
Terms for subject Electronics containing 审计 | all forms | in specified order only
主任审计lead auditor
价值工程设计审查value engineering design review
作战[工作]计划评审技术系统the operational PERT system
关键设计审查审定critical design review
关键设计审查会议critical design review meeting
合格信息系统审计程序certified information system auditor
商业出版物发行审计公司Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc.
审计总局美国General Accounting Office
审计结果audit finding
审计网络用安全分析工具security analysis tool for auditing networks
审计网络用安全管理工具security administrator tool for auditing networks
审计跟踪audit follow up
审计通知书audit notification
审计audit entry
建设工程项目审评计划construction project evaluation programme
扩充式计划评审技术expanded program evaluation and review technique
标准审查计划standard review plan
环境审计environment audit
系统与计算机评审技术system and computer evaluation and review technique
计划[节目]审定program authorization
计划[设计]审查报告project audit report
计划评审program appraisal and review
计划评审技术planning evaluation and review technique
计划评审技术关联的成本控制PERT associated cost control
计划评审技术关键路径法program evaluation and review technique critical path method
计划评审技术成本分析法program evaluation and review technique cost analysis
计划评审技术时间分析法program evaluation and review technique time analysis
计划评审技术网program evaluation and review technique PERT network
计划评审技术网络自动绘图法program evaluation and review technique network automatic plotting
计算机专业人员资格审批机构Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals
计算机专用模型控制与审定系统computer-oriented model control and appraisal system
计算机控制与审查computer control and auditing
设计审批design examination and approval
设计审査请求request for design investigation
设计特性审查design characteristic review
设计质量审査design quality review
质保体系审计quality system audit
雇员审计employees audit branch
项目审计报告project audit report