
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
下潜体小水线面双体船breadth of lower hull SWATH
下潜体lower hull breadth
不稳定回线环unstable or hysteresis loop width
全球海事带通信网络broadband global area network (DGAN)
水线图half breadth plan
名义nominal width
breadth (floating dock)
坞体型moulded breadth of air-way system
坞内净net width between inner walls
中部breadth MLD
wide blade
带 F 船站fleet broad band
度吃水比breadth draft ratio
稍叶wide-tipped blade
频带频谱分析仪band frequency spectrum analyser
"频"系统wideband system
尾板transom beam
带板度 bpbp
带板的width of the plating attached (bp (mm))
干舷船breadth for freeboard (Bf)
平台beam of hull
平台breadth of the unit (B, m)
支柱体vertical struts breadth
救生艇breath of lifeboat
散货船breadth B of a bulk carrier
方尾浸immersed transom beam
普通扶强材或主要支撑构件连同度 bp 带板的净剖面模数Z (cm3)
breath of ladder
气垫cushion beam
水线waterline breadth (Bwl)
水线小水线面双体船waterline breadth SWATH
水线breadth of waterline
水线beam at waterline (BWL)
沉垫beam of mat
浸体breadth overall submerged
登记register breadth
脱险通道的净clear width of escape routes
脱险通道的有效effective width of escape routes
舱盖hatchcover width
舱盖breath of hatchcover
舱盖板breath of hatchboard
rudder breath
ship breadth Bm
breadth moulded
moulded beam
breadth of ship (B, m)
船舶分舱subdivision breadth of ship
船长和船length and breadth of a vessel
breadth of yacht B (m)
艇体beam of the hull (BH)
设计水线designed waterline breadth
走廊和楼梯的净clear width of corridors and stairways
量化quantitative easingQE
门的净clear width of door
面板度 b𝒻face plate width (mm)
面板度 bfbfmm
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