
Terms for subject China containing 审议 | all forms | in specified order only
"一府两院"对常委会审议意见研究处理情况responses to the Standing Committee's comments from the central government, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme Peopled Procuratorate
书面提出进行审查的建议make a written proposal for review
会议审议deliberation in the current session
关于法律草案审议结果的报告a report on the results of the deliberation of the draft law
由主席团决定交各代表团审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议the Presidium decide whether to refer the bills or proposals to the various delegations or to the delegations and relevant special committees for deliberation
列入常委会会议议程进行审议placed on the Standing Committee's agenda for examination and approval
初步审议preliminary deliberation
初步审议preliminary deliberations
参加起草审议有关法律草案participate in the drafting and deliberation of relevant bills
召开联合审查会议convene a joint meeting for examination
合议庭的审判长presiding judge of the collegial panel
向主席团提出审议意见submit its deliberated opinions to the Presidium
听取审议专项工作报告the hearing and deliberation of work reports on special subjects
听取和审议工作报告listen to and examine work reports
审议deliberate on
审议事项matters to be deliberated
审议全国人民代表大会主席团交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Presidium of the NPC session
审议全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的议案examine proposals delegated by the Standing Committee of the NPC
审议决定make a decision after deliberation
审议决定deliberation and decision
审议决定deliberate and decide
审议即行终止deliberation terminated
审议即行终止deliberation on the bill shall terminate
审议复查通过review and approval
审议工作报告examine a work report
审议意见deliberation opinions
审议意见deliberated opinions
常委会审议意见deliberated opinions
常委会审议意见the Standing Committee's comments on the reports
审议有关议案和报告examine relevant bills and report
审议法律案deliberate on a legislative bill
审议结果报告a report on the results of the deliberations
审议结果的报告deliberation result report
审议草案deliberate a draft
审议议案deliberate over motions
审议议案deliberate a bill
审议通过examined and adopted
审议通过examination and approval
审议通过各项议案deliberate and approve bills
对草案进行了六次审议deliberate the draft on six occasions
对议案的审议意见结果on the results of the examination of bills
对议案进行统一审议undertake a unified deliberation of the mill
将草案提请十届全国人大五次会议审议的决定the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
将议案提请常务委员会全体会议审议refer a bill to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation
形成提请大会审议的法律草案hence the present draft submitted to the Seston for the deliberation
法律草案按计划提请审议bills be submitted for deliberation on schedule
提交审议结果报告submit a report on the results of the deliberations
提交大会审议的预算草案及指标the draft budgets and their targets submitted to the session
提出审议报告prepare a report on the examination
提出审议报告make a report on the deliberations
提请审议、表决submit the drafts for deliberation and put them to the vote
将法律案提请会议审议refer such proposals、a legislative bill to the congress for deliberation
提请会议审议submit to a session for deliberation
提请会议审议refer such proposals to the congress for deliberation
提请会议审议be referred to a session for deliberation
提请会议审议be submitted to a session for deliberation
提请常务委员会会议审议submit the bills to the Standing Committee for deliberation
收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information
有关专门委员会关于代表议案审议结果的报告reports submitted by relevant special committees on the results of their deliberation of deputies's bills
根据常委会组成人员审议意见in accordance with the results of the examination by the Standing Committee
根据常委会组成人员审议意见in accordance with the comments of the Standing Committee
法案的提出、审议和表决程序the procedures for submission, deliberation and voting of bills
研究、审议和拟订examine, discuss and draw up
第一次审议法律案deliberate on a legislative bill for the first time
终止审议the examination and approval process is terminated
经主席团会议审议通过后after examination and approval by the Presidium
法律案经常务委员会三次会议审议a legislative bill has been deliberated on by the Standing Committee at three meetings
经常务委员会会议审议be deliberated on by the Standing Committee at its meeting
统一审议unify deliberation
统一审议undertake a unified deliberation
联合审查会议joint review session
议案的审议deliberation of a bill
进一步审议further deliberation
进一步审议a further examination
进行初次审议include the draft law for preliminary deliberation
对法律案进行统一审议conduct a unified deliberation
对法律案进行统一审议the legislative bill be subject to a unified deliberation (by)
附件 3:贸易政策审议机制Annex 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism