
Terms for subject Technology containing 对策 | all forms | in specified order only
一价的对策univalent game
一次有效的对策one-short game
一次追击机会对策one chance pursuit game
不严格竞争二人对策non-strictly competitive two-person game
不交换信息对策的扩充extension of game without exchange of information
不可越界对策deadline game
不可逾越界线对策deadline game
不连续对策discontinuous game
两人零和对策zero sum two-person game
两人零和对策two-person zero sum game
严格凸对策strictly convex game
中线对策median game theory
交换信息对策的扩充extension of game with exchange of information
交通对策比较方案alternative transport strategies
位置对策position game
位置对策positional game
保守的对策策略conservative games manship
保护对策protection countermeasure
全信息对策game with perfect information
全信息对策game with complete information
公害对策antipollution measure
农村土地利用对策rural land use strategy
净水对策clean water strategy
对策concave game
凹凸对策concave-convex game
分离对策separate game
剪刀一纸一石头对策scissors-paper-stone game
动态设备对策dynamical equipment policy
动态设备对策dynamic equipment policy
变更的对策alternative strategy
古典合作对策classical cooperative game
古典合作对策classic cooperative game
古典合作对策的核心core of a classical cooperative game
古典合作对策的核心core of a classic cooperative game
可供选择的布局对策alternative location strategy
可分对策的典式canonical representation of separable game
可分对策的典式canonic representation of separable game
可分解对策decomposable game
困鼠对策cornered rat game
多步判决对策multidecision game
多阶段对策multistage game
多面体对策polyhedral game
多项式连续对策polynomial continuous game
对外投资决策external investment decision
对抗对策设计countermeasure design
对抗性对策antagonism game
对称对策symmetrical game
对称对策symmetric game
对称合作对策symmetrical cooperative game
对称合作对策symmetric cooperative game
对称矩阵对策symmetrical matrix game
对称矩阵对策symmetric matrix game
对策仿真gaming simulation
对策value of game
对策树形图game tree
对策模拟game simulation
对策的值value of a game
对策的图形解法graphical solution of a game
对策的图形解法graphic solution of a game
对策的对称化symmetrization of a game
对策的序贯复合sequential compounding of games
对策的支撑support of a game
对策的施行carrier of a game
对策的混合扩充mixed extension of a game
对策的表示representation of a game
对策的解solution of a game
对策game theory
对角线对策diagonal game
市场对策market game
市场竞争对策game of market competition
开型对策open game
开始对策open game
技术经济对策technic economic strategy
排毒力与管理对策toxicity elimination and management strategy
控制环境污染对策environmental pollution control measure
控制环境污染对策anti-pollution measure
无限对策infinite game
有限对策finite game
有限态随机对策finite state stochastic games
有鞍点对策saddle-point game
本质一般对策essentially general game
本质合作对策essential cooperative game
机会对策game of chance
条件紧对策conditionally compact game
模拟对策技术simulation-game technique
模糊对策value of a fuzzy game
民意对策public opinion game
水污染对策water pollution control strategy
水污染控制对策game tree of water pollution control
水管理对策water management strategy
污染底泥管理对策contaminated sediment management strategy
污染源控制对策pollution source control strategy
没有值的对策game without a value
环境对策environmental cure
环境污染对策environmental pollution control measure
环境污染对策anti-pollution measure
环境污染监测对策计划environmental pollution monitoring and resource programme
环境污染监测对策计划environmental pollution monitoring and resource program
生存线对策lifeline game
生态对策ecologic strategy
生态监测对策ecological monitoring strategy
生态监测对策ecologic monitoring strategy
生态系统保护对策ecosystem protection strategy
生态系统开发对策ecosystem development strategy
用于自然界的对策game against nature
矩形对策rectangular game
矩形对策的基本定理fundamental theorem for rectangular game
矩阵对策rectangular game
矩阵对策matrix game
矩阵对策的夏普莱一斯诺方法Shapley-Snow procedure for matrix game
矿产价格对策price strategy of mineral commodities
矿产贸易对策trade strategy of mineral commodities
矿产需求对策demand strategy of mineral commodities
离散微分对策discrete differential game
策略的相对值relative value of strategies
策略等价对策strategically equivalent game
策略等价的对称性symmetry of strategic equivalence
简单合作对策simple cooperative game
简单封锁对策simple blocking game
简单追击对策simple pursuit game
简约型 n 人零和对策reduced form of zero-sum n-person game
简约型一般对策reducted form of general game
管理对策management strategy
纯冲突对策pure conflict game
纯斗争对策pure conflict game
经济破产对策economic ruin game
经济计量对策模拟econometric gaming
经营对策operation gaming
统计对策statistic game
调和对策compromise strategy
运算对策operational gaming
连续对策continuous game
迭代对策iterated game
递归对策recursive game
对策closed game
防震对策countermeasure against earthquake disaster
限额对策quota game
非合作 n 人对策non-cooperative n-person game
非合作对策论模型non-cooperative game-theoretic model
非合作常和对策non-cooperative constant sum game
非常数和对策non-constant sum game
非本质一般对策inessential general game
非本质合作对策inessential cooperative game
非点源污染控制对策non-point source pollution control strategy
鞍点对策saddle-point game