
Terms containing 小组 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.三军工业小组joint services industry team
securit.上市决策小组Listing Decisions Panel
securit.上市审议小组/委员会Listing Review Panel
tech.专业小组functional group
tech.专家小组specialist sub-group
tech.专家小组expert sub-group
gen.专家小组会议panel meeting
tech.专家小组讨论panel discussion
securit.专案小组task force
busin.专门小组special group
agric.专门小组panel (panellus)
securit.专门小组ad hoc group
tech.专门小组委员会expert panel
China, polit.专门委员会和双边友好小组的交流exchanges between special committees and between bilateral friendship groups
China, polit.中国小组美国众院the Congressional China Caucus of the House of Representatives in the US
tech.中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组Leading group environmental Protection un der the State Council of China
tech.中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组Leading group environment Protection un der the State Council of China
China, polit.中国研究小组美国参院the China Study Group of the Senate in the US
securit.中文译本审核工作小组Chinese Translation Review Working Group (香港联交所)
busin.中枢小组headquarters group
securit.中标小组协议tender panel agreement
China, polit.中美执法合作联合联络小组China-US Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation (JLG)
consult.中英联合联络小组Sino-British joint liaison group
busin.中间技术开发小组intermediate technology development group
busin.临时小组ad hoc group
busin.临时专家小组ad hoc expert group
securit.互联网特别行动小组国际证监会组织Internet Task Force
tech.交易谈判小组bargaining group
gen.人力小组委员会美; 所属的Panel on Manpower
busin.人群潜力小组human potential group
gen.从配极的拼三小组apolar triads
China, polit.代表小组teams of deputies
China, law代表小组deputy group
China, polit.代表小组a deputies group
China, polit.代表小组会议workshop
China, polit.代表团小组会议group meetings of delegations
tech.仲裁小组panel of arbitrators
securit.仲裁小组arbitration panel
busin.价值工程小组value engineering team
busin.任务小组task force
busin.任务型小组task group
busin.作业小组activity group
mil., air.def.信息战略小组information strategies group
gen.信息论专业小组I.R.E. 所属的Professional Group on Information Theory
securit.信贷流通交易小组credit flow desk (交易单一债券 CDS 的小组)
securit.信贷混合交易小组交易指数及标准组块的credit hybrids desk
tech.修理小组maintenance section
gen.修理小组repair unit
tech.修船小组boat repair group
tech.修订小组amendments group
tech.像素数组大小pixel array dimensions
consult.充分利用工业能力问题特设专家小组Ad Hoc Expert Group on Fuller Utilization of Industrial Capacity
agric.克隆小组panels of clones
gen.小组支部Party branch
securit.公众股东权益小组Public Shareholders Group
securit.关联保证金客户小组group of related margin clients
gen.军备小组Armament Group
gen.军械材料小组委员会美国 RDB 所属的Panel on Ordnance Materials
avia.军种间的飞行器动力装置小组interservice group for flight vehicle power
avia.减少周期时间领导小组cycle time reduction lead team
busin.分析小组analytic group
construct.石油工厂的分类专业小组cut house
tech.分类专业小组cut house
busin.分组大小size of subgroup
tech.制图自动化研究小组automated cartography development team
gen.前线空中照相判读小组分队forward interpretation unit
avia.北美管理研究小组North American research group on management
agric.区组内小区[数]plots in block
agric.区组大小dimension of block
gen.半导体标准化小组委员会semiconductor standardization sub-committee
tech.协调小组conciliation panel
busin.卖方调查小组vendor survey team
nautic., tech.压载水工作小组ballast water working group
gen.原子尽管很小,但却是由一些更小的单元组成的small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units
busin.参与小组participative group
busin.参与性开发小组participative development group
consult.发展小组development group
nautic., tech.发布/设计小组submitter/design team
consult.发达国家与发展中国家税务条约特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries
tech.可行性研究小组feasibility group
busin.可靠性小组panel of reliability
avia.可靠性试验失败诊断小组reliability failure diagnostic team
tech.台风撤运小组typhoon evacuation team
busin.合作小组cooperative group
math.合拼的拼四小组syzygetic tetrad
busin.名义小组nominal group technique
avia.后勤评估与援助小组logistics assessment and assistance team
busin.向往小组aspirational groups
busin.咨询小组advisory panel
busin.咨询小组advisory group
tech.咨询服务小组consultative panel
tech.咨询服务小组advisory group
consult.咨询小组consultative panel
desert.咨询小组advisory service
busin.咨询小组委员会advisory subcommittee
busin.商品小组commodity group
gen.噪声消减小组委员会Noise Reduction Panel
multimed.因特网研究指导小组Internet Research Steering Group
tech.团体成员小组membership groups
gen.固态及分子理论研究小组Solid-state and Molecular Theory Group
China, polit.国务院西部开发领导小组办公室Office of the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council
consult.国际多种方式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multimodal Transport
avia.国际小型卫星组织international small station organization
tech.国际氮素小组International Nitrogen Unit
busin.国际谈判小组international negotiating group
consult.国际货物销售的时限及限制时效工作小组Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods
sport.在我们小组所有长跑运动员中、他跑得最快Of all the long-distance runners in our group he runs the fastest
geol.美国地球化学评价研究小组Geochemical Evaluation Research Team
gen.截击战斗机地面指挥小组ground control intercept team
tech.堵漏小组collision party
busin.多科性小组multidisciplinary group
agric.土粒小组size composition
tech.小组size composition
tech.大小梁组合体系combined system of girder and beam
China, polit.完善代表小组的组织活动方式improve the way activities for teams of deputies are organized
busin.官方小组authoritative group
tech.定步组大小pacing group size
busin.实验小组experimental group
busin.实验性控制小组experimental control group
nautic., tech.审批小组approval team
consult.审查联合国行政和预算程序工作小组Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations
tech.审査小组review panel
tech.审计小组audit team
tech.审评小组evaluation group
gen.导弹控制小组guided missile control party
tech.小功率绕组low-power winding
agric., stat.小区组subblock
refrig.小型压缩冷凝机组fractional condensing unit
tech.小型压缩机冷凝机组fractional condensing unit
tech.小型发电机组small generating set
refrig.小型燃气氨吸收式空调机组small gas ammonia-absorption airconditioning unit
agric.小型细胞组成composition of minicell
tech.小批成组工艺small batch technology
tech.小滑车组small sheave block
tech.小滑车组支座small sheave carrier
tech.小滑车组支架small sheave carrier
tech.小滑车组限程器small sheave nest guard
tech.小滑轮组small sheave block
tech.小滑轮组small sheave nest
tech.小滑轮组small pulley block
tech.小滑轮组护挡板small pulley nest guard
tech.小滑轮组支承架small pulley carrier
tech.小滑轮组限程器small pulley nest guard
busin.小组small group
agric.小组会议panel meeting
busin.小组决策规则team decision rule
sport.小组出发team start
adv.小组group system
tech.小组奖励计划group incentive plan
tech.小组奖金工资制group-bonus wage plan
avia.小组工作说明team statement of work
busin.小组意见一致法panel consensus
busin.小组承包计件工资制agreed gang wage on account of piecework earning
gen.小组报告用于科技报告系列代号中Group Report
avia.小组接收试验group acceptance test
busin.小组推销法group planning
busin.小组推销计划group plan
busin.小组team approach
tech.小组测试法panel methods
busin.小组目标管理模式team-oriented MBO model
busin.小组研究team studies
model.小组竞速模型飞机group- competing model airplane
busin.小组策划评价与维修系统teams tactical evaluation and maintenance system
tech.小组管理management of working groups
construct.小组联箱式锅炉Babcock and wilcox boiler
tech.小组自主生产法autonomous group approach
busin.小组自治法autonomous group approach
busin.小组计划与决策group planning and decision making
adv.小组讨论panel discussion
gen.小组 集体讨论group discussion
gen.小组讨论座谈panel discussion
tech.小组访谈group interview
tech.小组负责人section leader
sport.小组group match
busin.小组采访法group interviewing
busin.小组间冲突动态性dynamics of intergroup conflict
tech.小组间冲突性dynamics of intergroup conflict
HR小组面试panel interview
tech.小齿轮组crowded pinion
China, law居民小组residents group
tech.工作小组gang of labours
busin.工作小组Working Group
tech.工作小组gang of labors
tech.工程小组project group
tech.工程小组project team
tech.工程小组project gang
avia.工程试验要求小组engineering test requirements group
tech.工组小时screw hour
tech.工组小时team hour
tech.工组小时gang hour
securit.市场中介监管的第3号工作小组Working Party 3 on Supervision of Market Intermediaries IOSCO (国际证监会组织)
consult.市场情况咨询小组委员会advisory subcommittee on market condition
busin.布莱克特混合小组Blackett's circus
tech.平流层和中层气象学小组panel on meteorology of the stratospherical and mesosphere
tech.平流层和中层气象学小组panel on meteorology of the stratospheric and mesosphere
gen.广播与电视接收机专业小组Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers (IRE 所属的)
tech.应变小组emergency squad
gen.应用数学小组委员会Applied Mathematics Panel (NDRC 所属的)
tech.建筑师小组architectural team
tech.建筑设计小组architectural team
consult.开发小组development group
mil., air.def.开放系统结构综合产品小组open system architecture integrated product team
consult.征集小组recruit panel
gen.微波理论与技术专业小组Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques (IRE 所属的)
agric.性因子基因组大小sex factor genome size
avia.性能风险评估小组performance risk assessment group
multimed.意外事件响应和安全小组论坛forum of incident response and security teams
busin.成员小组membership group
gen.战斗机指挥小组fighter control unit
gen.战略小组委员会preparedness subcommittee
busin.执行小组implementation group
securit.执行和信息交换法规的第4号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 4 on Enforcement and Exchange of Information IOSCO
ecol.扶贫协商小组Consultative Group to Assist the Poor
busin.技术援助小组Technical Assistance Group
avia.技术援助小组委员会technical supply subcommittee
tech.技术支援小组technical support team
tech.技术评估小组panel for technical assessment
consult.技术革新小组technological innovation cell
busin.技术验收小组technical acceptance team
tech.投标小组bidding group
securit.投标小组tender panel
securit.投标小组代理tender panel agent
securit.投标小组协议tender panel agreement
securit.投资管理的第5号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 5 on Investment Management IOSCO
construct.拼三点小组point triad
securit.接管小组takeover panel
securit.接管小组panel on takeover
busin.援助小组Aid Group
gen.放射医疗研究小组英国哈默斯密特医院所属的Radiotherapeutic Research Unit
ecol.政府间气候变化问题小组信托基金IPCC Trust Fund
gen.敌人无浅电监听小组enemy wireless monitoring unit
tech.数字化小组digital team
mil., air.def.数据融合小组data fusion subgroup
mil., air.def.数据融合小组联合指导委员会joint directors of laboratories data fusion subpanel
securit.新兴市场委员会企业管治特别行动小组国际证监会组织EMC Task Force on Corporate Governance
busin.新式管理小组new-type management group
tech.方案小组project team
avia.无工厂系列号和单独检验记录的小组合件block stamp assembly
agric.无性繁殖系小组panels of clones
tech.无次品小组zero defect team
tech.无线电小组wireless team
tech.最小信息组长度minimum block length
securit.最小方差组合minimum variance portfolio
securit.最小方差零贝塔组合minimum variance zero-beta portfolio
avia.月球探测与计划小组group for lunar exploration and planning
busin.服务小组service group
avia.机构间协商小组interagency consultative group
busin.材料试验小组materials testing group
China, law村民小组villagers, team
tech.小组技术nominal group technique
avia.构型更改小组configuration change team
busin.查账小组check group
busin.标准工程小组standards engineering group
busin.核心小组core group
avia.核报告小组nuclear reporting cell
gen.核武器系统安全小组美国空军所属的Nuclear Weapon System Safety Group
avia.核计划小组Nuclear Planning Group (北大西洋公约组织)
busin.检验小组test group
busin.检验小组test team
busin.检验小组test battery
busin.检验人员小组bunch of testers
avia.水下小组under water team
busin.活动小组group of activities
gen.派出执行任务的二人小组file of men
gen.流动修理小组mobile repair unit
avia.流动的航空兵作战小组mobile air operations team (英国陆军)
gen.流动训练小组mobile training unit
securit.流通市场监管的第2号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 2 on Regulation of Secondary Markets IOSCO
tech.海洋污染问题联合专家小组joint group of expert on the scientific aspects of marine pollution
tech.海洋观测站欧洲小组European group on ocean stations
adv.消费者反应研究小组consumer panel
adv.深度座谈小组focus group
tech.漂流浮标站合作小组drifting buoy cooperation panel
fishery焦点小组focus group
adv.焦点小组访谈focused group interview
adv.焦点小组调查法focus group approach
tech.牧师会组织的小教堂collegiate chapel
tech.特别小组project group
tech.特别小组ad hoc group
tech.特别专家小组ad hoc panel
tech.特别专家小组ad hoc expert group
ecol.环评小组panel for environmental assessment
busin.现场小组floor team
busin.现场评价小组on-site evaluation team
busin.现场销售小组field sales group
busin.甄别小组screening crew
busin.生产规范小组production model group
avia.生产过程更改评估小组production process change group (按生产过程的更改程序《QP-3024-MP -026》定义,由执行生产过程更改的部门组成的一个小组,这个小组对生产过程的更改进行控制,并对生产过程更改的结果进行评估)
busin.用户小组联合会joint users group
gen.用户联合小组Joint Users Group
gen.电子仪器元件专业小组Professional Group on Electronic Component Parts (IRE 所属的)
gen.电子器件专业小组I.R.E. 所属的Professional Group on Electron Devices
gen.电子计算机专业小组Professional Group on Electronic Computers (IRE 所属的)
sport.电视采访小组television team
gen.电路原理专业小组I.R.E. 所属的Professional Group on Circuit Theory
securit.监察小组国际证监会组织Monitoring Group IOSCO
avia.直升机运输系统小组helicopter transportation system group
busin.研制小组development group
busin.QC研究小组quality control research group
busin.研究小组research group
busin.研究学习小组Research Study Team
securit.破产问题小组委员会Insolvency Sub-committee
agric.私人咨询小组private advisory circle
adv.种族小组ethnical group
agric.科学实验小组scientific experimental group
tech.科学评估小组panel for scientific assessment
gen.程序设计术语小组委芦会Sub-committee on Programming Terminology
avia.空中交通管制自动化小组air traffic control automation panel
avia.空军支援试验小组air support test unit
gen.空气动力学设备与结构小组委员会美国 RDB 所属的Panel on Aerodynamics and Structures
China, polit.立法机构议会间双边友好小组或者协会bilateral friendship groups with legislatures
tech.第十次小组Team10 (1959年近代建筑国际会议第十次会议闭幕后由青年建筑师组成的新建筑运动小组)
securit.紧急事件处理小组emerging issues task force
tech.紧急救济行动专家咨询小组Expert Advisory Panel on Emergency Relief Operations
tech.纺丝小组spinning party
tech.纺丝小组spinning team
tech.纺丝小组spinning crew
tech.纺织小组spinning party
tech.纺织小组spinning team
tech.纺织小组spinning crew
model.线操纵小组竞速模型飞机line-controlled group-competing model airplane
busin.经济价格审査小组Economic Price Review Panel
consult.经济及社会理事会议规则特设工作小组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council
tech.经济评估小组panel for economic assessment
busin.结构评定小组construction assessment team
securit.结算咨询小组clearing consultative panel
busin.统计小组statistical group
busin.统计分析小组statistical research group
busin.统计研究小组Statistical Research Group
gen.维修小组maintenance unit
avia.维修指导小组maintenance steering group
avia.维修指导小组-第三特别工作组制定的分析方法maintenance steering group-3
avia.维修系统咨询小组maintenance system advisory panel
avia.维修规划小组委员会maintenance programs subcommittee
busin.综合专家小组interdisciplinary group
busin.综合工作小组composite work group
gen.IEEE 综合数据语音网络小组 IDVNG 关于将语音IEEE 802.9 standard
mil., air.def.综合能力开发小组integrated capabilities development team
tech.编辑小组editorial panel
tech.缩小绕组图reduced winding diagram
tech.网路分析小组network analysis team
tech.网路判定小组network assessment group
China, polit.美中工作小组众议院US-China Working Group
mil., air.def.美国空军电子安全小组electronic security group
avia.美国联合军事顾问小组Joint United States Military Advisory Group
gen.联合导弹、弹头实战能力研究小组Joint Feasibility Study Group
busin.联合小组joint group
gen.联合国过渡协助小组United Nations Transition Assistance Group
gen.英美联合情报资料调查小组委员会Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee
mil., air.def.联合战区电子战协调小组combined theater electronic warfare coordination cell
avia.联合评审定级小组joint assessment and ranking team
consult.联合顾问小组joint agency advisory group
busin.联系小组contact group
securit.股东权益小组shareholders' group
busin.能源协调小组energy co-ordinate group
busin.自治小组autonomous team
busin.自治小组autonomous group
busin.工人自治工作小组autonomous workgroups
ecol.致温室效应气体问题咨询小组advisory group on greenhouse gases
gen.航空与航海电子设备专业小组Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (IRE 所属的)
avia.航空标准小组aeronautical standard group
avia.航空电子联合测试管理小组joint avionics test administration team
avia.航空联合测试管理小组joint aviation test administration team
avia.航行管制小组flight navigation control panel
mil., air.def.舰队无线电小组fleet radio unit
gen.船舰用反应堆小组委员会Naval Reactor Branch (U.S.A.E.C 所属的)
busin.节能小组energy conservation group
shipb.英国船模试验池小组British Towing Tank Panel
China, polit.英国议会中国小组All Party Parliamentary China Group of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
busin.营销小组marketing group
busin.行动小组action group
busin.行政领导小组executive group
gen.синхр.плав. 裁判小组panel of judges
tech.计划政策咨询小组advisory panel on programme policy
consult.计划政策咨询小组advisory panel on program policy
gen.计算机管理小组computer management group
gen.美国计算机紧急事件反应小组The Computer Emergency Response Team
busin.讨论小组discussion group
sport.训练小组training group
busin.议论小组buzz group
tech.土木工程承包的设备维修小组black gang
busin.设计小组planning group
busin.设计小组designing group
tech.设计方案小组project team
busin.设计施工小组design-construction team
tech.设计施工小组design construction team
securit.证券发售事宜工作小组securities offering issues sub-group
busin.评估小组evaluation group
tech.评审小组adjudicating panel
consult.评审小组evaluation group
busin.诊断小组diagnostic group
busin.试验小组test team
busin.试验小组test group
busin.试验小组test battery
busin.试验分组大小test group size
tech.试验指导小组test direction team
busin.试验评价小组trials evaluation team
busin.调停小组mediation group
busin.调查小组fact-finding group
adv.调查研究小组Survey Research Group
busin.谈判小组negotiation group
busin.谈判小组bargaining group
busin.谈心小组encounter group
avia.质量改进小组quality improvement group
tech.质量管理小组quality control circle
HR质量管理小组quality circles
busin.质量管理研究小组quality control research group
consult.购买小组purchase panel
geol.资源评价小组Resources Assessment Group
tech.起重机小车滑轮组trolley block
tech.起重机小车滑轮组trolly block
tech.跨专门小组multidisciplinary group
securit.跨国信息披露及会计事宜的第1号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting IOSCO
avia.跳伞救援小组para rescue team
sport.跳远运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦The long jumper trains the hardest in his group
tech.车站货源组织小组group in charge of organizing the sources of goods traffic at station
avia.运营规划管理小组operations planning management team
sport.这位跳高运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦The high jumper trains the hardest in his group
China, polit.各该选区的选民小组voter groups (in the respective electoral districts)
China, polit.选民小组或者代表小组会议at group meetings of voters or deputies
mil., air.def.通信评估小组communications evaluation team
gen.通讯系统专业小组Professional Group on Communication systems (IRE 所属的)
busin.重点小组采访focused group interview
avia.量度单位统一小组unification of unit of measurement panel
securit.金融特别行动小组Financial Action Task Force
consult.钢铁小组委员会iron and steel sub-committee
securit.销售小组selling group
sport.锻炼小组training group
busin.附属小组affiliated group
avia.集成产品小组integrated product team
consult.集装箱标准特设小组Ad Hoc Group on Container Standards
busin.零缺陷小组zero defect team
busin.需求咨询小组Requirements Advisory Group
avia.非正式南太平洋空中交通服务协调小组informal South Pacific ATS Coordination Group
gen.非正式的小组讨论会buzz session
busin.面对面小组face-to-face group
tech.项目研究小组project group
tech.项目研究小组project team
tech.项目小组project team organization
consult.项目小组project group
consult.项目小组the project team
securit.项目小组project team
busin.项目研究小组project team
China, polit.……领导小组leading group
avia.频率分配小组委员会frequency allocation panel
avia.飞行小组flight team
avia.飞行器控制小组vehicle control unit
avia.飞行控制小组flight control team
securit.首次公开发售的交易小组IPO transaction team
busin.驻在国小组country team
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