
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
临时民帐户non-residential account
世界第二rank the second in the world
津贴non-resident allowance
保障性安工程government-subsidized housing projects
农村民消费价格指数rural consumer price index
制服高不下的通胀beat stubbornly high inflation
城乡民人均收人per capita income for urban and rural residents
城市民消费价格指数urban consumer price index
城镇民人均可支配收人per capita disposable income of urban residents
城镇民基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance scheme for nonworking urban residents
增加城乡民收人increase urban and rural incomes
住费用occupancy expenses
民外汇管理帐户controlled-resident account
民家庭收人household income
民帐户residential account
留地domicile of choice
高不下的通胀persistent inflation
应对高不下的通胀tackle stubbornly high inflation
扩大民消费expand consumer spending
扩大民消费需求expand consumer demand
改善民心理预期inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs
永久性民身份证permanent identity card
民存款账户non-resident deposit account
民帐non-residential account
民投资基金non-resident-owned fund
民日元存款non-resident yen deposit