
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
一旦爆堆受到开挖、'运输或后续处理时扰动、这种物质随时会释放到大气之中This material remains available to be released to the atmosphere whenever the muckpile is disturbed by excavation, transport or subsequent handling
不动一刀一枪占领了那个关口capture that pass without striking a blow
世纪其他国家没有可以与爱迪生相比的发明家Other counties had no inventor to compare with Edison last century. 20
两个鸡蛋他要一美元He charges one dollar for only two eggs
他的思维方式是那个样子That is typical of his way of thinking
功夫成学业The more one applies, the more one learns
加大对农业的投人是直接加固国民经济的基础The augmentation of investment in agriculture is a direct consolidating of the basis of national economy
在有多重共线性的情况下、会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
地倒塌inward collapse
某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution
…而言As far as …be concerned
野外工作而言、男的就业优先于女的Men take precedence over women regarding employment in field work。
当大气条件促使温度随高度而增加时、称为温度的逆变现象A temperature inversion is said to exist when atmospheric conditions cause temperature to increase with the altitude
打那以后,老奶奶和小孙子相依为命The old grandmother and the grandson have been bound up in each other since then
有烟有火Where there is smoke, there is fire
样品附近的岩心上显示的裂纹频率在采样时注意到了The fracture frequency displayed by the cores in the vicinity of the samples was noted at the time of sampling
没有运动,没有变化No motion, no change
然而、在实际爆轰条件下、热甲烷只要高于较低的可燃界限、一旦与大气的氧接触会燃烧However, under actual detonation conditions the hot CH₄ is likely to combust on contact with atmospheric oxygen provided it is above the lower flammability limit
由于大多钝感乳化炸药结构不像玻璃微球敏化炸药结构那么有黏性、炮孔水不那么易于圈闭在药柱里Since most unsensitized emulsion formulations are less viscous than the glass-bubble sensitized compositions, borehole water is less prone to be trapped in the column
硝化甘油一碰Nitroglycerin explodes on impact
结合将爆破规程中列出的效果进行量化的输人数据、能评估基本的爆破释放物和天气影响的共同作用When combined with inputs that quantify the effects of blasting specifications,the combined effect of basic blast emission and meteorological effects can be evaluated
采矿时喷发的爆炸气体实际成分没法准确定论、这是说、像甲烷这种有严重潜在危害的温室气体没法准确量化The actual make-up of detonation gases emitted on mines cannot be accurately determined and this means that potentially powerful GHGs like CH₄ cannot be quantified with any certainty