
Terms for subject United Nations containing 小组 | all forms | in specified order only
与遗传资源相关的传统知识法律和技术专家小组Group of Technical and Legal Experts on Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources
世界水基础设施筹资小组World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure
东部非洲环境问题次区域小组Eastern African Subregional Environment Group
中央灭毒工作计划小组Central Eradication Planning Cell
主题小组thematic clusters
之友小组Group of Friends
亚太经社会政府间附属机构知名人士小组Group of Eminent Persons on Intergovernmental Structure Subsidiary to the Commission
亚太铁路合作小组Asia-Pacific Railway Cooperation Group
亚洲及太平洋人口与发展组织间小组委员会Inter-organizational Subcommittee on Population and Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋环境和可持续发展机构间小组委员会Inter-Agency Subcommittee on Environment and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年机构间协商小组Inter-Agency Consultative Group on the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific
交通基础设施和便利及旅游业小组委员会Subcommittee on Transport Infrastructure and Facilitation and Tourism
信息和通信技术协调员小组Information and Communications Technologies Coordinators Group
信息、通信和空间技术小组委员会Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology
信息,通讯和空间技术小组委员会Subcommittee on Information, Communications and Space Technology
全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会GHS Subcommittee
全球管理小组Global Management Team
全球统一制度小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球统一制度小组委员会GHS Subcommittee
公约执行基准和指标协商小组Consultative Group on the Benchmarks and Indicators for the Implementation of the Convention
"六国加两国"小组Six plus Two Group
关于非洲发展问题的高级人士小组Panel of High-Level Personalities on African Development
内陆国家问题特别小组Special Body on Land-Locked Countries
军事咨询小组military advisory team
冲突后非洲国家问题特设咨询小组ad hoc advisory group on African countries emerging from conflict ECOSOC
减贫范例小组委员会Subcommittee on Poverty Reduction Practices
刚果民主共和国问题协商小组Consultative Group for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
区域丝绸协商小组Regional Consultative Group on Silk
南部非洲干旱问题机构间方案拟订小组Inter-agency Programming Group on Drought in Southern Africa
南部非洲次区域环境小组Southern African Subregional Environment Group
南部非洲次区域环境小组Southern Africa Sub-Regional Environment Group
卫生和发展小组委员会Subcommittee on Health and Development
卫生组织/粮农组织/环境规划署控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control
危险货物运输问题小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods
危险货物运输问题专家小组委员会TDG Subcommittee
危险货物运输问题专家小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
危险货运小组委员会TDG Subcommittee
危险货运小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
反腐败和透明化小组Anti-Corruption and Transparency Group
国际农业研究协商小组Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
国际残疾人核心小组International Disability Caucus
国际环境管理问题不限成员名额政府间部长或其代表小组Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Ministers or Their Representatives on International Environmental Governance
国际老年人年协商小组Consultative Group for the International Year of Older Persons
国际贸易和投资小组委员会Subcommittee on International Trade and Investment
地球资源和环境小组Panel on Earth Resources and Environment
基本建设总计划和基础设施支助小组CMP and Infrastructure Support Team
天气和气候小组Panel on Weather and Climate
太平洋岛屿发展中国家问题特别小组Special Body on Pacific Island Developing Countries
安保部门改革小组security sector reform cell
安全运输放射性物质常设咨询小组Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
审议关于侦察和识别地震事件国际合作措施的特设科学专家小组Ad Hoc Group of scientific experts to consider international cooperative measures to detect and to identify seismic events
审议能源生产使用对环境的影响国际专家小组International Panel of Experts to Consider the Impact of the Production and Use of Energy on the Environment
小儿艾滋病临床试验小组Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group
小武器问题政府专家组Panel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms
小领土、请愿书、新闻和援助小组委员会Subcommittee on Small Territories, Petitions, Information and Assistance
工业和技术小组委员会Subcommittee on Industry and Technology
1992年秘书长设立的关于非洲发展问题的高级人士小组Panel of High-level Personalities on African Development established in 1992 by the Secretary-General
微生物小组Panel on Microbiology
成人艾滋病临床试验小组Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group
技术评估小组Technical Review Panel
控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control
提高妇女地位特设小组Ad Hoc Group for the Advancement of Women
政府间咨询小组Intergovernmental Advisory Panel
政府间气候变化问题小组Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
政府间气候变化问题小组信托基金Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Trust Fund
方案管理小组programme management group of the CMP
方案管理小组programme management group
日常调解小组day-to-day Mediation Group
最不发达国家和内陆发展中国家问题特别小组Special Body on Least Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries
机构间农业生物气象小组Inter-Agency Group on Agricultural Biometeorology
机构间提高妇女地位小组委员会Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women
椰子技术常设小组Permanent Panel on Coconut Technology
次区域环境小组Subregional Environment Groups
残疾问题小组委员会Subcommittee on Disability-related Concerns
民警规划小组Civilian Police Planning Cell
气候变化小组信托基金IPCC Trust Fund
气象组织/亚太经社会热带气旋问题小组Panel on Tropical Cyclones WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
气象组织/亚太经社会热带气旋问题小组WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
水运小组委员会Water Transport Sub-Committee
温室气体咨询小组Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
特别保护小组Sous-Groupement de Sécurité
特设小组AHP on benchmarks and indicators = Ad Hoc Panel
特设工业部长小组Ad Hoc Group of Ministers of Industry
犯罪预防和控制委员会小组委员会Sub-Committee of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control
环境上可持续的发展小组Environmentally Sustainable Development Group superseded
环境与可持续发展小组委员会Subcommittee on Environment and Sustainable Development
环境和可持续发展小组委员会Subcommittee on Environment and Sustainable Development
环境管理小组Environmental Management Group
环境评估小组Panel for Environmental Assessment
生态系统养护小组Ecosystem Conservation Group
由作为部队资产的专家小组代表特派团进行的specialist unit as a force asset
监测小组Monitoring Group
监督小组Oversight Group
省的重建小组provincial reconstruction teams
知名人士小组Panel of Eminent Personalities
社会脆弱群体事务小组委员会Subcommittee on Socially Vulnerable Groups
禁毒指导小组Counter-Narcotics Steering Group
秘书处间水问题小组Intersecretariat Meeting on Water Problems
管理审查小组Management Review Group
管理改革小组Management Reform Group
紧急情况和灾害反应小组Emergency and Disaster Response Group
纪律小组Disciplinary panel
统计事务小组委员会Subcommittee on Statistics
联合国安全管理小组United Nations Security Management Team
联合国视察和核查小组united nations Inspection/Verification team
联合国视察和核查小组COE verification team
联合国评价小组United Nations Evaluation Group
联络小组ECOWAS Contact Group on Côte d’Ivoire
能源和环境小组Energy and Environment Group
艾滋病临床试验小组AIDS Clinical Trials Group
萨拉姆支助小组Salaam Support Group
行动计划机构间协商小组Inter-Agency Consultative Group of the Action Plan
行政协调会药物管制小组委员会ACC Subcommittee on Drug Control
规划、组织和管理小地区大规模人口和社会数据收集活动区域间讲习班Interregional Workshop on Planning, Organization and Administration of Large-scale Demographic and Social Data Collection Activities for Small Areas
计量小农发展项目的社会和经济效益专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Measuring the Social and Economic Benefits of Projects for Small Farmer Development
设立人类住区国际基金或金融机构咨询小组Advisory Panel on the Establishment of an International Fund or Financial Institution for Human Settlements
评估小组assessment panel
贸易和投资小组委员会Subcommittee on Trade and Investment
贸易谈判小组Trade Negotiations Group
运输基础设施和便利化及旅游业小组委员会Subcommittee on Transport Infrastructure and Facilitation and Tourism
防治荒漠化国际专家小组International Panel of Experts on Desertification
阿富汗支援小组Afghanistan Support Group of DHA
非木材森林产品问题联络小组Liaison Group on Non-Timber Forest Products
非洲联盟调解小组Mediation Team
非洲联盟调解小组African Union Mediation
项目核准小组Project Approval Group
预算审查小组Budget Review Group
食用森林猎物问 题联络小组Liaison Group meeting on bushmeat