
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing 对抗 | all forms
三相对称分布定子绕组three phase symmetrically distributed stator winding wound
不对称平面系asymmetric plane system
不对称弯曲nonsymmetric bending
主对角线principle diagonal
假绝热对流pseudo adiabatic convection
偏航对风yawing orientation
升力不对称lift dissymmetry
半对数坐标semi logarithmic paper
半对数坐标semi log paper
半对数坐标semi logarithmic coordinate
反对称振型antisymmetrical mode
反对称模态antisymmetrical mode
大气对流atmospheric convection
大范围对流Macro scopic convection
宏观对流macroscopic convection
对一控制方式one to one control mode
对俯仰轴的平衡about pitch axis balance
对健康危害health hazard
对准中心centering adjustment
对准功能alignment function
对开式滑动轴承split bearing
对接法兰spacer flange
对接焊butt welding
对接焊缝butt weld
对接触点butt contacts
对数变化logarithmic law
对数分布logarithmic distribution
对数分布律logarithmic distribution law
对数剖面logarithmic profile
对数反调制器logarithmic demodulation
对数坐标纸log paper
对数尺度logarithmic scale
对数微分logarithmic differentiation
对数正态分布log normal distribution
对数线性分布log linear distribution
对数线性风廓线log linear wind profile
对数衰减log dec
对数触调器logarithmic demodulation
对数速度廓线logarithmic velocity profile
对数频谱logarithmic frequency spectrum
对数风廓线logarithmic wind profile
对数风切变律logarithmic wind shear law
对流不稳定性convective instability
对流云convection cloud
对流传热convective heat transfer
对流元convective element
对流内边界层convective internal boundary layer
对流区convective region
对流区convection section
对流单体convection cell
对流层region of convection
对流层平流层交换troposphere stratosphere exchange
对流层悬浮尘tropospheric dust suspension
对流层气溶胶tropospheric aerosol
对流层沉淀物tropospheric fallout
对流层落尘tropospheric fallout
对流层顶lapse limit
对流层顶层great inversion
对流层顶逆温tropopause inversion
对流平衡convective equilibrium
对流强度convective intensity
对流性湍流convective turbulence
对流性环流convective circulation
对流性环流convection circulation
对流扩散convective diffusion
对流扩散方程convective diffusion equation
对流损耗convection loss
对流气块convective parcel
对流气流flow in convection
对流流型convective regime
对流涡旋convective eddy
对流混合层convective mixed layer
对流热损失convective heat loss
对流稳定度convective stability
对流系数convection coefficient
对流系数coefficient of convection
对流输送convective transfer
对流边界层convective boundary layer
对流通量convective flux
对流通风cross ventilation
对流风暴convective storm
对a点取力矩take moment about a
对焊butt welding
对称体symmetrical body
对称层板symmetric laminate
对称式symmetrical expression
对称模态symmetrical mode
对称状分段symmetrical section
对称矩阵symmetrical matrix
对称翼型symmetrical airfoil
对缝间隙gap clearance
对角across corner
对角裂缝diagonal cracking
对角阵diagonal matrix
对转叶轮风力机counter-rotating bladed wind machine
对边三角形diagonal triangle
对风orientation control
对风wind following
对风yaw orientation
对风制动yaw brake
对风尾舵yaw vane
对风尾舵wind vane
对风惯性yaw inertia
对风控制机构yaw control mechanism
对风机构yaw mechanism
对风装置yawing device
射流对jet pair
层流对流laminar convection
层流环型对流laminar cellular convection
层流自由对流laminar free convection
带颈对焊法兰weld neck flange
平衡对流equilibrium convection
弱对流slow convection
强制对流mechanical convection
排放控制对策emission control strategy
放射性对比剂radiocontrast agent
旋转对流rotating convection
普郎特对数法则Prandtl logarithmic law
月绝对最高温度absolute monthly maximum temperature
极对数pole pair
核对check against
气体的绝对湿度absolute humidity of gas
气象对流metorological convection
浮力对流buoyant convection
涡对vortex pair
涡对pair of vortices
温度对比temperature contrast
湍流对流turbulent convection
漏斗状对流层顶tropopause funnel
激光对中仪laser shaft alignment instrument
电弧对接焊flash butt weld
相对伸长relative elongation
相对加速度relative acceleration
相对危险度relative risk
相对呈感......性reactive in respect to
相对……呈阻性active in respect to
相对强度relative strength
相对性原理relativity principle
相对扩散relative diffusion
相对气流relative airstream
相对流量relative flow
相对流量relative discharge
相对涡流relative eddy
相对稳定性relative stability
相对粗糙度relative roughness
相对精度relative accuracy
相对迎角relative angle of attack
相对透气性relative permeability
相对速度relative velocity
相对频率分布relative frequency distribution
相对风relative wind
相对风向relative wind direction
相对风速relative wind speed
空气对流convection of air
等绝对涡度轨迹constant absolute vorticity trajectory
精确对准rigid alignment
绝对伸长absolute elongation
绝对体积absolute volume
绝对值absolute number
绝对功率absolute power
绝对动力黏度absolute viscosity
绝对单位制absolute unit system
绝对压力absolute pressure
绝对压力传感器absolute pressure transducer
绝对压力传感器absolute pressure sensor
绝对压力控制器absolute pressure controller
绝对压力真空表absolute pressure vacuum gauge
绝对压力表absolute pressure gauge
绝对压力计absolute manometer
绝对压力调节器absolute pressure regulator
绝对压力转换器absolute pressure transducer
绝对含湿量absolute moisture content
绝对地形absolute topography
绝对坐标absolute coordinate
绝对坐标值absolute dimension
绝对大气压absolute atmosphere
绝对大气压单位阿泰absolute atmosphere
绝对容积absolute volume
绝对容量absolute capacity
绝对密度absolute density
绝对尺寸absolute dimension
绝对干燥状态absolute dry condition
绝对强度absolute strength
绝对强度absolute intensity
绝对最低温度absolute minimum temperature
绝对最高温度absolute maximum temperature
绝对校准absolute calibration
绝对水分含量absolute moisture content
绝对涡量absolute vorticity
绝对温度temperature absolute
绝对温度表absolute thermometer
绝对温标absolute temperature scale
绝对温标Kelvin scale
绝对温标absolute scale of temperature
绝对湿度absolute moisture
绝对热力学标度absolute thermodynamic scale
绝对热力学温标absolute thermodynamic temperature scale
绝对真空absolute vacuum
绝对真空计absolute vacuum gauge
绝对粗糙度absolute roughness
绝对精确度absolute accuracy
绝对系数absolute coefficient
绝对速度absolute velocity
绝对重量absolute weight
绝对零度absolute zero of temperature
绝对零度absolute zero
绝对零点actual zero point
绝对频谱函数absolute spectrum function
绝对高度absolute height
绝对黑体ideal blackbody
绝对黑体absolute black body
翼型相对厚度relative thickness of airfoil
自动对风self orientating
自动对风automatic following
自然对流流动natural convection flow
自然对流范围natural convection range
自由对流free thermal convection
自由对流free convection
自由对流冷却free convection cooling
被动对风passive yaw
被动对风风轮yaw-passive rotor
被动对风风轮yaw passive rotor
调节对象自平衡inherent regulation of controlled plant
轮对pair of wheels
轴对称axial symmetry
轴对称体axisymmetric body
轴对称喷团axisymmetric puff
轴对称弯曲axially symmetric bending
轴对称形状axially symmetric shape
轴对称热axisymmetric thermal
轴对称羽流axisymmetric plume
轴对称行列式axisymmetric determinant
轴对称风洞axisymmetric wind tunnel
闪光对接焊flash butt weld
非对称力asymmetric force
非对称模态asymmetric mode
非对称阻尼asymmetric damping
风切变对数幂次法则power law for wind shear
风对农业影响wind effect on agriculture
风对建筑物的影响wind effect on building
风对空气污染影响wind effect on air pollution
风对结构物影响wind effect on structure
风对行人的影响wind effect on pedestrian