
Terms for subject Technology containing 工业 | all forms | in specified order only
一般工业general industry
与海洋有关的工业marine associated industry
专业工具special-purpose tools
专业工程师expert engineer
专业工程师professional engineer
专业工长trade foreman
专业施工队specialized team (伍)
专业设计工程师discipline design engineers
专属工业exclusive industrial district
世界工业和技术研究组织协会World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization (WAITRO)
业主供货和工程范围scope of works and supply by owner
业主咨询工程师标准服务协议书conditions of the client/consultant model services agreement
业主工程师owner's engineer
业主监工员owner's inspector
业余爱好工作室hobby room
业务工作量magnitude of operation
个体工业distributive industry
中国建筑工业公司China Building Industrial Corporation
中国铁路工业China railway industry
中央工业central industry
中小工业企业用地industrial estate for small and medium size industries
中小工业zone of small industry
中小工业zone of middle and small industry
中等防火工业建筑物moderate-hazard industrial buildings
中间工业生产规模semi-industry scale
临海工业sea-front industry
临海工业地带seashore industrial reservations
临港工业maritime industrial area
为本企业职工提供的住宅company's house for employees
主导工业key industry
主要工业main industry
主要工业key industry
主要工业产品principal industrial products
乡村工业rural industry
乡镇工业village and town run industry
乡镇工业rural industry
乳制品工业废水milk products waste
二次工业secondary industry
五小工业five small industry
五金制品工业hardware industry
井下作业工具tools for downhole operation
亚硫酸盐纸浆制造工业污水sulfite pulp manufacture industry sewage
亚麻工业linen industry
企业分工division of enterprise
企业劳动分工divide the work
企业标准化情报工作standard information work in enterprise
企业间工资结构external wage structure
休业工厂idle plant
伽尔尼埃工业城市规划现代城市规划先驱者,法国建筑家T. Garnier 1901~1904年提出的规划Garnier's industrial town
低危险工业建筑物low-hazard industrial buildings
低危险工业房屋low-hazard industrial buildings
低频工业示波器low-frequency industrial oscilloscope
低高度的工业厂房low bay
住宅工业housing industry
住宅商业工业综合区residence-commercial-manufacturing district
住房建筑工业housebuilding industry
作业工程job engineering
作业用竖井施工法shaft adit
供热工业heating industry
先进工业本底污染浓度pre-industrial background concentration
工业经济计量模型industry-wide econometric model
全国工业化房屋建造业者协会National Association of Home Manufacturers
全国工业污染控制委员会National Industrial Pollution Control Council
全国性工业公司national industrial corporations
公园式工业industrial park
公用工业public utility industry
公用事业工程public utility project
公用事业工程测量utility survey
公路工业highway industry
关连工业linked industry
关键资源型工业key resources type industry
关键资源的工业key resources type industry
具有多种手艺或不同行业会员证工人combination man
内业工作office work
内业工程师office engineer
内业工程师desk engineer
内业计算工作calculating office work
内地工业inland orientated industry
内地工业industry in the interior
再就业工程the project of making some people unemployed obtain employment again
军工,军事工业military industry
军需工业military industry
农业工业结合体agroindustrial complex
农业工业结合体agricultural industrial complex
农业加工废物agricultural processing waste
农业加工建筑agricultural processing building
农业季节工人migrant worker
农业工具agricultural implement
农业工程师agricultural engineer
农业承包工程agricultural contract works
农业机械工业farm machinery industry
农业水利工程cultural hydraulic engineering
分业分工division of labor and lines of work
分业分工division of labor and lines of specialities
分工与专业化division of labour and specialization
分工与专业化division of labor and specialization
分时工业time-sharing industry
分析工业analytical industry
分析工业analytic industry
分水岭工业watershed industry
分阶段安排工业投资phasing of industrial investment
初级工业low-order manufacturing
制冷工业refrigerating industry
制碱工业basic industry
制糖工业废水sugar industry wastewater
制糖工业污水iron manufacture industry sewage
制药工业pharmaceutical industry
制药工业废水wastewater from pharmaceutical industry
制造业开工率rates of capacity utilization
制酪工业dairy industry
制酪工业废水dairy industry wastewater
制酸工业acid industry
制铝工业aluminum industry
制革工业废水tannery wastewater
制革工业废水leather industry sewage
制革工业废水处理treatment of tannery wastes
工业城市preindustrial city
包工到作业组work contracted to specialized group
化妆品工业cosmetic industry
化学工业废水wastewater from chemical industry
化学工业chemical industry furnace
化学纤维工业chemical fiber industry
化工工业废水处理wastewater treatment in chemical industry
化工行业chemical lines
化月巴工业chemical fertilizer industry
化纤工业chemical fiber industry
化肥工业chemical fertilizer industry
化肥工业废水chemical fertilizer industrial wastewater
区间施工作业安排construction plan in section
医药工业,制药工业pharmaceutical industry
工业化工semi-commercial plant
工业化生产semi-scale production
工业性装置pilot plant
工业性规模试验pilot-scale test
工业性试验pilot test
工业装置semi-commercial unit
工业装置halfway unit
工业规模semi-industrial scale
工业中间工厂试验pilot-plant test
单层工业厂房single-storey industrial plant
单层工业厂房single-story industrial plant
单层工业厂房single industrial building
印刷工业printing industry
印染工业printing and dyeing industry
印染工业废水处理wastewater treatment in textile-mills
危险工业hazardous industry
危险工业dangerous industrial district
危险品工业dangerous industrial district
卷烟工业cigarette industry
厚实工业地面heavy-duty industrial floor covering
厚实工业地面heavy-duty industrial floor cover
各种工业用水量water quantity by industry
合成化学工业synthetical chemical industry
合成化学工业synthetic chemical industry
合成洗涤剂工业synthetical detergent industry
合成洗涤剂工业synthetic detergent industry
同业工会trade association
同业工会trade union
同业工会trade council
同业工会horizontal union
同业工会horizontal labor union
同源的工业问题congeneric industrial problem
工业化社会post-industry society
工业化社会post-industrial society
含高危险品的工业建筑物high hazard industrial buildings
含高危险品的工业房屋high hazard industrial buildings
咖啡焙炒工业coffee roasting industry
商业和工业噪声commercial and industrial noise
商业工程师sales engineer
商业运输工具commercial vehicle
商品化工业化房屋commercial industrial building
方工程作业earthwork operation
土地集约工业land intensive industry
地下工业underground industry
地方水泥工业local cement industry
坑口采石工业pit and quarry industry
塑料工业plastics industry
塑料工业废水plastic industry wastes
填料和装潢用工业石膏industrial plaster for fillers and decoration
处理工业废物disposal of industrial wastes
处理过的工业废水treated industrial wastewater
处理过的工业废物treated industrial waste
多耗能源型工业energy-type industry
工业中心industrial complex
大型工业large scale industrial district
大规模工业基地large scale industrial districts
天然气工业natural gas industry
失业工人idle labour
失业工人idle labor
失业工人救济金labour relief
失业工人救济金labor relief
失业救济工程relief works
奖励工业incentive industry
奶品工业dairy industry
它们产品主要面向石油化工、冶炼、制药、制盐等化学工业领域及电化行业They are widely applied in the industries of petrochemical engineering, smelt, pharmacy, salt preparation, as well as electric chemical plants
宇航工业aerospace industry
完整工业体系comprehensive industrial system
完整工业体系all-round industrial system
工业small industrialists
小型工业back yard industry
小工商业者small craftsmen and traders
小手工业small handicraftsman
小水泥工业mini cement industry
尖端复合工业sophisticated compound industry
居住工商业混合区residence-commercial-manufacturing district
市场导向工业market-oriented industry
市工再开发事业urban redevelopment work
市郊工业industrial suburb
帝国化学工业公司Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. (英国)
常规工业建筑general industrial occupancy
干作业施工dry construction
干酪工业cheese industry
平凡的工业prosaic industrialist
广占土地工业land extensive industry
开业工程师practicing engineer
开发工业储量developed commercial reserves
引起污染工业pollution-causing industry
彩色工业电视摄像机colour industrial TV camera
彩色工业电视摄像机color industrial TV camera
工业储量total ultimate reserves
房屋建造工业building construction industry
扇形砖工业烟囱radial brick industrial chimney
工业domestic industrial district
手工作业噪声hand finishing noise
手工包装作业线packing shift
手工操作手工作业hand work
扩充工业标准结构总线extended industry standard architecture
承包工业contracting industry
技术密集工业skill intensive industry
工业烟雾性resistance industrial fume
政府鼓励工业投资的地区development district
敞开式工业结构open industrial structure
散发烟雾工业smoke-emanating industry
最小工业厚度minimum economic thickness
工业价值的油井commercial well
有害工业offensive industry
有执照的专业工程师professional engineer
有效工业废水排放指标effective index of industrial wastewater emission
有机工业废水organic industrial wastewater
有毒工业toxic industry
有毒工业offensive industry
有色工业废水non-ferrous metallurgical industry wastewater
有色冶金工业废水wastewater from non-ferrous metallurgical industry
有色金属冶炼工业non-ferrous metal refinery
有色金属冶金工业non-ferrous metal refinery industry
服务工业service industry
服装和纺织工业clothing and textile industry
朝阳工业sun-rise industry
木制品工业wood working industry
木制品工业woodwork industry
木制品加工业wood working industry
木工工业woodwork industry
木工企业carpenter undertaking
木工作业工具firmer tools
木工职业carpenter's trade
木工行业carpenter trade
木工装修作业finish carpentry
木材工业wood industry
木材工业timber industry
木材工业lumber industry
木材产品工业wood product industry
木材加工业wood working industry
木材加工业wood processing industry
木材采运工业logging industry
木材防腐工业wood preserving industry
木板镶嵌作业木板镶嵌工作boarded parquetry
机械工业废水wastewater from mechanical industry
机械制造工业mechanic industry
机械操作搬运工业mechanical handling industry
材料工业material industry
林业加工企业timber processing enterprises
林业工作者forest worker
林业工作者forestry worker
标准工业分类standard industrial classification
标准工业standard copper
工业废水nuclear industry waste (water)
工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geological remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geologic remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
核动力工业nuclear power industry
核燃料工业nuclear fuel industry
核电力工业nuclear generated power
核电力工业atomic engineering
模范工业model industrial city
模范工业城镇与工业革命以后工业城市的出现相对应由英国首倡提出的理想的田园式工业城市model industrial city
橡胶工业rubber industry
橡胶工业机械rubber machinery
橡胶工业用黏土rubber clay
欧洲卷材涂装工业协会European Coil Coating Association
欧洲煤炭钢铁工业European coal and steel industry
此项工艺广泛运用于燃料化学工业和煤化学工业中This process is widely applied in the fuel chemical industry and the coal chemical industry
民族工业保护protection of home industries
民用工业civil industry
民用工业civilian industry
氮肥工业废水nitrogen fertilizer industrial wastewater
工业water industry
工业water and wastewater industry
工业污染源industrial sources of water pollution
水产工业marine products industry
水产加工业processing industry area of aquatic products
水污染工业industrial sources of water pollution
水泥工业cement industry
水磨石手工业terrazzo trade
污染工业废水polluted industrial wastewater
污染防治工业pollution prevention industry
汽车工业car industry
汽车工业automotive industry
汽车拖拉机工业motor-tractor industry
洗毛工业wool washing industry
洗毛工业wool scouring industry
流水作业工艺continuous flow process technology
流水作业施工flow process of construction
流水作业施工construction flow process
流水作业生产工艺streamline production technology
浇制工业cast industry
浮石工业pumice industry
海产食品工业seafood industry
海水工业marine industry
海洋工业offshore industry
涂料工业paint industry
涂料工业surface coating industry
涂料工业coating industry
涂料工业废水coating industry wastewater
涂料工业废水处理pigment industry wastewater treatment
涂料工业废水处理coating industry wastewater treatment
涂料制造工业paint manufacturing industry
消费品工业consumer goods industries
消费趋向性工业industries close to consumption areas
清洁工业废水non-polluted industrial wastewater
港口工业port industry
港口工业发展区maritime industrial development zone
港口工业发展区maritime industrial development area
湿作业施工wet construction
湿法过滤中的工业纤维industrial fabrics in wet filtration
焦炭工业coke industry
工业分析proximate analysis of coal
煤业工作日colliery working day
煤化工,煤化学工业coal chemical industry
煤干馏工业coal carbonization industry
煤炭工业coal industry
煤炭工业全国咨询委员会Coal Industry National Consultative Council
煤炭工业协会Coal Industry Society
煤炭工业国有化法Coal Industry Nationalization Act (英国)
煤炭工业废水coal industry wastewater
煤炭工业指标commercial factor for coal
煤炭工业远景规划long-range plan of coal industry
煤炭化学工业废料waste from coal chemical industry
煤炭化学工业废水waste from coal chemicals
煤焦油工业coal-tar industry
煤的工业分析proximate coal analysis
煤的工业牌号industry brand
煤的工业类型industry type
照相工业废水photographical industry wastewater
爆炸物工业industry of explosive material
特别工业业务special industrial services
特种工业建筑物special industrial building
特种工业溶剂special industrial solvent
瑞典工业联合会Federation of Swedish Industries
甜菜糖工业废水beet sugary waste
生态工业eco-industry park
用水工业point-of-use equipment industry
用水点工业point-of-use industry
电力工业electric utility industry
电力工业electrical utility industry
电力工业electrical power industry
电力工业electric industry
电力工业用卡车拖车electrical industrial truck trailer
电力工业用卡车拖车electric industrial truck trailer
电力工业用汽车起重机electrical industrial truck crane
电力工业用汽车起重机electric industrial truck crane
电力工业用运货拖electrical industrial freight trailer
电力工业用运货拖electric industrial freight trailer
电化工业electrochemical industry
电子工业听诊器electronic industrial stethoscope
电子工业用纯水demineralized water for electronics industry
电机工业electrical industry
电机工业electric industry
电气制造工业electrical industry
电气制造工业electric industry
电气化学工业公司Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki
电镀工业plating industry
电镀工业废水plating industry sewage
畜牧业生产工厂化factory-like production in livestock husbandry
真实工业污水actual industrial effluent
研磨工业abrasive industry
砖瓦工业heavy clay industry
砖瓦工业clay industry
砖瓦工业brick and tile industry
硅酸盐工业silicate industry
硫酸工业废水sulphuric acid industry wastewater
硫酸工业废水sulfuric acid industry wastewater
硫酸工业废水sulphuric acid industry sewage
硫酸工业废水sulfuric acid industry sewage
社会工业social industrialization
社队工业commune/brigade run industry
空间工业aerospace industry
突出重工业setting the pace for heavy industry
粉煤灰工业利用industrial utilization of flyash
粗陶工业heavy clay industry
累计工业总产值total cumulative output value of industry
缺能源的工业先进国energy-hungry advanced country
罐头蔬菜工业canned fruit industry
美国工业美术设计师协会American Society of Industrial Designers
美国工业设计师学会American Society of Industrial Designers
美国空气调节制冷工业协会ARI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute)
工业基地old industrial bases
工业溶剂性resistance industrial solvent
工业腐蚀性resistance to industrial corrosion
耐火工业材料refractory industry
耗水工业water-intensive industry
耗能型工业energy-type industry
工业务支出employee's business expenses
职工专业训练费用familiarization cost of workers and staff
联合国工业中心United Nations Centre for Industrial Development
联合国工业及发展基金United Nations Industrial Development Fund
联合国工业及发展组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联邦徳国工业标准Deutsche Industrie Normen
肉类加工工业meat product industry
肉类包装工业meat packing industry
航业工会shipping federation
航空和航天工业aerospace industry
节约人工的机械工业labor-saving machinery industry
草根工业grass roots industry
落后工业ageing industry
落后工业aging industry
蔬菜加工业vegetable industry
调整工商业readjusting industry and commerce
谷物工业grain industry
贸易与工业trade and industry
资本密集工业capital intensive industry
资源密集型工业resource-intensive industry
工业时代post-industrial era
工业light industry
工业产品light industry products
工业light industry district
工业light industrial district
工业light industrial products
工业机械厂light industrial machinery plant
工业用地light industry district
辅助作业工时man hours for auxiliary work
选址不受限制的工业foot-loose type industry
选址不受限制的工业foot-loose industry
选址受限制的工业foot-tight type industry
选址受限制的工业foot-tight industry
通用性工业用轮胎general purpose and industrial tread tyre
通用性工业用轮胎general purpose and industrial tread tire
造纸工业废水paper mill waste water
造纸工业废水处理wastewater treatment of paper mills
造纸工业水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutant for paper industry
造纸工业污水paper industry sewage
造纸工业白水paper mill white water
造纸和纸浆工业paper and pulp industry
造纸纸浆工业paper and pulp industry
造船工业shipping industry
遥控作业工作臂remotely operated work arm
酿酒工业brewery industry
锚地作业工艺系统cargo-handling system of anchorage
防水工业炸药water-resistant commercial explosive
1888年在英国利物浦附近建设的阳光港模范工业Port Sunlight
除盐工业技术desalting technology
陶瓷工业potty industry
陶瓷工业pottery industry
陶瓷工业用石膏粉potter's plaster
陶瓷及耐火工业ceramic and refractory industry
随意区位工业foot-loose industry
需要大量劳力的工业产品labor-intensive industrial product
露天采石工业pit and quarry industry
工业人口non-manufacturing population
工业性事业non-industrial undertaking
工业性事业经营non-industrial business operation
工业性产油井non-commercial well
工业性储量non-commercial reserves
工业性劳务支出non-industrial service charges
工业油气层non-industrial oil-gas bed
非产业工人non-industrial worker
非农基地工业non-agrobased industry
非国有工业企业non-state industrial enterprise
非基础工业non-basic industry
非机动工具的运输业non-mechanized vehicles
非金属熔炼工业non-metallic smelling industry
非金属熔炼工业non-ferrous smelling industry
面向出口的工业export-led industrialization
预浇工业precast industry
饮料工业废水beverage industry wastewater
饮食工业food and beverage industry
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