
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
一期肠移植one-stage small intestine transplantation
下颌mandibular lingula
不对称身材一矮-性发育异常综合征Silver syndrome
乳房缩整形术reduction mammoplasty
乳突mastoid canaliculus
乳腺lobules of mammary gland
二期肠移植two-stage intestine transplantation
二腹biventral lobule
亚洲胆管肝炎asiatic cholangiohepatitis
人球动脉afferent glomerular arteriole
低位肠梗阻low small intestine obstruction
先天性congenital microtia
肠移植whole small intestine transplantation
出球动脉efferent vessel
出球动脉efferent glomerular arteriole
利一杜Leishman-Donovani body
前列腺prostatic utricle
前列腺prostatic ductules
前庭lesser vestibular glands
前庭窗fossula of fenestra vestibuli
十二指肠乳头minor duodenal papilla
半月瓣nodules of semilunar valves
单纯性肠溃疡simple ulcer of small intestine
原位肠移植orthotopic small intestine transplantation
原发性肠溃疡primary ulcer of small intestine
原发性肠结石primary enteroliths
muscles of auditory ossicles
坐骨切迹lesser sciatic notch
头后直肌rectus capitis posterior minor
F Y body
Y F body
儿外科pediatric surgery
儿小肠移植pediatric small intestine transplantation
儿尿路结石urinary tract calculi in children
儿急性阑尾炎acute appendicitis in infants and children
儿排尿功能紊乱dysfunctional voiding in children
儿痹症infantile paralysis
儿神经外pediatric neurosurgery
儿肝移植pediatric liver transplantation
儿肾移植pediatric renal transplantation
儿麻醉pediatric anesthesia
叶性肺不张lobular atelectasis
叶间动脉interlobular arteries
叶间小管interlobular ductuli
叶间静脉interlobular veins
唾液腺minor salivary glands
圆肌teres minor
夹板固定small splint immobilization
指伸肌extensor digiti minimi
指伸肌腱鞘tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi
指展肌abductor digiti minimi
指短屈肌flexor digiti minimi brevis
指营养不良fifth finger dystrophy
斜角肌scalenus minimus
梁网trabecular reticulum
梁网pectinate ligament
瓣叶minor cusp
细胞网状核parvocellular reticular nucleus
细胞部parvocellular part
网膜孔疝hernia of foramen of Winslow
肠倒置intestinal reversal
肠套叠enteric intussusception
肠息肉polyp of small intestine
肠恶性淋巴瘤small intestinal malignant lymphoma
肠憩室diverticulum of small intestine
肠扭转volvulus of small intestine
肠扭转intestinal volvulus
肠折叠排列术plication of small intestine
肠折叠排列术intestinal plication
肠排列术plication of small intestine
肠梗阻small intestine obstruction
肠梗阻obstruction of small intestine
肠痿small bowel fistula
肠癌carcinoma of small intestine
肠移植small intestine transplantation
肠节段性扩张intestinal segmental dilatation
脑上动脉superior cerebellar artery
脑上脚superior cerebellar peduncle
脑上脚brachium conjunctivum
脑上静脉superior cerebellar veins
脑下前动脉anterior inferior cerebellar artery
脑下后动脉posterior inferior cerebellar artery
脑下脚inferior cerebellar peduncle
脑下静脉inferior cerebellar veins
脑中央前静脉precentral cerebellar vein
脑中线部位肿瘤midline cerebellar tumor
脑中脚middle cerebellar peduncle
脑前叶anterior lobe of cerebellum
脑半球综合征cerebellar hemisphere syndrome
脑半球缺失cerebellum agenesis
脑半球肿瘤cerebellar hemisphere tumor
脑后切迹posterior cerebellar notch
脑外疝cerebellar ectopia
脑幕tentorium of cerebellum
脑幕下疝subtentorial hernia
脑幕切迹疝herniation of cerebellar incisura tentorii
脑幕支tentorial branch
脑幕支meningeal branch
脑幕缘支tentorial marginal branch
脑幕脑膜瘤tentorial meningioma
脑幕裂孔疝tentorial herniation
脑延髓池穿刺cisternal puncture
脑扁桃体下疝畸形Arnold-Chiari malformation
脑扁桃体疝tonsillar herniation
脑扁桃体疝cerebellar tonsillar hernia
脑桥脑角肿瘤cerebellopontine angle tumor
脑活树arbor vitae
脑绒球结节综合征flocculonodular syndrome
腿三头肌挛缩triceps surae muscle contracture
腿内侧皮支medial crural cutaneous branches
腿前区anterior crural region
腿前肌间隔anterior crural intermuscular septum
腿后区posterior crural region
腿后肌间隔posterior crural intermuscular septum
腿外侧区lateral crural region
腿筋膜crural fascia
腿静脉血栓形成venous thrombosis of lower leg
腿骨间神经interosseous nerve of leg
腿骨间膜crural interosseous membrane
血管吻合手术small blood vessel anastomosis
血管痉挛small blood vessel spasm
趾对跖肌opponens digiti minimi
趾短屈肌flexor digiti minimi brevis
minor forceps
阴唇粘连adhesion of labia minora
隐静脉small saphenous vein
骨盆lesser pelvis
鱼际间隙感染hypothenar space infection
鱼际隆起hypothenar eminence
鼠组织相容性复合体H-2 complex
coccygeal foveola
尿道海绵体trabeculae of spongy body of penis
尿道海绵体trabeculae of cavernous body of urethra
神经沟sulcus for lesser petrosal nerve
petrosal fossula
结肠综合征small left colon syndrome
左肺lingula of left lung
X 巴氏X chromatin
小脑幕下-脑上人路subtentorial-supracerebellar approach
异位肠移植heterotopic small intestine transplantation
minimum cancer
静脉small cardiac vein
静脉血流Thebesian flow
心最静脉smallest cardiac veins
心最静脉孔foramina venarum minimarum
急性管性排斥反应acute tubular rejection
急性出血性肠炎acute hemorrhagic enteritis
急性出血性坏死性肠炎acute hemorrhagic necrotizing enteritis
急性节段性肠炎acute segmental enteritis
恶性lentigo maligna
新月体性肾球肾炎crescentic glomerulonephritis
新生儿坏死性肠结肠炎neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
方形叶前部anterior quadrangular lobule
方形叶后部posterior quadrangular lobule
未分化细胞癌undifferentiated small cell carcinoma
枕-脑后下动脉吻合术occipital artery-posterior inferior cerebellar artery anastomosis
桡骨头半脱位subluxation of capitulum radii
桡骨头半脱位radial head subluxation
橄榄脑纤维olivocerebellar fibers
正中旁paramedian lobule
lacrimal ductule
管壶腹ampulla of lacrimal ductule
泪腺排泄excretory ductules of lacrimal gland
湿疹-血板减少一免疫缺陷综合征Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
病态肥胖的肠短路疗法small bowel bypass for morbid obesity
睫状ciliary zonule
睾丸lobules of testis
睾丸输岀efferent ductules of testis
runt disease
石棉asbestoic body
精曲contorted seminiferous tubules
精直straight seminiferous tubules
主动脉根small aortic root
脑幕人路transtracheal approach
耳轮helicis minor
耳郭缩成形术reductive otoplasty
lobules of liver
股骨大粗隆和粗隆撕脱骨折avulsion fracture of great and lesser trochanter
肱骨头骨折capitellum fracture
肱骨头骨软骨炎humeral capitellum osteochondritis
肱骨头骨软骨病osteochondritis of capitellum
球囊肿病glomerulocystic disease
球性血glomerular hematuria
球血流动力学glomerular hemodynamics
球间细胞mesangial cell
minor renal calices
管反流renal tubular backflow
管扩张症renal tubular ectasia
管肾小球反馈机制tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism
管蛋白Tamm-Horsfall protein
肾单位肾球滤过率nephron glomerular filtration rate
肾曲管直部straight proximal tubule
gastric pits
biliary ductuli
肌发育不良dysplasia of pectoral is minor
肌缺如absence of pectoralis minor
胸膜下肺subpleural blebs
脊柱关节综合征facet syndrome
膀胱梁形成trabeculation of bladder
膀胱肠裂vesicointestinal fissure
肌转子囊trochanteric bursa of gluteus minimus
自体肠移植autologous small intestine transplantation
舌下腺minor sublingual ducts
节段肠移植segmental small intestine transplantation
paramedian lobule
虹膜lesser ring of iris
虹膜动脉lesser arterial circle of iris
蛛网膜粒pacchionian granulations
蜗窗fossula of fenestra cochleae
sphenoidal lingula
板减少症伴桡骨缺如thrombocytopenia with absence radius
板源性生长因子platelet-derived growth factor
板集聚platelet aggregation
视网膜内侧动脉medial arteriole of retina
视网膜内侧静脉medial venule of retina
视网膜颞侧上动脉superior temporal arteriole of retina
视网膜颞侧上静脉superior temporal venule of retina
视网膜鼻侧下动脉inferior nasal arteriole of retina
视网膜鼻侧下静脉inferior nasal venule of retina
腿关节talocrural joint
腿关节ankle joint
腿前区anterior talocrural region
腿后区posterior talocrural region
跟骨结节anterior tubercle of calcaneus
软斑病Michaelis-Guttman body
过度外展-胸肌综合征hyperabduction-pectoralis minor syndrome
锁骨上lesser supraclavicular fossa
阴茎海绵体trabeculae of cavernous body of penis
附睾lobules of epididymis
非特异性肠溃疡nonspecific ulcer of small intestine
非特异性多发性肠溃疡症nonspecific multiple ulcers of small intestine
顶下inferior parietal lobule
颗粒granular foveolae
颞浅一脑上动脉吻合术superficial temporal artery-superior cerebellar artery anastomosis
zygomaticus minor
高位肠梗阻high small intestine obstruction
黄斑上动脉superior macular arteriole
黄斑上静脉superior macular venule
黄斑下动脉inferior macular arteriole
黄斑下静脉inferior macular venule
鼻孔底狭narrowed nasal floor
鼻缩整形术reductive rhinoplasty
鼻翼软骨minor alar cartilages