
Terms for subject Aviation containing 导航 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
三角惯性导航系统Delta inertial guidance system
三雷达特利康导航系统triple coincidence navigation
中央导航系统central navigation system
导航系统master navigation system
主导航显示系统primary navigation display system
仪表着陆系统与战术空中导航系统instrument landing system and tactical air navigation system
仪表着陆系统与战术空中导航instrument landing system and tactical air navigation
休眠型惯性导航系统dormant inertial navigation system
位置和导航系统position and navigation system
低温惯性导航系统cryogenic inertial navigating system
低空进场导航指引仪系统low approach navigation director system
低空进近导航指引仪系统low approach navigation director system
低频自动无线电导航系统low frequency automatic radio navigation system
便携式惯性导航系统portable inertial navigation system
便携式惯性导航系统调准控制台portable inertial navigation system alignment console
先进导航系统advanced chain home
先进通信导航监视系统advanced communication/navigation/surveillance system
全球卫星导航系统导航和着陆系统GNSS navigation and landing system
全球卫星导航系统导航和着陆装置GNSS navigation and landing unit
全球卫星导航系统着陆系统GNSS landing system
全球定位系统、大气数据与惯性导航系统GPS, air data and inertial navigation system
全球定位系统导航处理机GPS navigational processor
全球定位系统惯性导航系统GPS inertial navigation system
全球定位系统着陆和导航系统global position system GPS landing and navigation system
全球定位系统着陆和导航系统GPS global positioning system landing and navigation system
全球定位系统着陆和导航装置global position system GPS landing and navigation unit
全球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS landing and navigation unit
全球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS global positioning system landing and navigation unit
全球导航传感器系统global navigation sensor system
全球导航传感器系统装置global navigation sensor system unit
全球导航卫星系统global navigation satellite system (国际民航组织 (ICAO )所使用的一个概括性的术语,指所有达到国际上规定的导航要求的独立的卫星导航系统,飞行员通过该系统内的卫星所发射的信号便能在机上确定飞机的位置。一个完整的全球卫星导航系统包括卫星 (它可能是由不同的国家和商业集团所发射的),以及对卫星进行增强和监控的地面系统)
全球导航卫星系统完整性广播GNSS integrity broadcast
全球导航卫星系统完整性频道GNSS integrity channel
全球导航卫星系统导航仪装置GNSS navigator unit
全球导航卫星系统着陆装置GNSS landing unit
全球机载综合导航系统global airborne integrate navigation system
军用导航设备系统military navigation aids system
几何式惯性导航系统geometric inertial navigation system
初始导航与制导系统primary navigation and guidance system
初始导航、制导与控制系统primary navigation, guidance and control system
初级制导、导航与控制系统primary guidance, navigation and control system
制导和导航控制系统guidance and navigation control system
区域惯性导航系统area inertial navigation system
卡台综合机载导航系统decca integrated airborne navigation system
双微型惯性导航系统dual miniature inertial navigation
双曲导航系统hyperbolic navigation system (一种无线电导航系统,能够通过两个或多个交叉的双曲线定位线,为装有相应的接收机的飞机来定位。这个系统或者利用脉冲传输的时间差测量方法,或者利用锁相的连接波传输的相位差测量方法)
"台卡"导航系统航道Decca lane
四维导航系统time navigation
固定的惯性导航系统dormant inertial navigation system
国家天基导航系统national space based navigation system
国家天基导航系统Argos (法国)
国际导航系统international navigation system
地形匹配导航系统terrain contour matching navigation system
地形辅助导航系统terrain aided navigation
地理坐标电子导航系统electronic geographic coordinate navigation system
备份惯性导航系统redundant inertial navigation system
备用导航系统alternate navigation system
多普勒导航系统的工作状态operational mode of Doppler navigation system
多普勒光学导航系统Doppler optical navigation system
多普勒投弹/导航系统Doppler bombing/navigation system
多普勒甚高频全向导航系统Doppler VHF omnirange
多普勒轰炸导航系统Doppler bombing navigation system
多用途战术导航系统multiple user tactical navigation system
夜晚红外低空导航和目标瞄准系统low altitude navigation and targeting infrared system for night
夜间导航与领航系统night navigation and pilotage system
天文惯性导航系统stellar inertial navigational system
"奇异"双曲线导航系统GeeG (第二次世界大战前期英国的一种中距离双曲线导航系统)
奥米伽导航系统Omega system
定时测距导航系统global positioning system
实验'性航线导航系统experimental route guidance system
导航与无线电寻的系统navigation and radio homing
导航与武器投射计算机系统navigation and weapon delivery computer system
导航与武器投放系统navigation and weapon delivery system
导航与武器瞄准系统navigation and weapon aiming subsystem
导航与武器瞄准系统navigation and weapon aiming system
导航与飞控系统navigation and flight control system
导航分系统navigation subsystem
导航及攻击系统训练飞行navigation and attack systems flight
导航及武器瞄准分系统navigation and weapon aiming subsystem
导航和制导系统navigation and guidance sub system
导航和攻击系统飞行navigation and attack system flight
导航和武器投放系统navigation and weapon delivery system
导航指挥与控制系统navigation command and control system
导航控制整体系统total navigation control system
导航攻击系统navigation attack system
"导航星”全球定位系统NAVSTR global positioning system
导航管理系统navigation management system
导航精密仪表系统navigation accuracy instrumentation system
G-H 导航系统Gee-H (一种雷达导航系统,是 G 导航系统的改进)
导航系统官员pilot system officer
导航系统工作时引起严重错误的因素blunder factor
导航、航向和高度基准系统navigation, heading, and attitude reference system
导航轰炸与导弹制导系统navigation bombing and missile guidance system
导航防撞综合系统integrated navigation and collision avoidance system
导航飞行检查系统navigational air flight inspection system
差分式全球导航系统传感器differential global navigation system sensor
差分式全球导航卫星系统differential global navigation satellite system
差分式欧米茄导航系统differential Omega navigation system
平台式惯性导航系统gimbaled inertial navigation system
平台惯性导航系统platform inertial navigation system
平衡环式静电悬浮飞机导航系统gimballed electrostatic aircraft navigation system
序列惯性导航系统train inertial navigation system
"康索尔"导航系统Consol navigation system
微型"塔康"导航系统micro tacan
性能导航计算机系统performance and navigational computer system
性能导航计算机系统performance navigation computer system
惯性导航系统inertial navigation system (一种自主式导航系统,由陀螺组、加速度计和导航计算机组成,根据系统部件的惯性作用而产生的信号来自动提供飞行器位置、航向、速度和其他导航信息。它不需要任何外部信息输人。飞行器的初始位置被输人计算机,后续的变化和各轴向的加速度有关,因此可提供最新的位置数据。通过编排一系列的航路点,该系统可沿预定航线导航)
惯性导航系统inertial guidance system
惯性导航系统定位准确度accuracy of inertial position
惯性导航系统显示装置initial navigation system display unit
惯性导航系统机械编排inertial navigation system mechanization
惯性导航系统的圆锥误差coning errors exhibited by inertial navigation systems
惯性地形辅助导航系统inertial terrain aided navigation system
惯性基准系统/导航inertial reference system/navigation
惯性导航与攻击系统inertial navigation & attacks system
惯性导航和攻击系统inertial navigation and attack system
惯性导航飞行检验系统inertial navigation flight inspection system
战术导航系统tactical navigation system
战术导航显示系统tactical navigational display system
战术机载罗兰导航系统tactical airborne LORAN navigation system
甚高频战术空中导航系统ultra-high frequency tactical air navigation
战术航空司令部和导航系统tactical air command and navigation system
战术航空电子低空导航和攻击系统tactical avionics low-level navigation and strike system
托架式惯性导航系统palletized inertial navigation system
捷联式导航系统strapdown navigation system
捷联式惯性导航系统strapdown inertial navigational system
捷联式惯性制导与导航系统strapdown inertial guidance and navigation system
故障容差惯性导航系统fault tolerant inertial navigation system
数字式惯性导航/攻击系统digital inertial nav/attack system
数字式投弹导航系统digital bombing navigation system
数字惯性导航系统digital inertial guidance system
数据导航系统data navigation system
旋转陀螺导航系统gyrocompass navigation system
无框架解析惯性导航系统gimbals analytic inertial navigation system
无线电导航传感器系统radio navigation sensor system
无线电空中导航及防撞系统laminar air navigation and anti-collision system
有限误差导航系统bounded error navigation system
未来航空导航系统future air navigation system
机上机场导航系统onboard airport navigation system
机载导航系统airborne navigation system
机载微波数字导航系统microwave aircraft digital guidance system
机载惯性导航系统airborne inertial navigation system
机载机场导航系统on-board airport navigation system
标准地面导航系统standard terrestrial navigation system
模块式通信与导航数据链综合系统modular integrated communications and navigation link system
模块式通信与导航综合系统modular integrated communications and navigation system
欧米伽导航系统中心omega navigation system center
欧米伽导航系统段同步Omega segment synchronization
欧米伽导航系统 一种甚低频、连续波、相位双曲线无线电导航系统。其工作频率段是10〜14 Hz,在全球范围内的导航精度可达 1.852〜3.704km (l〜2n mile) OTPV oil tank pressurizing valve 滑油箱增压阀Omega system (在滑油箱通气系统中的单向阀,通常能够把滑油上的气体压力维持在3〜6psi 。这确保了在任何高度,滑油在正的压力下能供给到发动机驱动的滑油泵中)
武器及综合导航系统weapon and integrated navigation system
武器导航子系统weapon navigation subsystem
武器投放与导航系统weapon delivery and navigation system
民用导航设施系统civil navigation aid system
海军导航技术系统navy navigation technology system (美国)
激光导航系统laser navigation system
激光惯性导航/攻击系统laser inertial navigation/attack system
激光陀螺仪惯性导航系统laser gyroscope inertial navigation system
热成像导航系统thermal imaging navigation system
热成像导航系统thermal-imaging navigation system
环形激光陀螺惯性导航系统ring laser gyro inertial navigation system
甚低频波束导航系统very low frequency waveband navigation (欧米伽)
电子导航系统electronic guidance system
电子航线导航系统electronic route guidance system
直升机导航系统helicopter navigation system
直升机战术导航系统helicopter tactical navigation system
直升机红外导航系统helicopter infra-red navigation system
离散地址信标和导航系统discrete address beacon and navigation system
离散地址信标导航和着陆系统discrete address beacon navigation and landing system
空中交通导航、综合和坐标系统air traffic navigation, integration and co-ordination system
空间轰炸导航系统space bombing navigation system
精确综合导航系统precise integrated navigation system
导航系统pure navigation system
组合导航系统hybrid navigation system
综合导航与防撞系统integrated navigation & collision avoidance system
综合导航和控制系统integrated navigation steering and control system
综合导航攻击系统integrated navigation attack system
综合电子设备计算机飞行管理系统导航功能指示符IAC FMS navigation function designator
综合通信和导航系统integrated communications and navigation system
综合通信导航和识别系统integrated communications navigation and identification subsystem
综合通信导航和识别系统integrated communications navigation and identification system
“罗兰"远程导航系统long range aid to air navigation
罗兰远距导航系统long range navigation system
罗兰远距导航系统long range navigation
联合导航和雷达系统'combined navigation and radar system
自主导航系统autonomous navigation system
自动导航飞行器系统automated guided vehicle system
自动应答机导航系统automated transponder navigation system
自动航空器引导系统automatic aircraft vectoring system
自治导航系统autonomous navigation system
航天与导弹系统中心space and missile system center
航母舰载机惯性导航系统carrier aircraft inertial navigation system
航空器自动引导系统automatic aircraft vectoring system
航空电子导航系统avionics navigation system
航站区导航系统terminal area navigation system
航线导航系统enroute guidance system
舰船导航与飞机惯性对准系统ships navigation and aircraft inertial alignment system
舰船惯性导航系统ship inertial navigational system
舰船自主式导航系统ship self contained navigation system
舰船自主式导航系统ships self-contained navigation system
舰载飞机惯性导航系统carrier aircraft inertial navigation system
船舰声学导航系统ship acoustic navigation system
视觉导航系统visual guidance system
距离导航系统range navigation system
轰炸导航系统bomb navigation system
轰炸导航系统bombing navigation system
轰炸与导航惯性基准系统bombing and navigation inertial reference
轰炸导航子系统bomb navigation subsystem
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light-attack tactical navigation and bombing system
近程导航系统short range navigation system
近程无线电精确导航系统short range navigation (system)
近距导航系统short-range navigation
近距离导航系统short range navigation
远程导航系统long-range navigation system (远程导航系统作为主要的导航手段是在仪表飞行规则下被批准使用的电子导航设备,且至少有一个导航输人源,如惯性导航系统、全球定位系统或“罗兰” C)
逆式"塔康"导航系统inverse tacan
通信、导航和识别综合系统integrated communication navigation & identification
通信、导航和识别综合系统integrated communication-navigation-identification
通信,导航和识别综合航空电子系统integrated communications, navigation & identification avionics
通信/导航/识别综合系统unified communication/navigation/identification
通信导航识别综合系统unified communication, navigation and identification system
通用导航系统universal navigation system
陀螺仪稳定光学导航系统gyro-erected optical navigation
陀螺自动导航系统gyro automatic navigation system
陆军空中交通管制与导航系统army air traffic control and navigation system
雷达惯性导航系统radar equipped inertial navigation system
飞机导航系统aircraft vectoring system
飞机导航系统静电万向支架gimbal electrostatic aircraft navigation system
飞机导航与管理系统aircraft air navigation and management system
飞行导航及控制系统flight guidance & control system
高密度空中导航防电磁战系统high density air navigation defense electromagnetic warfare system