
Terms for subject Technology containing 工作小时 | all forms | in specified order only
元件工作小时component hour
全部工作小时统计statistics of total hours worked
八小时工作制eight-hour shift
八小时工作制eight-hour day
八小时工作制eight-hour day working system
八小时工作制eight working hour day
八小时工作制an eight-hour day
八小时的工作班eight-hour shift
工作小时running hours
工作小时working hours
工作小时operating hours
工作小时工资rate per working hour
工作小时报表running hours sheet
工作小时yearly working hours
有效工作小时effective working hour
正常工作小时normal working hours
每周四十小时工作制forty hours week
每日工作小时daily hours of operation
第三类船舶电台工作八小时eight-hour service provided by ship station of the third category
第二类船舶电台工作16小时sixteen hour service provided by ship station of the second category
连续 24 小时晴天工作日weather working consecutive hours
非高峰工作小时off-peak hours