
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
机构lead agency
部门leading sector
价格先price leader
机制transmission mechanism
信贷传credit transmission
工业pioneer industry
市场leader market
技术leading technology
技术cutting edge technology
技术leading edge technology
技术frontier technology
指标forward-looking indicator
指标leading indicator
关于以成果为向援助的全球伙伴关系Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid
20国集团评估持续严重失衡的示意性指原则Indicative Guidelines
20国集团评估持续严重失衡的示意性指原则G20 Indicative Guidelines for Assessing Persistently Large Imbalances
增长向的调整growth-oriented adjustment
derivative calculus
算程序derivation procedures
市场向型经济market-oriented economy
市场向型经济market economy
市场向的债务减免market-based debt reduction
市场向的增长market-led growth
市场向的政策market-oriented policy
市场向的政策market-friendly policy
市场筹资国公共债务可持续性分析指说明Guidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
委员会steering committee
委员会advisory committee
委员会bank advisory committee London Club
汇率传效应pass-through to inflation
汇率传效应exchange rate pass-through
社区主的发展community-driven development
第四条磋商监督指说明Guidance Note for Surveillance under Article IV Consultations
财政主fiscal dominance
财政风险披露和管理指原则Guidelines for Fiscal Risk Disclosure and Management
货币主monetary dominance
货币传transmission of monetary policy impulses
货币传monetary transmission
资本流动放开与管理指说明Guidance Note on Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows