
Terms containing 射门 | all forms | in specified order only
fig.skat.一拍射门trigger shooting
footb.一次射门one-touch shot
footb.一次射门first-time shot
gen.三角形射门shooting triangle
tech.下射式引水闸门undershot head gate
hydroel.st.下射式闸门underpour type gate
tech.下射式闸门undershot gate
handb.不动步射门no-step shot
w.polo.不看球门射门blind shot
rugb.不费力射门chip shot
hockey.主队与客队的有效射门次数比shot on goal team A: team B
handb.交叉步射门crossover step shot
w.polo.仰卧射门layout shot
w.polo.仰浮射门layout shot
hockey.传球给同伴射门set up
footb.射门low shot
footb.低成功率射门low percentage shot
handb.低手射门floor shot
handb.低手射门underhand shot
handb.体侧射门sidearm shot
w.polo.体侧射门side shot
handb.体侧射门shoulder shot
handb.侧向鱼跃射门diving side shot
handb.侧手射门sidearm shot
handb.侧手射门side-arm shot
w.polo.侧臂射门swing shot
baseb.侧身射门side shot
footb.侧面射门cross shot
footb.倒勾射门overhead shot
footb.倒勾射门scissors shot
footb.剪式倒勾射门scissors shot
footb.剪式倒勾射门overhead scissors shot
handb.倒地射门landing shot
footb.倒地射门sliding shot
footb.倒地射门falling shot
handb.射门feint shot
gen.射门fake shot
w.polo.假动作射门fake shot
w.polo.假动作射门fake a shot at goal
w.polo.假意射门fake shot
footb.停球射门second-touch shot
hockey.凌空射门flying shot
hockey.凌空射门volley shot
footb.凌空射门kick and rush
gen.减少射门角度cut down the shooting angle
w.polo.切入射门drive-in shot
footb.切入抢点射门cut in for goal
rugb.判定踢球射门judge a kick at goal
footb.守门员判断射门的方向read the shot
footb.判断对手射向球门左方read the kick to the left side
w.polo.半圆射门练习semicircle shoot
w.polo.单手射门single-handed shot
w.polo.单手射门single-hand shot
w.polo.单手射门one-hand shot
handb.单手肩上射门one-hand shoulder shot
sport.单枪匹马投篮或射门得分solo goal
handb.原地射门no-step shot
handb.原地射门standing shot
handb.原地射门no step shot
mil., air.def.双速度波门双照射dual speed-gate dual illumination
auto.乘用车分类双门乘用车喷射Coupe Injection
nurs.反射性幽门痉挛reflex pylorospasm
handb.反弹射门bounce shot
fig.skat.反手射门backhand wrist-shot
handb.反手射门reverse shot
gen.反手射门backhand shot
avia.发射场改造专门工作组site alteration task force
tech.发射极耦合逻辑门emitter-coupled logic gate
handb.同侧脚起跳射门same-side-leg jump shot
w.polo.向前转体仰卧射门hole layout shot
w.polo.向前转体仰浮射门hole layout shot
w.polo.向后射门back shot
hockey.命中率低的射门poor percentage shot
otorhinol.咽门反射faucial reflex
tech.喷射混凝土门槛concrete-spraying threshold
footb.在对方受骗无人防守情况时射门sucker shot
handb.垫步射门skip step shot
handb.垫步射门skip-step shot
baseb.垫球射门deflected shot
hockey.多球射门练习rapid-fire shooting drill
gen.多球射门练习rapid fire shooting drill
fig.skat.大力射门slap shot
w.polo.大力射门power shot
footb.大力射门whip the ball into the net
footb.大力射门heavy shot
footb.大力射门hard shot
footb.大力射门cannon shot
footb.头球射门head at goal
hockey.守门员救挡射门次数shot saved by goalkeeper
footb.守门员视线受阻时射门shoot past the unsighted goalie
footb.守门员视线受阻时的射门shoot past the unsighted goalie
footb.定位射门place the shot
w.polo.定位射门sitting shot
footb.定位射门placing the shot
w.polo.定位反手射门sitting backhand shot
w.polo.定距射门练习radius drill
sport.对方受骗而无人防守时射门投篮sucker shot
footb.寻找射门进球机会seek scoring opportunity
footb.寻找射门进球机会look for scoring chance
footb.封住射门角度cut down the shooting angle
hockey.封挡射门block a shot
gen.封锁射门block a shot
hockey.射入横梁以上门框内1分point 1 point
footb.射入空门shoot into the empty net
el.射极耦合逻辑化双极互补金属氧化物半导体门阵列ECL-based bipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor gate array
tech.射流式闸门jet flow gate
met.射流"或"门fluid OR gate
met.射流时间门fluid time gate
auto.射流气门装在气缸盖燃烧室处,与进气门同时开启,其功用是使火花塞可靠发火jet valve
baseb.射球入对方球门shoot the ball into the opponent's goal
footb.射空门free shot
nautic.射线不可穿透的门radiation door
tech.射线照相部门radiography department
footb.射进本方球门put the ball through own net
handb.射门throw at the goal
hockey.射门shots on goal
w.polo.射门shot at goal
footb.射门shoot at goal
footb.射门try for goal
rugb.得分的射门shot at goal
rugb.射门kick at goal
footb.射门attempt at goal
gen.射门三角线shooting triangle
footb.射门位置shooting position
gen.射门位置scoring position
footb.射门准确性shooting accuracy
footb.射门力量goal-getting power
hockey.射门semicircle area
hockey.射门shooting circle
hockey.射门striking circle
footb.射门goal area
footb.射门区域shooting area
footb.射门命中率shooting percentage
footb.射门命中率shooting average
gen.射门命中率低poor percentage shot
w.polo.射门shoot range
hockey.射门地区shooting range
footb.练习用射门bounding board
footb.练习用的射门bounding board
hockey.射门semicircle area
hockey.射门shooting circle
sport.射门得分goal score
hockey.射门得分位置scoring position
footb.射门得分的球goal getter
footb.射门得分者goal getter
footb.射门得分能力goal getting power
footb.射门得分能力goal-scoring capabilities
footb.射门意识will to attempt shoots
psychol.射门意识sense of goal-kick
footb.射门意识goal-getting urge
footb.射门意识强have a strong urge to go for goals
hockey.射门成功率percentage of goals from total shots
footb.射门goal getter
footb.射门技能finishing power
footb.射门技能finishing ability
hockey.射门有利区shooting triangle
footb.射门次数go attempts
footb.射门次数goal attempts
sport.射门的一侧shooting side
footb.射门的强烈愿望goal hunger
polo.射门线goal line
footb.射门练习挡墙shooting practice shed
footb.射门能力shooting ability
gen.射门范围shooting range
gen.射门角度shooting angle
footb.射门跟进shoot and follow
gen.射门路线shooting lane
footb.射门进球机会scoring opportunity
footb.射门进球机会scoring chance
footb.射门高球high shot
handb.小角度射门wing shot
footb.小角度射门shoot from an acute angle
footb.小角度射门shoot from a sharp angle
handb.小角度射门small angle shot
footb.小角度射门angled shot
footb.小角度射门sharp-angled shot
auto.博世公司自创词带电子节气门的喷射和点火控制系统Motronic with electronic throttle control
auto.博世公司自创词带电子节气门的顺序多点燃油喷射ME-Motronic (electronic throttle sequential multi-port fuel injection system)
w.polo.平扫射门sweep shot
el.底射式闸门undershot gate
hydraul.弓形辐射闸门segment radial gate
w.polo.弧形射门loop shot
w.polo.弧形球射门loop shot
footb.弧线射门curved shot
footb.弧线射门swerving shot
footb.弧线射门banana shot
footb.弧线球射门curling shot
sport.强有力的射门powerful shot
footb.强烈射门意识keen urge to go for goals
footb.当守门员视线受阻时射门shoot past the unsighted goalie
w.polo.快拍射门bat shot
hockey.快速射门speed shot
w.polo.急停跳起反手射门wheel rear back shot
w.polo.急停跳起反手射门rear back shot
hockey.急转身射门quick turn shot
footb.成功率低的射门low percentage shot
sport.成功率低的射门shot of low scoring percentage
rugb.执行追加射门take a conversion kick
w.polo.抛高射门toss up shot
w.polo.抛高射门toss-up shot
footb.抢点射门战术shoot-on-sight tactics
footb.抢点直接射门shot on the first time
footb.抢点直接凌空射门crash volley
w.polo.拧转球射门screw shot
w.polo.挑推射门pop shot
gen.掩护射门screen shot
footb.插入射门dipping shot
sport.改变方向射门deflection shot
tech.放射线防护门shielding door for radioactive rays
auto.数字式进气门口电控多点燃油喷射digital port fuel injection
auto.数字式进气门口燃油喷射digital port fuel injection
footb.无人防守下的射门free shot
footb.无人防守的射门free shot
sport.无人防守的射门sucker shot
w.polo.曲线球射门loop shot
hockey.有效射门shot on goal
hockey.有效射门次数shot on goal
footb.有角度的射门angled shot
baseb.本方球门的射门入球team goal
footb.杰出射门goal buster
w.polo.正宇射门forehand shot
fig.skat.正手射门forehand wrist shot
gen.正手射门forehand shot
footb.正脚背射门full instep shot
hockey.正规的正手射门orthodox forehand shot
w.polo.正面反手射门front backhand shot
baseb.每节比赛倒计时的射门入球time of goal
w.polo.水面反弹球射门ball shot on the water level
tech.洗涤剂喷射拱门shampoo spray arch
footb.滑倒射门sliding shot
sport.漂亮射门clean shot
sport.漂亮的射门clean shot
w.polo.直体射门sitting shot
w.polo.直体反手射门sitting backhand shot
footb.直接射门one-touch shot
footb.直接射门first shot
footb.直接射门first-time shot
footb.直接凌空射门first-touch crash volley
w.polo.直立射门standing shot
w.polo.直立射门erect shot
sport.直线射门straight shot
rugb.示意射门结果signal result of kick at goal
handb.空中接球射门Japanese flyer
handb.空中接球射门mid-air-catch and shot
handb.空中接球射门mid-air catch and shot
hockey.空门时射中empty net goal
handb.突然射门sudden shot
fig.skat.绕门射球wraparound shot
hockey.网前抢球成功射门得分garbage goal
handb.肩上射门shoulder shot
gen.腾空射门raised shot
hockey.腾空球射门raised shot
auto.节气门体喷射throttle-body injection
auto.节气门体燃油喷射throttle body fuel injection
auto.节气门体燃油喷射center fuel injection
handb.落地射门landing shot
rugb.落踢射门dropped goal
el.西门子射极接地晶体管Siemens grounded emitter transistor
el.西门子环形发射极晶体管Siemens ring emitter transistor
footb.试图射门goal attempt
footb.试图射门goal shooting
footb.试图射门shooting at the goal
footb.试图射门shooting on the goal
footb.试图射门trying for the goal
footb.试图射门attempt at goal
footb.调整后射门second-touch shot
hockey.贴刃射门set shot
gen.贴刃射门set shoot
footb.贴地射门low shot
footb.贴地射门grazing shot
handb.超手射门overhead shot
handb.超手射门overhand shot
w.polo.越肩向后射门over-the-shoulder shot
footb.跃起头球射门leaping header
footb.跑动射门shot on the run
footb.跑动中射门shot on the run
handb.跨步射门step shot
handb.跳起射门jump shot
footb.跳起顶球射门shot on the leaping header
hockey.转身射门turn shot
handb.转身射门turnaround shot
handb.转身射门turnaround shot
footb.转身射门pivot shot
footb.转身凌空射门pivot volley shot
gen.轻触射门tip shot
hydraul.辐射式节制闸门radial check gate
tech.辐射式门式起重机radial gantry crane
auto.丰田公司辐射状布置四气门半球形燃烧室radial four valve combustion chamber
auto.辐射状布置四气门半球形燃烧室radial four-valve combustion chamber
auto.发动机辐射状布置四气门气缸盖radial four-valve cylinder head
auto.发动机辐射状布置的气门radial valve
auto.辐射状布置的气门radially arranged valve
tech.辐射防护门radiation-shielding door
tech.辐射阻滞门radiation-retarding door
handb.边锋位射门wing shot
handb.边锋位射门side shot
handb.边锋位射门small angle shot
handb.过顶射门overhead shot
sport.运球射门dribble shot
auto.汽油喷射进气门口多点燃油喷射valve fuel injection
space进气门引射器blow-in door ejector (发动机喷管的)
rugb.追加转换射门conversion kick
rugb.追加射门conversion goal
gen.遮蔽射门screen shot
footb.门前快射close-up shot
footb.门前快射close-range shot
gen.门前补射练习tip-in drill
auto.闭环节气门体单点燃油喷射closed loop throttle body fuel injection
handb.射门protection of the goal
hockey.防守队员救挡射门次数shot saved by defending player
tech.防X射线的包铅门樘lead-lined frame
tech.防X射线的铅门lead-lined door
tech.防射线门radiation-retarding door
tech.防射线门lead-lined door
tech.防射线门框radiation-retarding frame
tech.防射线门框lead-lined frame
tech.防射线门辐射屏蔽门radiation-shielding door
tech.防辐射门radiation shield door
tech.防辐射门shield door
tech.防辐射门radiation-retarding door
tech.防辐射门lead-lined door
handb.防近射门protection of the goal from short distance shots
handb.防远射门protection of the goal
handb.阻挠射门disturb shot
hockey.隐蔽射门screen shot
footb.顶球射门head at goal
footb.顶球射门head goal
footb.顶球射门head at ball
footb.香蕉式射门curved shot
footb.香蕉式射门swerving shot
footb.香蕉式射门banana shot
rugb.香蕉球射门banana shot
footb.高吊球射门lob shot
footb.高吊球射门lob shoot
footb.高吊球射门high shot
footb.高吊球射门hanging shot
handb.高手射门overhead shot
handb.高手射门overhand shot
hockey.高挑射门scoop shot
gen.高飞球射门flying shot
handb.鱼跃射门dive shot
handb.鱼跃射门diving shot
handb.鱼跃跳起射门diving jump shot