
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
信贷credit blockade
凭单vouchers jacket
利率interest-rate floor
利率interest-rate capping
利率interest-rate ceiling
利率interest-rate cap
利率顶期权cap option
式投标sealed bid tender
式投标sealed bid
口线closing line
嘴钱hush money
冻结账户blocked money
存固定资产fixed asset sealed and stored
存帐户blocked money account
存货款银行保付书blocked funds attestation
锁帐户block account
锁期blackout period
锁的英镑结存blocked Sterling balances
锁账户block accounts
闭式互助基金closed-end mutual fund
闭式交易closed transaction
闭式基金closed-end fund (指具有固定的核定资本,不可因应客户需求随时增发的一种基金。它与一般的公司股票类似,一般在证券交易所上市交易,投资者可以通过二级市场买卖基金单位)
闭式基金closed fund
闭式基金折价率closed-end fund puzzle
闭式基金折价率closed-end fund discount
闭式基金管理公司closed-end management company
闭式投资基金closed-end investment fund
闭式证券投资基金closed-end securities investment fund
闭期close period
闭线closing line
顶保底利率双限期权collar option
顶式期权capped-style option
顶式期权capped option
财产attachment of property
账册attachment of ledger
被查分类账attached ledger
被查账户attached account
财务信financial package
财务信financial envelope UNDP
资本sterilization, of capital
资金sterilization of capital