
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
在1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物并其分类detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more
在所有部门老龄问题主流化mainstream the issue of ageing in all sectors
基地的主要发电机和为医疗设施供电的发电机有平行运行的后备能力base camp main generators and generators supplying medical facilities will have a backup capability running in parallel
安理会联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团埃厄特派团United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
实施改组方案的警察局获得波黑特派团关于符合民主执行警务基本标准的认可证书。accreditation as meeting basic standards of democratic policing
人类配子与另一种动物的配子混合在一起fusion of human gametes with those of another animal
塞浦路斯并入希腊enosis annexation of the island to Greece
妇女关切问题纳入发展规划的指导方针Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning
妇女的关切纳入发展规划指导方针评价会议Meeting to Evaluate Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning
残疾人病态化pathologizing people with disabilities
环境因素纳入经济决策过程南亚次区域专家组会议Subregional Expert Group Meeting on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy-making Processes for South Asia
用于实验和研究的"治疗性"克隆therapeutic" cloning for experimental and research purposes
检查报告:联合国检查队进行定期检查inspection reporting. the united nations inspection team will conduct periodic inspections
湿租赁"安排,即部队/警察部队派遣国提供主要装备和维护wet lease", whereby troop/police contributors would provide major equipment and maintenance
独特装备指任何上述自我维持费率未涵盖、并作为独特装备处理的特种次要装备或消耗品unique equipment means any special minor equipment or consumables not covered in the above self-sustainment rates and will be handled as unique equipment
用一个连词,两个构成部分联系起来conjunction as a connective
第三方责任问题是谅解备忘录补充安排或增编中的内容third-party liability will be the subject of supplementary arrangement or addendum to the MOU
装备分类、要适用的偿还率和标准classification of equipment, rates and standards to be applied
部署前访问指维和行动部外派任务组对会员国的访问.外派任务组由适当职司部门部队组建处,财务管理和支助处及后勤支助司代表组成predeployment visits are visits by department of peacekeeping operations/field mission teams, comprising representatives from appropriate functional areas force generation service, finance management and support service, logistics support division etc., to member states’ countries