
Terms for subject Technology containing 容 位 | all forms
位移相容性displacement compatibility
位置容限positional tolerance
单位体积热容heat capacity per unit volume
单位容积产冷量refrigerating effect per unit of swept volume
单位容积制冷量volumetrical refrigerating capacity
单位容积制冷量volumetric refrigerating capacity
单位容积变化unit volume change
单位容积含沙量spatial concentration of sediment
单位容积吸附剂unit volume adsorber
单位容积重量weight of unit volume
单位容重weight of unit volume
单位容量安装成本installation cost as per machine capacity
单位工作容积功率power-to-volume ratio
单位排流容积法volumetrical method of drainage flow per unit
单位排流容积法volumetric method of drainage flow per unit
单位时间的热容量time rate of heat capacity
单位潜容重submerged unit weight (of soil)
单位潜容量submerged unit weight
单位炉容放热量heat liberation per unit furnace volume
单位装机容量unit installed capacity
单位记录容量unit record volume
单位重量热容heat capacity per unit weight (量)
单位长度电容capacitance per unit length
单位面积电容unit-area capacitance
原位容重in-situ unit weight
声容单位acoustical capacitance unit
声容单位acoustic capacitance unit
容器液位计tank gauge
容器液位计tank gage
容积单位volume unit
容积吨位cubical measurement
容积吨位volumetric tonnage
容积吨位volumetrical tonnage
容积吨位cubic measurement
容积基位volume basis
容许位移allowable drift
容许位移函数admissible function of displacement
容许单位压力allowable unit pressure
容许单位压应力allowable unit stress for compression
容许单位压应力allowable compressive unit stress
容许单位压碎应力allowable crushing unit stress
容许单位土压力allowable unit soil pressure
容许单位应力admissible unit stress
容许单位应力allowable unit stress
容许单位弯曲应力allowable unit stress for bending
容许单位扭应力allowable unit stress for torsion
容许单位扭曲应力allowable unit stress for buckling
容许单位扭转应力allowable twisting unit stress
容许单位接触应力allowable contact unit stress
容许单位支承应力allowable bearing unit stress
容许单位结合应力allowable bond unit stress
容许变位allowable deflection
容许弯曲单位应力allowable flexural unit stress
容许降水位permissible drawdown
容车交通量单位计算通行能力用passenger car unit
容量单位volume unit
密封膜片容积式液位传感器diaphragm sealed displacement transmitter
干容量单位dry measure
放射性同位素容器RI radioactive isotope container
最大容许位移maximum allowable misalignment
最大容许放射性同位素浓度maximum permissible concentration of RI (radio isotope)
板材容积单位board foot
每单位容量per-unit volume
水位一容积曲线capacity-elevation curve
水位一库容曲线water-level capacity curve
水位容积曲线water-level capacity curve
水位容积曲线elevation-capacity curve
水位库容曲线stage storage curve
水位库容曲线elevation-capacity curve
泊位容量berthing capacity
活塞位移容积piston displace ment volume
活塞位移容积cubical piston displacement
活塞位移容积cubic piston displacement
电容式位置传感器capacitive position transducer
电容式料位开关capacitive level switch
电容式料位指示器capacitor material level indicator
电容式料位指示器capacity level indicator
电容式料位指示器capacity material level indicator
电容式料位指示器capacitive level indicator
电容式料位计capacitance-type level-meter
电容式水位计capacitor fluviograph
电容式液位传感器capacitance level transducer
电容式液位计electrical capacity type liquidometer
电容式液位计electric capacity type liquidometer
电容式潮位计electrical capacitance gauge
电容式潮位计electric capacitance gage
电容电位器capacitance potentiometer
电容电位计capacitance potentiometer
电容电位计capacitance potential device
相位容量phase margin
立窑单位容积生产能力capacity of shaft kiln for unit volume
色容限单位colour tolerance unit
色容限单位color tolerance unit
零位容积效率blank-off volumetrical efficiency
零位容积效率blank-off volumetric efficiency
高程一库容关系曲线水位一容积曲线storage-elevation curve