
Terms containing 工作 环境 | all forms | in specified order only
dentist.为了能获得一个清洁干燥的工作环境,我将给您的牙上放上橡皮障To provide a clean and dry working field on the tooth, I'll put this rubber dam on your tooth
UN, polit.亚太环境新闻工作者论坛Asia-Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists
UN, polit.亚洲环境新闻工作者论坛Asian Forum of Environmental Journalists
UN促进工业、环境和原料管理方面技术合作和 援助的技术援助信托基金Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Promote Technical Co-operation and Assistance in Industrial, Environmental and Raw Material Management
UN关于资源、环境、人民和发展之间相互关系的全系统工作方案System-wide Programme of Work on the Interrelationships between Resources, Environment, People and Development
space分布式工作站环境distributed workstation environment
UN加强环境统计政府间工作组Intergovernmental Working Group on the Advancement of Environment Statistics
UN化学工业在环境保护中作用讨论会Seminar on the Role of the Chemical Industry in Environmental Protection
UN原子能机构/海事组织/环境规划署海上安全运 载辐照核燃料和其他核物质联合工作组Joint IAEA/IMO/UNEP Working Group on the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel and other Nuclear Material by Sea
manag.同化于新工作环境assimilate into new working environment
tech.国际改进工作条件和环境方案International Programme for the Improve ment of Working Conditions and Environment
tech.国际改进工作条件和环境方案International Program for the Improve ment of Working Conditions and Environment
space工作作业环境work environment
space工作作战环境operational environment
space工作使用环境条件operational ambient conditions
corp.gov.工作环境work environment
busin.工作环境service environment
econ.工作环境the working environment
tech.工作环境environment of work
proj.manag.工作环境job surrounding
bridg.constr.工作环境working environment
met.工作环境working atmosphere
oil工作环境working environment
wind.工作环境operational environment
nautic., tech.工作环境救生服working environment immersion suit
met.工作环境卫生标准working environment sanitation standard
busin.工作环境欠佳lack of proper facilities
space工作环境温度operating ambient temperature
auto.工作环境的一般技术要求如气压、温度等environmental specification
ecol.工作环境监测monitoring of working environment
avia.工作环境说明operational environment description
el.工作组虚拟交互环境virtual interactive environment for workgroup
econ.成立了一个专门工作小组来研究环境污染问题A special working party has been set up to study the problems of environmental pollution
org.name.改善工作条件和环境计划Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
HR无烟的工作环境smoke free work environment
auto.最高工作环境温度highest ambient temperature for operating
space核心工作环境core operating environment
UN欧洲共同体委员会关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的收集、协调和确保一致问题试验项目的工作方案Commission Work Programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
tech.水环境管理工作者water environmental manager
org.name.沿海水产养殖环境影响工作组Working Group on Environmental Impacts on Coastal Aquaculture
UN, ecol.海洋环境和海洋学研究区域工作组Regional Working Group on Marine Environment and Oceanographic Studies
UN海洋环境评估工作组Working Group on Marine Environmental Assessments
UN环境与发展问题工作队Task Force on Environment and Development
tech.环境保护工作委员会environmental protection committee
tech.环境保护工作指导方针guiding principles for environmental protection
tech.环境保护工作方式guiding principles for environmental protection
earth.sc.环境保护工作方针guiding principles for environmental protection
UN环境可持续性问题千年项目第6工作队Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UN环境可持续性问题千年项目第6工作队Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UN环境可持续性问题第6工作队Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
UN环境可持续性问题第6工作队Millennium Project Task Force 6 on Environmental Sustainability
environ.环境工作environmental occupation Gainful employment or job-related activity pertaining to ecological concerns, including the preservation of natural resources and the integrity of the ecosystem (受雇或工作在与生态相关的活动,包含维护自然资源与健全生态系统。)
tech.环境工作专业人员environmental professional
tech.环境工作温度ambient operating temperature
UN, ecol.环境工作的部门化sectoralizing of the environment
tech.环境影响评价工作程序working procedure of environmental impact assessment
tech.环境影响评价工作程序working procedure of environment impact assessment
ecol.环境放射性监视工作environmental radiation surveillance activity
UN环境法专家工作组Working Group of Experts on Environmental Law
tech.环境法专家工作组working group of experts on environment law
earth.sc.环境科学工作者和管理者协会Association of Environmental Scientists and Administrators
UN环境统计机构间工作队Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics
IMF.环境统计跨机构工作组Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics
tech.环境美化工作landscape work
avia.环境规划工作组environmental projects working group
tech.环境辐射监视工作environmental radiation surveillance activity
UN环境问题工作队Task Force on Environment
UN环境问题非洲部长级会议机构间工作组Inter-Agency Working Group of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
org.name.生态及环境工作组Working Group on Ecology and Environment
nautic., tech.电气设备工作的环境条件environmental conditions for electric equipment operating
expl.矿山环境地质工作调查矿山环境污染状况及其与地质背景、现代地质作用和矿山生产排放物质之间关系的工作。它是全球性环境保护工作的重要基础工作environmental geology work of mine
econ.禁烟工作环境smoke free work environment
environ.南美洲福克兰群岛环境治理工作组Falkland Islands Environmental Task Group
UN科学促进无害环境可持续发展工作队Working Party on Science for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development
el.Macintosh 程序员工作环境Macintosh programmer work environment
environ.职业健康与工作环境occupational health and working environment
UN联合国妇女与环境工作组United Nations Working Group on Women and Environment
UN联合国环境和人类住区工作队United Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements
el.自动虚拟环境工作室cave automatic virtual environment
space航天器工作运行环境spacecraft operation environment
space航空航天工作环境模拟器aerospace business environment simulator
el.虚拟交互环境工作站virtual interactive environment workstation
IT虚拟交互环境工作站virtual interaction environment workstation
avia.虚拟交互环境工作站virtual informative environment workstation
el.计算机支持下的协同工作环境computer supported cooperative work environment
org.name.贸易、环境和发展能力建设工作队Capacity Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development
UN贸易、环境和发展能力建设工作队Capacity-building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development
space通用工作环境common operating environment
space雷达工作环境radar operating environment
UN非洲非政府组织环境工作网African Non-Governmental Organizations Environment Network
busin.面向新工作环境orientate to a new environment