
Terms for subject Technology containing 对立 | all forms | in specified order only
不对称立面asymmetrical facade
不对称立面unsymmetrical facade
不对称立面unsymmetric facade
不对称立面asymmetric facade
体力劳动和脑力劳动的对立antithesis between manual and mental labor
傅立叶变换对Fourier transform pairs
单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载三对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading three-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubical ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
单向加载四对斜面式立方体超高压高温装置unidirectional loading four-pair sliding-face cubic ultrahigh pressure and high temperature device
反立体象对pseudo-scopic stereopair
地面摄影立体像对terrestrial stereogram
对流立式冷却机counter-current vertical cooler
对着庭院的立面elevation facing yard
对称支撑立柱symmetrically braced column
对称立面symmetrical facade
对称立面symmetric facade
对立事件contrary event
对立假设alternative hypothesis
对立单位之比ratio to the primary unit
对立叶轮homologous impeller
对立色理论opponent-colours theory
对立色理论opponent-colors theory
形式对称的立面图formal symmetrical elevation
对立coupled standing mould (法)
对立coupled standing mold (法)
无畸变立体像对undistorted stereo pair
无畸变立体像对orthoscopic stereopair
独立像对independent image-pairs
相互对立的利益antagonistic interest
相对独立relative independence
立体像对photographic stereo pair
立体像对photographical stereo pair
立体像对pair of stereoscopic picture
立体像对像片stereoscopic pair photograph
立体像对旋角差differential torque of stereoscopic pair
立体像对观测stereoscopic pair observation
立体对合点stereo-identical points
立体对称cubical symmetry
立体对称cubic symmetry
立体正射像片对stereo-orthophoto pair
立体物镜对stereo lens pair
联立对比simultaneous contrast