
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
亚急性阑subacute appendicitis
双阑double appendix
复发性阑recurrent appendicitis
妊娠期急性阑acute appendicitis during pregnancy
小儿急性阑acute appendicitis in infants and children
小凹coccygeal foveola
coccygeal segments (1-3, 1-3)
状叶caudate lobe
状叶动脉artery of caudate lobe
状叶右管right duct of caudate lobe
状叶支caudate branches
状核caudate nucleus
状核体body of caudate nucleus
状核头head of caudate nucleus
状核尾tail of caudate nucleus
状核尾支branches of tail of caudate nucleus
状核静脉veins of caudate nucleus
状突caudate process
皮支持带caudal retaining band
退化综合征caudal regression syndrome
血管coccygeal glomus
血管coccygeal body
血管coccygeal glomus
血管coccygeal body
骨角coccygeal horn
骨角coccygeal cornu
异位急性阑acute appendicitis of ectopic positions
急性化脓性阑acute suppurative appendicitis
急性卡他性阑acute catarrhal appendicitis
急性坏疽性阑acute gangrenous appendicitis
梗阻性阑obstructive appendicitis
盆腔急性阑pelvic acute appendicitis
盲肠后位阑retrocecal appendix
盲肠后腹膜后急性阑retrocecal retroperitoneal acute appendicitis
直肠骨肌rectococcygeal muscle
穿孔性阑perforating appendicitis
老年人急性阑acute appendicitis in elderly
神经anococcygeal nerves
韧带anococcygeal ligament
肝下急性阑subhepatic acute appendicitis
tail of pancreas
动脉caudal pancreatic artery
脑桥侧网状核caudal pontine reticular nucleus
自体胰移植autotransplantation of pancreatic tail
蜂窝织炎性阑phlegmonous appendicitis
动脉appendicular artery
原发黏液囊腺癌primary mucous cystadenocarcinoma of appendix
orifice of vermiform appendix
周围脓肿periappendiceal abscess
套叠intussusception of appendix
憩室diverticulum of appendix
扭转torsion of appendix
残端appendiceal stump
淋巴结appendicular lymph nodes
类癌carcinoid of appendix
粪石appendiceal fecalith
缺如absence of appendix
肿瘤tumor of appendix
腺癌adenocarcinoma of appendix
蛔虫appendix ascaris
输尿管成形术appendix ureteroplasty
闭锁atresia of appendix
集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicles of vermiform appendix
静脉appendicular vein
黏液囊肿mucocele of appendix
黏液囊肿appendiceal mucocele
损伤injury of cauda equina
前韧带anterior sacrococcygeal ligament
后浅韧带superficial posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
后深韧带deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
囊肿sacrococcygeal cyst
部畸胎瘤sacrococcygeal teratoma