
Terms for subject Commerce containing 工作 | all forms | in specified order only
不能工作实行亦缩为 UNWKBLunworkable
交易会有关工作人员personnel associated with the work of the fair
交钥匙工程作业turnkey operation
以全日工作专职为条件on a full-time basis
以每周工作五日为条件on a five-day-week basis
信用工作人员credit man
再继续工作resume one's work
分担工作share in the work
加强税收工作enhance tax levying
单位功率工作能力specific duty
发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function
可胜任这一工作be qualified for doing the work
实时工作real time operation (运算)
对工程作一客观评估give an objective appraisal of the project
将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费作为资本处理capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
工业合作计划Industry Cooperative Programme
工作work piece
工作估价job evaluation
工作内满足on-the-job satisfaction (与工作外满足 (off-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
工作work ticket
工作原理图functional chart
工作合同task contract
工作起动周期work-up period
工作周期stream time
工作生产, 加工,工程working drawing
工作shop drawing
工作在进行中work in process
工作型式work pattern
现代企业管理工作外满足off-the-job satisfaction (与工作内满足 (on-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
工作定额水平work quota level
工作定额管理work quota management
工作容差performance tolerance
工作成本work cost
工作指令单work order sheet
工作收入earned income
工作日数number of days of operation
工作时间折旧法working time depreciation method
工作模型work model
工作次序job order
工作运转状态working order
工作研究work study (包括:方法研究 (method study), 工作 (work measurement))
工作程序示意图procedure flow chart
工作细则service instruction
工作考核service rating
工作规范work specification (说明书)
工作计量work measurement (标定,测定)
工作说明description of work
工作说明书job instruction
工作负载operating duty
工作负载图load chart
工作营业,加工,使用费用working cost
工作载荷service load
工作过程work process
工作施工进度安排time scheduling
工作进度报告status reporting plan
工作施工进度表time schedule
工作速率operating rate
工作work load (负荷)
工作须知operating instruction
工作额定高度operational height
工程设计工作engineering work
工艺操作条件process conditions
开工投产工作start-up operations
我方作艰苦工作才使货物及时装岀We had hard work getting all the goods shipped in time
技艺与工作经验上的差距gap in skills and experience
工作平均分派share out the work
工作重点转移到经济建设上来shift the focus of work to economic construction
把该原理贯彻应用到设计工作中去pursue the principle to the design
指定研究工作款项earmark a sum of money for research work
按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
按规定的限期承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
推销工作promotional efforts
援救工作rescue work
新产品的研制工作research activities relating to new products
工作业计划construction schedule
星期天和假日停止工作Sunday and holiday cessation of work
晴天工作weather working day (W. W. D.)
晴天工作weather working clays
有效工作寿命useful working life
有效工作年限useful working year
未完的工作arrears of work
标准工作时间standard time of work
正常工作工时normal working hours
每年工作日数number of annual working days
每年有效工作日数effective working days per year
每日工作报单daily work report
灰色领域的工作gray area occupations
熟悉会计工作be familiar with ACCY
码头理货与点货工作sorting and tallying at ports
第一阶段研制工作first generation effort
管理工作management work
联合国工业合作组织United Nations Industrial Cooperative Organization
装货作业中节省的全部工作时间all working time saved in loading operation
计件工作piece working
连续二十四小时工作working days of twenty-four consecutive hours
连续二十四小时晴天工作weather working days 24 consecutive hours
除去星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted