
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
依法关系国家全局的重大问题作出决定make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
促进业的目标责任制度target responsibility system for promotion of employment
保外medical parole
保外released on parole for medical treatment
入学、升学、enrollment, admission to schools of a higher level and employment
公共业服务机构public service agency for employment
公平的业条件fair conditions for employment
创造公平业的环境create an environment for fair employment
劳动业条件conditions for employment
劳动业训练vocational training
单独损害赔偿提岀请求separately apply for compensation for damage
取得举世公认的成make universally acknowledged achievements
取得举世公认的成achieve world-renowned progress
境外业服务overseas employment services
增加业岗位provide more job opportunities
增强业能力increase the employability
多种业形式diversified forms of employment
实施积极的业政策follow a proactive employment policy
下列事项进行协商和谈判consult and negotiate on the following matters
业专项资金special funds for employment
业促进法the Law on Employment Promotion
业促进法the Employment Promotion Law
业促进法草案the draft Law on Employment Promotion
业前prior to employment
业困难人员persons who have difficulty in finding jobs
业岗位job opportunity
业援助employment aid
业援助制度employment aid system
业政策employment policy
业政策公约Employment Policy Convention
业服务employment services
业机会opportunities for employment
业权利right in employment
业条件conditions for employment
业歧视discrimination in employment
业渠道channel for employment
业状况situation of employment
业环境environment for employment
产品质量问题about the quality of the product
assume office
任总统be inaugurated as President
双边关系和共同关心的国际和地区问题交换意见exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual concern
地办案hold trials on the spot
地审判on-the-spot trial
地调解on-the spot mediation
地进行conduct on the spot
有关领域的问题提出建议offer suggestions on questions related to the fields
有关领域的问题提出建议make suggestions on questions related to the fields
此项过失in respect of such fault
..... 而言with respect to
assume office
职演说an inauguration speech
诊人person seeking medical service
诊方便卡medical convenience card
该动产优先受偿priority in having one's claim paid with the pledged movable
该劳动争议事项with respect to the labor dispute in question
该海事请求relate to the maritime claim
该等问题on issues such as
该等问题on questions of
study in
in the vicinity
近入学enroll in school nearby
近执行executed in the vicinity
平等employed on an equal basis
平等业机会equal opportunity for employment
平等业权利equal right in employment
开发业岗位create job opportunities
归结起来come to the following conclusion
总统职典礼the Presidents inauguration
扩大make employment increase
扩大expansion of employment
拓宽业渠道develop more channels for employment
有序转移find other jobs in an orderly manner
条件已成conditions fulfilled
条件已成fulfillment of the conditions
残疾人劳动employment for persons with disabilities
残疾人职业康复和业公约Convention Concerning the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disa bled Persons (ILO 159)
消除业歧视eliminate discrimination in employment
灵活flexible employment
申请业援助apply for employment aid
积极的业政策proactive employment policy
积极的业政策a proactive employment policy
虚假业信息false employment information
被保外医的罪犯criminal released on parole for medical treatment
转移transfer employment
转移find other jobs
进城find jobs in the urban areas
释放后employment after one's release
随班admit to study in a regular class
非法unlawful employment
非法illegal employment