
Terms containing 工作时数 | all forms | in specified order only
dril.使用承包商的钻杆的工作时数hours with contractor's drill pipe
dril.使用经营方甲方钻杆的工作时数hours with operator's drill pipe
el.元件工作时数component operating hours
auto.初次故障前工作时数first failure mode
econ.制造业之每周平均工作时数average hours worked per week in manufacturing
avia.发动机空中工作小时数engine flight hours
tech.同时工作系数coincidence factor
auto.工作运转时数service hours
el.工作小时数service hours
el.工作小时数working hours
el.工作时数office hours
fin.工作时数摊销标准productive hours
busin.工作时数productive hours
tech.工作时数working hours
tech.工作时数number of hours worked
econ.工作时数与产出hours of work and output
tech.工作时数与产出hour of work and output
interntl.trade.工作时数折旧depreciation working hour
fin.工作时数折旧depreciation-working hour
econ.工作时数折旧法depreciation-working hour method
agric.工作时数缩减reduction in working hours
econ.工作时数记录卡time sheet
refrig.工作时间系数percentage running time
tech.平均周工作时数average hours worked per week
PSP平均失效间隔工作时间相应的循环次数cycle-related mean operating time between failures
el.平均无数据丢失工作时间mean time between data losses
tech.年工作小时数yearly working hours
avia.验收时抽验产品的工作时数acceptance bogey
tech.工作时数付给计时的工资hours per hour
tech.工作时数折旧法depreciation-working hour method
auto.损坏前的工作总时数hours to failure
manag.标准工作时数standard working hours
econ.标准工作时数standard working, hours
tech.标准工作时数standard hours worked
busin.正常工作时数normal working hours
tech.正常工作小时数normal working hours
el.每工作小时所需维修工时数maintenance man-hours per operating hour
auto.每日工作时数daily hours of operation
tech.每日工作小时数daily hours of operation
tech.装卸工作时数ship hours
telecom.话音/数据同时工作亠simultaneous voice/data
tech.连续工作时数hours on stream
oil连续工作时数stream hours
tech.连续工作时数continuous hours
dril.连续工作小时数stream hours