
Terms containing 审计工作 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.2006 国务院关于 2006 年审计工作报告the State Council's report corresponding auditing report for
busin.审计工作人员audit staff
busin.审计工作底稿目录table of contents for working papers
fin.审计工作总结报告summary report of auditing
China, law审计工作报告work report on auditing
China, polit.审计工作报告the auditing work report
fin.审计工作材料audit working papers
busin.审计工作清单checklist of auditing procedures
corp.gov.审计工作绩效performance of audit work
busin.审计工作职业准则professional standards in auditing
busin.审计工作audit schedule
fin.审计工作责任制work responsibility of auditing
interntl.trade.审计师致证券包销商工作完成通知书comfort letter
tech.工业生产、机械作业、辅助生产审计audit of industrial production, mechanical work and auxiliary production
China, polit.支持审计机关依法开展审计工作support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law
China, polit.监察、审计监督工作oversight in the form of supervision and auditing
avia.设计审查工作单design review work sheet
tech.财务审计工作financial audit work