
Terms for subject Economy containing 小组 | all forms | in specified order only
专业小组professional group
中枢小组headquarter's group
临时工作小组boundary-spanning unit
交叉职能小组cross functional team
住房与城市发展问题特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts of Housing and Urban Development
全球化项目行动小组Globalization Project Action Team
协调小组coordination committee
可靠性与质量管理专业小组Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control
合作小组co-operative group
商品谈判小组Group of Negotiations on Goods
国家小组national unit
国际事务小组international group
国际多式联运集装箱标准问题政府间小组Inter-Governmental Group on Container Standards for International Multi-modal Transport
国际多种方式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multinomial Transport
国际经济合作宣言问题特设工作小组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of Declaration on International Economic Cooperation
外援问题研究小组foreign aid panel
多科性小组multidisciplinary groups
官方小组an authoritative group
小组报告group report
小组讨论会panel discussion
小组a gang boss
工业供应咨询小组Industry Supply Advisory Group
建立资助缓冲储存基金政府间小组Inter-Governmental Group for the Creation of a Financing Fund for Buffer Stocks
成本最优化指导小组Cost Optimization Steering Team
成本最小的要素组合least cost combination of factors
成立了一个专门工作小组来研究环境污染问题A special working party has been set up to study the problems of environmental pollution
技术支持小组美国Technical Support Unit
技术研究小组Technical Research Group
政策协调小组policy coordinating group
査账小组check group
欧洲经济合作组织石油应急小组Organization for European Economic Cooperation Petroleum Emergency Group
欧洲经济合作组织石油应急小组OEEC Petroleum Emergency Group
正起作用的小组current business group
美国油价应急小组Oil Price Emergency Team
流动救灾小组mobile disaster unit
消费者反映研究小组consumer panel
科学研究小组research study team
税务条约特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties
系统管理小组systems administration group
组距大小the magnitude of class interval
联合国统一计量单位专家小组Unification of Units of Measurement Panel
维修小组service group
联合国方案和预算机构特设工作小组Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
联合设计小组joint design team
联络小组Liaison Group
评审小组an evaluation group
调査小组将在董事会的指导下组成The investigation group will be organized under the direction of the board of directors
货币银行研究小组workshop on money and banking
质量保证小组quality assurance group
跨专业小组multidisciplinary group
跨部门对等贸易小组Interagency Group on Countertrade
这个小组由五名专家组成This group comprises of five experts
通信战略小组Communication Strategy Group
限制性商业惯例问题特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices