
Terms for subject Technology containing 小组 | all forms | in specified order only
专业小组functional group
专家小组specialist sub-group
专家小组expert sub-group
专家小组讨论panel discussion
专门小组委员会expert panel
中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组Leading group environmental Protection un der the State Council of China
中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组Leading group environment Protection un der the State Council of China
交易谈判小组bargaining group
仲裁小组panel of arbitrators
修理小组maintenance section
修船小组boat repair group
修订小组amendments group
像素数组大小pixel array dimensions
分类专业小组cut house
制图自动化研究小组automated cartography development team
协调小组conciliation panel
可行性研究小组feasibility group
台风撤运小组typhoon evacuation team
咨询服务小组consultative panel
咨询服务小组advisory group
团体成员小组membership groups
国际氮素小组International Nitrogen Unit
堵漏小组collision party
小组size composition
大小梁组合体系combined system of girder and beam
定步组大小pacing group size
审査小组review panel
审计小组audit team
审评小组evaluation group
小功率绕组low-power winding
小型压缩机冷凝机组fractional condensing unit
小型发电机组small generating set
小批成组工艺small batch technology
小滑车组small sheave block
小滑车组支座small sheave carrier
小滑车组支架small sheave carrier
小滑车组限程器small sheave nest guard
小滑轮组small sheave block
小滑轮组small sheave nest
小滑轮组small pulley block
小滑轮组护挡板small pulley nest guard
小滑轮组支承架small pulley carrier
小滑轮组限程器small pulley nest guard
小组奖励计划group incentive plan
小组奖金工资制group-bonus wage plan
小组测试法panel methods
小组管理management of working groups
小组自主生产法autonomous group approach
小组访谈group interview
小组负责人section leader
小组间冲突性dynamics of intergroup conflict
小齿轮组crowded pinion
工作小组gang of labours
工作小组gang of labors
工程小组project team
工程小组project group
工程小组project gang
工组小时screw hour
工组小时team hour
工组小时gang hour
平流层和中层气象学小组panel on meteorology of the stratospherical and mesosphere
平流层和中层气象学小组panel on meteorology of the stratospheric and mesosphere
应变小组emergency squad
建筑师小组architectural team
建筑设计小组architectural team
技术支援小组technical support team
技术评估小组panel for technical assessment
投标小组bidding group
数字化小组digital team
方案小组project team
无次品小组zero defect team
无线电小组wireless team
最小信息组长度minimum block length
小组技术nominal group technique
海洋污染问题联合专家小组joint group of expert on the scientific aspects of marine pollution
海洋观测站欧洲小组European group on ocean stations
漂流浮标站合作小组drifting buoy cooperation panel
牧师会组织的小教堂collegiate chapel
特别小组project group
特别小组ad hoc group
特别专家小组ad hoc panel
特别专家小组ad hoc expert group
科学评估小组panel for scientific assessment
第十次小组Team10 (1959年近代建筑国际会议第十次会议闭幕后由青年建筑师组成的新建筑运动小组)
紧急救济行动专家咨询小组Expert Advisory Panel on Emergency Relief Operations
纺丝小组spinning party
纺丝小组spinning team
纺丝小组spinning crew
纺织小组spinning party
纺织小组spinning team
纺织小组spinning crew
经济评估小组panel for economic assessment
编辑小组editorial panel
缩小绕组图reduced winding diagram
网路分析小组network analysis team
网路判定小组network assessment group
计划政策咨询小组advisory panel on programme policy
土木工程承包的设备维修小组black gang
设计方案小组project team
设计施工小组design construction team
评审小组adjudicating panel
试验指导小组test direction team
质量管理小组quality control circle
起重机小车滑轮组trolley block
起重机小车滑轮组trolly block
跨专门小组multidisciplinary group
车站货源组织小组group in charge of organizing the sources of goods traffic at station
项目小组project team organization
项目研究小组project team
项目研究小组project group