
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一等舱甲板saloon deck
一等舱甲板salon deck
一等舱旅salon passenger
一等舱旅saloon passenger
一等舱旅first-class passenger
一般general cargo
一般货码头general cargo wharf
三层舱three-decker tunnel jumbo
时间boarding time
port of embarkation
上下loading platform
上下班commuting movement
上下车旅on-off passengers
上车流量boarding passenger volume
时间alighting time
下等doss house
下车流量alighting passenger volume
不供给伙食的common lodging house
两轴two-axled coach
两轴carriage with two axles
中型light bus
中型小intermediate size car
中型小intermediate car
中央通道coach with center gangway
中央通道centre aisle coach
中央通道center aisle coach
中心通道centre gangway coach
中心通道center gangway coach
中转旅候车室transfer passengers' waiting room
临时passenger extra
临时宾temporary guest
临时旅列车passenger extra
临时旅列车extra passenger train
临时旅列车additional passenger train
主任运调度员chief of passenger train controller
travelling public
traveling public
上下车区域passenger zone
不多的停车站minor station
信息显示系统passenger information display system
候车站台pedestrian loading island
到达人数number of arrival
passenger list
地带passenger zone
平均乘行时间average passenger travel time
平均乘行距离average distance of passenger
平均换乘系数average passenger change factor
座椅passenger seat
心理passenger mentality
接口模块passenger interface module
操纵passenger operation
显示器passenger display
服务系统passenger service system
电梯passenger lift
电梯passenger elevator
电梯井passenger lift shaft
电梯门passenger lift door
疏散passenger evacuation
计数器passenger counter
集散点passenger flow collector-distribution point
雨棚passenger shelter
额定证书passenger certificate
二等舱旅secondary saloon passenger
休息厅reception lounge
reception room
guest room
visiting room
reception chamber
reception room
低运输密度运线路low-density passenger line
供住宿的common house
后货passenger train prior than goods train
后货high-speed train prior to low speed train
免费乘non-revenue passenger
全日运量daily passenger volume
全路旅发送量volume of sending passengers by the railway
全金属all-metal coach
全钢all-steel carriage
公交乘周转量mass transit passenger turnover
公共交通transit riders
公共交通流图transit usage map
公共交通流调査public transportation usage study
公共交通载量图transit load profile
公共旅运输public passenger transport
公路运站highway bus station
公路运量highway transportation
分向directional passenger flow
列车座利用率percentage of passenger seats utilization per train
列车平均载人数average number of passenger carried per train
列车旅密度表record of number of passengers on train by districts
到场旅arriving passenger
到港旅arriving passenger
到站旅arriving passenger
到达船旅名单arrival list
fore cabin
前置发动机小front engined car
前轮驱动小front-wheel drive car
包房compartment coach
包车乘passenger chartered
区间流负荷passenger link load
半金属semi-metallic coach
单人single guest bedroom
单人床single bed guest room
单元运支出passenger transport expense on per kilometer
单向运能力one-way passenger capacity
单层甲板旅渡轮single-deck ferryboat
单床one-bed guest room
单等级single class passenger boat
单级one cabin boat
单铺one-bed guest room
单铺位single berth cabin
卧铺couchette coach
向阳sun parlour
向阳sun parlor
向顾提供信息customer communication
塑料车身小plastic-bodied car
填报乘名单bill passengers
备用reserve coach
夕发朝至旅列车passenger train that arrives in the morning when departing in the evening
外部旅电梯exterior passenger elevator
多乘车辆high-occupancy vehicle
多乘车辆专用车道high-occupancy vehicle lane
多层汽车游旅馆motor inn
多等集multiclass ship
多等集multiclass passenger ship
waiting room
public space
guest hall
large-size passenger bus
passenger bus
motor bus
大型Big Bertha
大容量high-capacity coach
大运量运系统mass transit system
大量mass transportation
大量顾mass client
定员载fixed number of persons
定期passenger liner
定期船队passenger-liner fleet
定期passenger boat
定期passenger liner
审计户律师表白书legal representation letter
审计户表白书letter of representation
土混层稀释mixing dressed soil for dilution
receiver system
户保证负债customer's guarantee liability
户保证金customers' deposit
户分户账customers ledger
户分户账client ledger
户分类customer classification
户分类账customers ledger
户存款customers' deposit
户定金customers' deposit
户审计师user auditor
户意见customer complaint
户承兑负债customer's acceptance liability
户款collection receivable for customer
户款已贴现customer's account discounted
户的不法行为illegal client acts
户的信用证负债customer's acceptance liability
户的承兑负债customer's letter of credit liability
户盈利分析customer profitability analysis
户签署意见client's written representations
户管理customer management
户结账单customer's statement
户表customer list
户订单汇总表summary of customer's orders
户订货单customers order
户调整分录client's adjusting entries
户账贷余customer's credit balance
户账贷差customer's credit balance
户贴现佣金commission paid on discounted
户资信分类credit rating
户资信筛选credit screening
户赊购账charge account
户预付款advances from customers
户风险customer risk
tap house
road house
foreign water
passenger ferry
用电梯passenger lift
用电梯passenger elevator
passenger accommodation
舱甲板saloon deck
舱甲板salon deck
账分析表ageing schedule
账分析表aging schedule
账结单statement of account
账贴现customer's account discounted
账贴现佣金commission paid on discounted account
账贴现佣金支出commission paid on discounted accounts
账贴现簿discounted account register
货两用station wagon
货两用汽车beach wagon
货两用轿车estate car (英国)
货流通量traffic flow
货混合列车mixed unit train
货混合列车mixed train
货混流mixed traffic
货混运mixed traffic
货班轮packet ship
货班轮passenger cargo liner
货班轮scheduled passenger-cargo liner
货班轮packet boat
货纵列式passenger train and freight train yard longitudinal arrangement
货统计现代化与信息共享passenger and freight statistical modernization and data sharing
货船mixed boat
货船passenger and cargo ship
货船passenger cargo vessel
货船semi-passenger ship
货船semi-cargo boat
货船intermediate ship
货营销passenger and freight marketing
货车可调式制动系统goods-passenger braking system
货车可转换的制动机goods-passenger change-over brake
货车工厂carriage and wagon works
货轮semi-passenger ship
货轮semi-cargo boat
货轮mixed boat
货轮combination vessel
货运服务收入transport service revenue
货运混合线路railway for mixed passenger and freight traffic
货运站mixed passenger and freight station
货运站combination station
货运转movement of goods and persons
货运输transport of both travellers and goods
货运输单位unit of traffic (吨公里或旅客公里)
旅馆内将饮食送到房就餐的服务方式room service
petty sum
passenger vehicle
车交通量单位passenger car unit (用于计算道路通行能力)
车出行car trip
车单位passenger car unit
小型station wagon
小型车帆船sail board
小型小small car
小型高速运系统personal rapid transit system
尽头运枢纽dead-end passenger terminal
尽头式运站stub-end passenger station
市郊suburban passenger flow
市郊流图suburban passenger flow diagram
市郊suburban coach
市郊定期periodical suburban ticket
市郊定期periodic suburban ticket
市郊旅列车suburban passenger train
带窥孔通往室门door to passenger compartment with peep hole
带视听设备coach fitted with audio-visual equipment
带豪华舱passenger ship with deluxe cabin
带通道的vestibule coach
常备票结账管理系统hard regular card financial statement system
干线main-line coach
运总量total annual person travel
年旅吞吐量annual passenger movements
开放式厅式车厢open saloon
开放式通道open aisle coach
开敞型通道coach with open aisle
引导leading coach
强调顾利益推销法benefit method of selling
影视cinema coach
房主与房关系统一法案uniform residential landlord and tenant act
房舱旅cabin passenger
expansion tank
按顾类型分类classification by the type of customers
换乘乘transfer passenger
排水型passenger displacement ship
敞舱船后面旅乘坐部分stern sheets
整体式coach with integral body
明轮paddle passenger steamer
普通way train
普通tourist class
普通旅列车ordinary slow passenger train
普通旅列车slow passenger train
普通旅列车accommodation train
最低舱甲板lowest passenger deck
最大断面流量maximum cross-section passenger volume
月票commuter movement
月票乘居住区commuter land
月票乘平均行程距离average length of commuters' journey
月票乘commuting ratio
月票乘行程commuter journey
月票乘集中地区commuter zone
厅楼层Piano nobile
有活动座椅的chair car
有轨快速运系统fixed guide way transit system
木质车体coach with wooden body
标准orthobaric volume
核能船安全证书nuclear passenger ship safety certificate
残疾人coach with easy access for handicapped people
民事civil object
民事权利object of private right
民事权利object of civil right
民事权利的object of private right
民事法律关系的object of civil legal relationship
氢气动力大hydrogen-powered bus
水险掮ship broker
汽车游motor lodge
汽车游旅馆motel-tourist cabins
汽车游旅馆motor court
汽车游旅馆motor inn
汽车游旅馆tourist court
汽车游旅馆motor hotel
汽车游旅馆automobile court
没有经验的顾unsophisticated buyer
活动坐位chair car
流线型旅列车streamline passenger train
海运终点运站marine terminus building
渡船乘ferry passenger
港口货集疏运能力collecting and dispatching capacity of port for cargoes and passengers
休息室visitor room
容量tourist capacity
用车visitor's car
观光中心visitor center
潜水passenger submarine
特快运列车express passenger train
特等舱套间cabin en suite
特等舱套间cabin de suite
田地掮farm broker
户直接退回查账员的对账回单direct verification
甲板旅deck passenger
电动electrical motor coach
电动electric motor coach
电动车挂钩coupling of motor vehicles
电动旅列车motor coach train
电梯乘上行高潮up peak
电梯乘入口elevator landing entrance
百货公司载电梯department store passenger lift
百货商店的顾电梯department store passenger elevator
码头旅接待员landing clerk
硬顶小hard-top minibus
空气调节air-conditioned coach
突发性outburst passenger flow
简陋小doss house
管内local passenger flow
管内流图local passenger flow diagram
管内旅列车local passenger train
管内旅列车accommodation train
粗整修的rustic cabin
耐压pressure container
联邦徳国创制的快速双人乘坐,自动动转,时速36公里Cabinen Taxi
航空运站air passenger terminal
航空旅air passenger
航线passenger aircraft
船上乘passenger on board
行人渡口旅pedestrian ferry passenger
计算机化顾收款制度computerized customer billing system
豪华palace car
goods-passenger lift
质量优良的小quality car
赋税object of taxation
超音速super sonic transport
渡轮vehicle and passenger ferry
车班载次数carrying times per shift
车站运通信系统passenger traffic communication system in station
车站旅输送日计划daily passenger transport plan of station
轨道交通乘周转量rail transit passenger turnover
转子发动机小rotary engined car
转机旅transferring passenger
轻便pick-up coach
轻便light bus
轻型小lightweight car
轻型小light car
轻金属lightweight metal coach
吊笼cable car
定员seating capacity
定额passenger carrying capacity
汽车passenger service vehicle
汽车passenger automobile
渡船passenger ferry
渡船passage boat
渡轮passenger ferry
渡轮passage boat
电梯passenger lift
电梯passenger elevator
电梯厢passenger elevator car
电梯门passenger lift door
电梯门passenger elevator door
舱位passenger space
车辆passenger vehicle
车辆passenger accommodation
输送机passenger conveyer
运输带man conveyer belt
运输皮带passenger conveyer belt
passenger carrying capacity
面积passenger capacity area
输入input passenger flow
输出output passenger flow
通勤旅commuter zone
通往室门door to passenger compartment
通过through passenger flow
通过式运站through-type passenger station
销货trade creditor
长住旅permanent guest
长期票乘班机commuter airliner
长途coach bus
长途long-distance passenger traffic
长途公共motor coach
随机self-contained airstair
随机built-in airstaircase
随机built-in airstair
随行accompanied vehicle
non-passenger ship
非审计non-audit client
非封闭通道coach with open gangway
与行李接送平台passenger and luggage handling level
事务customer affairs
停车场customer parking area
停车处customer parking area
停车建筑customer parking building
入口处buyer's entrance
出口处buyer's exit
动向模型consumer behaviour model
商店custom shop
总账client ledger
报告custom report
拥有并维护的通信设备customer own and maintenance communication equipment
损失率customer loss ratio
服务customer's service
车辆流通量customer circulation
的有限总体finite population of customer
监督系统custom-engineered system
终端系统client terminal system
自洗洗衣店self-service laundry
自选的百货商店self-service departmental store
自选的百货商店self-service department store
行为模型consumer behaviour model
记录customer's service
账户account holder
账户account customer
账贴现customer's account discounted
赊账簿pass book
车库customer parking building
运费率customer rate
采购延误delay in purchase at consumer sector
需要in demand
预付款advance from customers
额定载rated passenger capacity
驾船游旅馆motel of water travel
驾驶室与室隔墙rear wall
驾驶室与室隔墙布置rear wall arrangement
鼓形地铁电动drum-shaped metro passenger rolling stock
鼓形地铁电动broad-body metro transit
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