
Terms containing 小粒种 | all forms | in specified order only
expl.再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive
agric.半硬粒种小麦semihard wheat
agric.小粒品种small kernel variety
agric.小粒品种small grain variety
agric.小粒种种子small seeds
agric.小粒种咖啡small seeded coffee
agric.小粒种small seeds
anim.husb.小粒种fine seed
anim.husb.小粒种minute seed
agric.小粒种minute seed (semen minutum)
agric.硬粒小麦种amber seeds
anim.husb.禾草-二粒小麦杂种grass-emmer hybrid
agric.禾-草二粒小麦杂种grass-emmer hybrid