
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
中线骨试验median bone conduction test
乳突静脉vena emissaria mastoidea
乳突静脉mastoid emissary vein
复响conductive recruitment
性听力损害conductive hearing impairment
性聋transmission deafness
性聋conduction deafness
性聋air conduction hearing loss
潜伏期试验conduction latency test
部分portion conduction
颞骨部分conduction portion
重振conductive recruitment
免疫介的感音神经性听力损失immune-mediated sensorineural hearing loss
全身性骨皮质肥厚、颅骨过度生长、伴发面瘫和传性聋兼有感觉神经性聋Van Buchen disease
前庭水管canaliculi innominatus vestibuli
前庭水管aquaeductus vestibuli
压缩式骨compressional mode of bone conduction
右淋巴right thoracic duct
右淋巴right lymphatic duct
右胸right thoracic duct
右胸right lymphatic duct
听气曲线air conduction curve
气管pharyngeal airway
faucial catheter
咽鼓管eustachian catheter
咽鼓管Itard catheter
咽鼓管ear catheter
咽鼓管管吹张法eustachian tube catheterization
喉扩张Schrotter catheter
喉扩张laryngeal dilating catheter
堵耳骨试验block bone conduction test
acoustic immittance
抗检测acoustic immittance measurement
纳计acoustic admittance meter
失真骨distortional bone conduction
内镜像束endoscopic image guide bundles
静脉emissary veins
心传系统conduction system of heart
惯性骨inertial bone conduction
挤压式骨compressional mode of bone conduction
支气管内气管endobronchial airway
斯泰诺管腮腺Stensen duct
施勒特Schrotter catheter
静脉occipital emissary vein
aerial conduction
传声器air conduction microphone
助听器air conduction hearing aid
听力损失air conduction hearing loss
测听tests air conduction
试验tests air conduction
air conduction threshold
气管内气管endotracheal airway
气管吸引tracheal catheter
气骨air-bone gap
气骨间距A-B gap
涎腺salivary ducts
电声纳测量electroacoustic admittance measurement
神经传速度nerve conduction velocity
科图尼约前庭水管Cotunnius canal
移动式骨translatory mode of bone conduction
纯音气听阈测试pure-tone air-conduction threshold testing
纯音骨听阈测试pure-tone bone-conduction threshold testing
组织传tissue conduction
终末管腺癌polymorphous low-grade denocarcinoma
终末管腺癌口terminal duct adenocarcinoma
绝对骨试验absolute bone conduction test ABC
eustachian catheter
ear catheter
纳听力计otoadmittance audiometer
纳测量oto-admittance measurement
腮腺Steno canal
水管aquaeductus cochleae
血管孔emissary foramen
静脉孔emissary foramen
学说induction theory
静脉venous ligament
静脉venous duct
face guide
静脉parietal emissary vein
颅骨传cranial conduction
gnathoguide plate
tissue conduction
cranial conduction
传声器skull microphone
传声器bone conduction microphone
助听器bone conduction hearing aid
听力损失bone conduction hearing loss
听力级bone conduction hearing level
听阈试验bone conduction threshold test
噪声bone conduction noise
曲线bone conduction curve
测听tests bone conduction
耳机bone conduction vibrator
耳机bone conduction receiver
耳机bone conduction headphone
言语接受阈试验bone conduction speech reception threshold test
言语识别率试验bone conduction word discrimination test
试验tests bone conduction
bone conduction threshold
condylar guidance
斜度condylar guidance inclination
静脉condylar emissary vein
高级诊断抗计advanced diagnostic immittance meter
nasal catheter
nasal cannular
鼻内intranasal catheter
鼻腔气管nasal airway