard
工地浇制场site casting yard
工场word shop
工场work yard
工场交货delivered at the job
工场加工图shop drawing
工场地段factory site
工场废渣mill tailings
工场施工factory finishing
工场用地factory site
工场管理shop management
工场装配workshop assembly
工场试验factory test
工程技术工场备忘录engineering shop memo
工程现场job's pound
工程现场代表field representative
工程现场监工supervisor of works
工程现场监工clerk of the works
工程现场评价site appraisal
市场导向工业market-oriented industry
市场工资market wage
平整场地工程leveling of ground
库场装卸工艺系统storage handling system
建筑工场builder's workshop
建筑场地清理工作job cleanup
建筑工程场地building construction ground
建筑工程现场building construction site
建筑工程现场设置building construction site installation
建筑施工市场construction market
建筑施工现场stone quarry
建筑施工现场job site
张拉工场stretching yard
弯钢筋工场reinforcement bending yard
打包工场package plant
拼接工场joining shop
搅拌工场mixing plant
整修工场trimming yard
整修工场trimming shop
料场距工地距离distance between the site and building material field
工场construction area
工场地升降机construction site hoist
工场地图construction map
工场地布置layout of construction work
工场地额外费用construction yard premium
工场地额外费用construction site premium
施工机械场地contractor's spread
施工现场construction field
施工现场work site
施工现场job's pound
施工现场building site
施工现场building field
施工现场准备site preparation
施工现场加热器construction heater
施工现场图construction map
施工现场安全措施construction site security
施工现场安装job site installation
施工现场总体布置图overall layout of construction
施工现场活动厕所chick sale
施工现场用的卧拖车sleeping trailer for construction sites
施工现场用的居住拖house trailer for construction sites
施工现场的物料搬运设备material handling device for construction sites
施工现场调查site investigation
施工现场采暖器construction heater
施工设备场地contractor's spread
施工进场坡道construction access ramp
施张力工场tensioning yard
施拉力工场tensioning yard
最大工作场半径maximum good field radius
最小工作场半径minimum good field radius
有一个台座的预应力混凝土工场one-bed yard
木材加工场planning mill
未完工的建筑场所unfinished building space
机场工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration of air field
机场工程地质勘察engineering geologic exploration of air field
机场建设工程airport construction work
机场维护工作区flight line
杆件加工场rod field
模型工场pattern shop
模板工场template shop
水磨石工场terrazzo trade
水表修理工场meter repair shop
汽车修理工场carburetter overhaul shop
汽车修理工场carbureter overhaul shop
混凝土施工现场concreting job
混凝土预浇工场precast concrete manufacturing
清洗工场设备cleaning plant equipment
清理施工现场cleaning of construction site
焊接工场welding shop
狭窄场工作close work
现场工地施工site operation
现场工地施工site work
现场准备工作site preparation
现场加工field processing
现场加工制造的field fabricated
现场加工就地处理on-site handling
现场加工车间job work shop
现场土木工程civil works on site
现场安装工作on-site installation work
现场完成工作job made (项目)
现场定线工作staking out work
现场工作site work
现场工作on-site work
现场工作filed work
现场工厂portable factory
现场工厂on-site plant
现场工棚供热site hut heating
现场工棚灯site hut lamp
现场工程修改通知field order
现场工程控制工程师site control engineer
现场工程设计更改field engineering design change
现场工程设计更改计划表field engineering design change schedule
现场技工site mechanic
现场施工field construction
现场施工field coating (指涂料方面的施工)
现场施工会议field production meeting
现场施工会议field construction meeting
现场施工准备preliminary operation
现场施工监督field supervision of construction
现场施工组织site construction organization
现场施工维修涂料site-applied maintenance coating
现场机修工site mechanic
现场浇注工程site casting work
现场浇注工程in-situ casting work
现场浇注桩施工法CIP cast-in-place pile method
现场浇灌工程site casting work
现场浇灌工程in-situ casting work
现场浇筑工程site casting work
现场浇筑工程in-situ casting work
现场监工员project supervisor (美国)
现场监工员clerk of work (英国)
现场砌筑砖工in-situ brickwork
现场费用工程师field cost engineer
现场预制吊装施工法tilt-up construction method
现场预制装配工厂on-site prefabricating plant
琢石工场stone-dressing plant
琢石工场的标志stone dresser's sign
琢石工场的牌号stone dresser's sign
石粉工场stone mill
砌块工场block yard
空场工作面open stope
竣工时现场清理site cleaning on completion
竣工清场交付broom clean
筛分工场screening works
筛分工场screening plant
管内工作车场local yard
管子工场workshop for plumbing
管子工场plumber's works
粗加工道面机场semi-improved air-field
索具工场rigging shop
细木工场joiner's shop
维修工场maintenance and repair shop
肉类加工场meat packing plant
膨胀混凝土工场expanded concrete plant
舞台工场stage shop
装修木工场joining yard
货场工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of goods yard
货场工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of goods yard
进入工程现场access to works
采场地质管理工作geological supervision of mining field
采场地质管理工作geologic supervision of mining field
采石工场rock plant
采石场工作面quarry floor
采石场工作面quarry face
采矿工业场地mine compound
钢筋工场steel bending yard
钢筋加工场reinforcement shop
钢筋加工场re-bar work area
钢筋加工场reinforcement yard
钢筋弯曲工场steel bending yard
钢筋装配工场reinforcement assembly shop
钢结构承包人的工场steel contractor's shop
工场iron worker's shop
铅管工场workshop for lead pipes
工场foundry shop
工场anchor shop
锤式硏磨工场hammer grinding mill
工场field forge
工场hammer mill
工场forge shop
间断搅拌工场intermittent mixing plant
集料加工场aggregate plant
非现场工程师off-site engineer
预制工场block yard
预应力工场stressing yard
预浇预应力钢筋混凝土工场precast prestressed concrete manufacturing yard
食品加工场food processing factory
驻场主任工程师chief resident engineer
驻场工程师field engineer
鱼雷工场torpedo workshop