
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
上下坑法top and bottom heading method
上升ascending trough
下降descending trough
侧壁坑法side drift method
侧壁坑法side heading method
侧门底部side door bottom guide
倾斜slanted guiding channel
阀/先开阀pilot valve
阀顶杆pilot valve push-stem
光电线photoelectric traverse
刚性线rigid conductor
向面front guide
十字头crosshead guide
升降装置向滑轮guide pulley of lifting device
单位长度的有效泄漏电effective leakance per unit length
单侧坑法single side heading method
单向通装置one way conducting device
双侧坑法twin-side heading method
双侧壁坑法double side leading method
双侧壁坑法double side drift method
双接触线制double-contact wire system
向面rear guide (钩锁)
吸声流片acoustic deflector
品字形坑法top and twin-side bottom heading method
固定向心盘fixed guide center plate
向套big guiding bushing
定点起吊梁式架桥机fixed point launching gantry with launching nose
向力guidance force
向套guide bush
向杆guiding rod
向标志系统guiding sign system
向框guide frame
向气缸guide cylinder
向活门guide flap
向牌guide card
向螺钉guide screw
向钳guide tong
曲线支距offset of lead curve
曲线轨rail of lead curve
曲线轨closure rail
guiding column
框座pedestal bracket
框式转向架pedestal truck
框式转向架pedestal bogie
框摇动座pedestal rocker
框铆钉guide rivet
guide beam
梁式架桥机bridge girder-erecting machine with guiding beam
guide groove assembly
流叶片suction vane
流堤diversion embankment
流建筑物regulating structure
流板liquid-guiding plate
流板limiting plate
热能力thermal conduction capacity
电嘴contact tube
电式心盘磨耗板conductive center plate wear plate
线架设contact wire erection
线测量traversing traverse survey
线线夹contact wire clamp
线长度conductor wire length
线高度contact wire height
conductor rail
轨座架door track bracket
轨绝缘子conductor rail insulator
轨罩conductor rail cover
塞人门door guide wheel
轮对leading wheel set
轮对guide wheel set
轮座door bottom guide
音频信号pilot audio frequency signal
向套small guiding bushing
small duct
管预注浆pre-grouting by small duct
带减振装置的拱腹式轨支撑support for soffit conductor rail with damping element
平行向装置parallel guide
平行parallel drift
接车receiving trains by the pilot or the call-on signal
螺母leader nut
螺母弹簧leader nut spring
强迫向循环冷却forced guided directed circulation cooling
心盘电铜柱center plate conductive cooper post
悬浮向兼用combined lift and guidance
悬浮向分别控制separate control lift guidance
手制动轴hand brake shaft guide
性施工组织guiding construction organization
挺柱tappet guide with sleeve
挺柱tappet guide
排水疏措施drainage desludging measures
接地earth bonding
接触网线Overhead Contact Line
接触网线contact wire
接触网线catenary wire
旅客向系统Passenger Information and Indication System
框式转向架non-pedestal truck
框式转向架non-pedestal bogie
梁一跨式架桥机simply-supported launching gantry without launching nose
梁步履式架桥机step-moving launching gantry without launching nose
无障碍向标志signs for disabled passenger
架桥launching nose
架空线overhead conductors
槽型十字头slotted crosshead guide
激光向机构laser guidance unit
热传系数heat transmission coefficient
特定电specific conductance
电感耦合线回路inductively coupled conductor loops
空心线hollow core conductor
窗口向的人机接口window-oriented operator interface
精密线测量accurate traverse survey
精密线测量precise traverse survey
纵向longitudinal bonding
缓冲杆buffer stem guide
股道track bonding
向径向转向架self-steering radial truck
向转向架self-steering bogie
自在弹簧coil guide casing
视在大地电率apparent earth conductivity
阻力induced drag (升致阻力)
super conductor
体斥力superconducting repulsion force
悬浮系统superconducting suspension system
超前advance heading
超前小advance small duct
轨道对大地的电track-to-earth conductance
转向架径向向作用as-radial action of bogie
软钢线flexible steel conductor
轴箱axle box pedestal
轴箱axle box guide
轴箱框托板pedestal tie bar
轴箱框托板pedestal strap
轴箱框托板牵引杆pedestal tie bar stay rod
轴箱框挡pedestal leg
轴箱框间隙axle box play
轴箱框间隙clearance between pedestal and its guide
过孔用梁式架桥机launching gantry with launching nose for passing spans
向径向转向架forced-steering radial truck bogie
向径向转向架forced-steering radial truck
向转向架forced-steering bogie
道岔曲线lead curve
道岔曲线curve of turnout
钢轨向车rail guide cart
钢铝复合线aluminum-steel composite conductor
钩锁向壁lock guide
锁腿向面lock leg guide surface
镀锌钢线galvanized steel conductor
防爆explosion-proof conduit
附加线additive conductor
静电电材料electrostatic conductive materials
电材料non-conductive material