
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
全球经济dominance of the global economy
全球货币体系dominance of the global monetary system
力量dominant forces
月份期货lead month futures
月份期货合约lead month futures contract
期货lead futures
期货合约lead futures contract
经济政策议程dominate the economic policy agenda
角色dominant role
价值向投资理念value-oriented investing philosophy
会计领accounting generalship
开放贸易champion open trade
出口向型增长模式export-led growth model
占主地位的储备货币predominant reserve currency
占主地位的离岸人民币交易中心dominant offshore hub for renminbi trading center
占据主地位的经济大国economically dominant power
坚持主原则stick to the country-led principle
大银行定期出版报经济情况的小册子bank letter
完善货币政策传机制improve the transmission mechanism for monetary policy
审计指audit instructions
致国内生产总值下滑cause GDP to decline
致无序违约lead to a disorderly default
致经济增长受到威胁put growth at risk
致贸易失衡lead to trade imbalances
岀口向型增长export-led growth
机制guide mechanism
金融机构稳健经营guide financial institutions to operate prudently
账户guided account
挑战美国在全球货币体系中的主地位challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
挑战美国的主地位challenge US dominance
收人向型融资revenue-oriented financing
收益增加致的通货膨胀income inflation
政府主的,以更为商业化的体系为目标的转型government-led transition towards a more commercially oriented system
政府引的软着陆government-engineered soft landing
欧元区领Eurozone leaders
欧洲农业指与保证基金European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee fund
正确引市场预期correctly guide market expectations
消费主型经济consumption-fueled economy
稳步推进市场为向的改革steadily push forward market-oriented reform
经济与军事主地位economic and military dominance
美国主的货币体系U.S. -led monetary system
美国领的国际秩序American-led international order
性信息misleading information
性的交投活跃表象misleading appearance of active trading
投资者mislead investors
诱使进行交易的误性信息misleading information for inducing transactions
货币传机制monetary transmission mechanism