
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
下一个轮到您了Your turn is next
今天这些That's all for today
医生很快会给您看了The doctor will see you soon
四分钟左右麻药会起作用We will wait about four minutes for the anesthetic to take effect
四分钟左右麻药会起作用。The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes
当您感觉不舒服时告诉我,我会立刻停止Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, then I'll stop immediately
很快会结束It will soon be finished
您很快会好的You will soon feel better
您牙面上坚硬粗糙的染色是牙结石The hard and rough stain is dental calculus (tartar)
拔牙的当天可以有一个即刻义齿的戴入An immediate denture can be inserted on the same day of the tooth extraction
治疗很快完了It will soon be finished
红染的地方是菌斑This red stain is dental plaque
黑色地方是龋坏处The dark area is where it is decayed